Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ahmed Marcouch Islamizes the Netherlands

The Islamization of the Netherlands is well underway.

It’s a gradual process, and the engine of the transformation in the large cities, including Amsterdam, is made up of blocs of Muslim immigrants who vote overwhelmingly for the PvdA (Labour Party) and other socialist parties of the permanent governmental infrastructure. And Muslims do not just make up the electoral base of the socialists: they are also party members, and fill political positions, both elected and appointed.

The Moroccan native Ahmed Marcouch is one such PvdA official. Our Flemish correspondent VH has compiled a report on Comrade Marcouch, using translated Dutch-language material.

First, his prefatory note:

Ahmed Marcouch was born in Morocco in 1969 and for three decades has been on the march through the institutions in the Netherlands with a little help from the PvdA (Labour).

Together with the other dual passport holders Ahmed Aboutaleb (Moroccan, at present Minister of Social Affairs in The Netherlands and appointed Mayor of Rotterdam) and Nebahat Albayrak (Turkish, State Secretary of Justice in The Netherlands, responsible for mass asylum), Marcouch has up until now been presented as the example of the moderate Muslim and successful integration. But recently his mask has slowly been coming off, and he has begun advocating the Islamization for The Netherlands.

The Qaradawi link was already known to a few, but only now surfaces because of his leaked request for subsidy. It is also known to some that for years he has advocated “empowering” Moroccan “problem youths” by talking about Tarik ibn Zijad, instead of famous old Dutch heroes. This Tarik was a Moroccan jihad warrior who took part in the conquest and colonization of Spain. The columnist Anders Wellebeeke wrote about this earlier this year.

A few months ago Marcouch told the press that the Dutch should show more respect for traditional-minded Muslims, and recently that public schools (which do not have a specific curriculum on religion) should introduce lessons on Islam. Nationwide.

Marcouch is Da’wa personified.

And now VH’s translation of an op-ed from Elsevier:

The popularity of Ahmed Marcouch in the Netherlands remains a mystery

The Egyptian hate-monger Yusuf Al-Qaradawi is the spiritual and political leader of Ahmed Marcouch, an Amsterdam district chairman [and member of the PvdA, Labour]. Marcouch remains one of the heroes of PvdA leader Wouter Bos. Why?

By Syp Wynia

Ahmed Marcouch, one of the heroes of PvdA leader and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Wouter Bos, told elsevier.nl that Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the ideologue of the radical Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, is a “respected authority”. He says in a way that he still supports his initiative of four years ago [weeks after the murder of Van Gogh], to invite Al-Qaradawi for a conference in the Netherlands.

That conference was cancelled because the city of Amsterdam turned down the request by Marcouch cum suis, for a subsidy of 150,000 euros. Apparently Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen, unlike Marcouch, was not as convinced that flying in the Egyptian hate-monger would be a meaningful contribution to “reduce the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims.”

A figurehead

Marcouch’s desire to invite the controversial Al-Qaradawi to the Netherlands is not an isolated event. In 2005, shortly before he became the district council chairman of Amsterdam-Slotervaart, Marcouch said in an interview with Samira Abbos (who is now a member of parliament for the PvdA), that when he does not understand something in the Koran, he relies on the interpretations of Al-Qaradawi. Marcouch called him “a icon in Islamic society and a great scientist”.

In all clarity, the spiritual leader of Marcouch is the ideologue of the Islamic Brotherhood, which is just about the mother of all terrorist movements, up until Al-Qaeda.
- - - - - - - - -
The Rotten Europe

Al-Qaradawi is a very dangerous man. He is persona non grata in Britain and the United States. He is a rabid anti-Semite, supports suicide attacks against Israel and believes that the rotten Europe should be rescued by Islam. The only thing in Al-Qaradawi’s favor is that he is sometimes attacked by even more conservative Muslims.

And that’s who is the mentor of Ahmed Marcouch, who is himself the hero of Wouter Bos. The loyalty of Marcouch to al-Qaradawi explains many of the performances of the district council chairman.

Marcouch’s standard line is that he presents himself as the reasonable alternative, as the moderate Muslim whom you had better please, otherwise the angry, radical, criminal, and terrorist Muslims might emerge. Marcouch is opposed to Koran schools, just to make way for Islam to enter public schools as a reasonable alternative.

Breeding ground

Pity those who just happen to be residents of Slotervaart. That city district has 44,000 inhabitants, of which one quarter are classified as Muslim and 7,000 as a Moroccan.

