Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Your Papers, Please?

As we have pointed out in previous posts, the asylum industry throughout the West is rife with fraud. And it’s no wonder — if successful, the payoff for poverty-stricken Third-Worlders is so lucrative that there’s a huge incentive for them to get themselves into a Western nation by any means possible.

Western Europe is the favored destination for would-be asylum scammers. The requirements for supporting documentation are not stringent, the definition of the phrase “likely to be persecuted if returned home” is elastic, the benefit of the doubt goes to the applicant, and full welfare benefits are available during the long waiting period between arrival in the host country and a final decision.

Norway is currently experiencing the highest per-capita influx of asylum seekers in Europe, so it’s no wonder that the country is running into documentation problems with all those needy folks on its doorstep.

According to Dagbladet, as translated by The Observer:

Hardly Any of the Asylum Seekers Arriving in Norway Have Passports

95% of asylum seekers arrive without a passport, and as a result of this Norway has no idea which countries to return them to.

There has been a significant increase in the number of asylum seekers arriving in Norway in the last twelve months. And despite loud demands for swift repatriation of the relevant individuals by some politicians, the Norwegian police department responsible for handling these cases is experiencing difficulties.

The difficulties stem from the fact that the majority of the asylum seekers do not possess a passports or travel documents. This makes the identification a very painstaking and time-consuming process.
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And even after a presumed correct identification has been made, it’s not a straightforward process to deport the asylum seeker. The presumed native country of the asylum seeker will first have to agree to the repatriation of the asylum seeker, and that means that the native country will have to issue a passport for the person in question.

“It is a very painstaking process to repatriate an asylum seeker. Not all countries have the ability to verify the authenticity of the alleged identity of the asylum seeker,” says the spokesman for the police department responsible for asylum seekers, Roar Hansen.

A lot of asylum seekers, especially those from Eritrea, try to prevent a positive identification by cutting, grinding or burning their fingertips. This however is useless, as the police will arrest those individuals who resort to using those methods, and keep them in police custody until their scars have healed and their fingerprints can be taken, a process that normally takes three weeks.

Previous posts about Norway's asylum crisis:

2008 Aug 5 Evicted to Make Room for Asylum-Seekers
    7 The Asylum