What about the other 37,000 inhabitants of Slotervaart? Do they also feel themselves represented by the Moroccan/Dutch Marcouch? Doe they also think its a great idea that their district is a breeding ground for the introduction of the municipal Islam — in the knowledge that their mayor sees Yusuf Al-Qaradawi as a role model?

And what about PvdA party members and PvdA voters? Are they just as happy with Ahmed Marcouch as Wouter Bos is? Silence reigns, and with that the self-Islamization.

An additional note from VH:

Marcouch today unveils (and complains) that he was refused the job of police spokesman (Public Relations). According to him that was because he is of Moroccan descent (but it might also be because of the Intelligence service).

A translation from “Hoei, boei”:

Four tough expressions from Ahmed Marcouch

1. Marcouch expresses 100% support for Amsterdam Mayor Job Cohen [PvdA, Labour], who doesn’t see it as a problem when some “street-coaches” in Amsterdam-West refuse to shake a woman’s hand out of religious beliefs.
2. Marcouch advocates that female police officers be allowed to wear the headscarf.
3. Marcouch: “In The Netherlands we need a dozen Tariq Ramadan clones.”
4. Marcouch: “In Amsterdam we also see a lot of people complaining, girls with headscarves who say they often meet people who are afraid of Muslims, who are anti-Islam. Well, those are the things the we should commemorate on May 4 [WWII victims remembrance day] especially, and say: that is also the way that [the Holocaust] started.”

And a final translation:

Bridge to a fundamentalist

By Marcel Duyvestein [critical PvdA member]

I close my eyes. I sigh. Again I think: I was a fan. I was a blind fan who thought Marcouch was a bridgehead. Someone who can bring the West and East together. Someone who brings peace. Someone who teaches fundamentalists like Fawaz Djneid [the handshake-refuser] a lesson and clearly has liberal ideas. I loved his pragmatism when it concerned street kids and integration, and I took his love for Islam for granted, the way you swallow a stray snip of onion that was in the herring — even if you don’t like the taste.

I was finished with him earlier. And this fresh news [having wanted to invite his mentor al Qaradawi] only confirms this again. Marcouch is in the deepest sense an evangelist, however. In a way he is the Muslim equivalent of a Jehovah’s Witness. He sticks his foot in the door and keeps it there, until the blessings of his beliefs have been brought into the spotlight.

Recently in November he gave a speech about his religion for an audience of PvdA-ears. He told them that we must embrace orthodox Islam. His persistence is unstoppable.

He should by all means do that, promote Islam. He has the freedom to do so. I would like to guarantee that for him. I only find it hard to understand that he also does that within my party [PvdA]. Even there he stretches his power envelope ever further. In the PvdA there are many heavy believers wandering around. Often I think: what are you looking for here? Our principles are quite different from Sharia. But it is the cultural relativists — the ones who also love the burka — who think they should be given a wide berth in the party. That some Islamic councilors are clearly anti-gay, doesn’t matter. “We are a broad party,” the soft powers then say.


Marcouch is treated like a hero in the PvdA. In the next elections he will be seen together with Lodewijk Asscher [alderman of Finances, Economics, Airport and Harbor, and vice-mayor of Amsterdam for the PvdA] on the election posters. These rumors are becoming stronger by the day.

The PvdA will become the red SGP [Orthodox Christian party]. Religion gets around. The religion of peace.

— A comment underneath the article:

Religious people’s party
07:41 — 20-12-2008
The PvdA will become a religious people’s party. If anyone had told me this some ten years ago, I would’ve declared him totally nuts.


Kim Hartveld said...

Interesting detail: Lodewijk Asscher is the great-grandson of Abraham Asscher, co-chair of the Joodsche Raad (the Dutch 'Judenrat'), which served as the mouthpiece/executor for the Nazis during WW2.

And yes, that commenter is right. The PvdA, commonly known as the Partij van de Allochtonen (Party of the Migrants) is turning into a muslim party at a fast clip. Unfortunately, its working class voter base is still in denial over this.

James Higham said...

In the midst of this, I wish you both a very Merry Christmas.

Karmasura said...

This must be avoided at any cost!! Learn from the example of Muslim League in India and how they chewed up large parts of the country during India's independence in 1947... and still the party continues to exist in India.

If you do want to avoid partition of Netherlands and a subsequent holocaust.. I pray to you.. STOP THIS!!

Anonymous said...

all that the netherlands need is a headstone that reads here lies a free western civilization.

Unknown said...

How is it that dual-citizenship holders hold ministerial-level government posts????
Anyway, Merry Christmas! Issa Akbar!

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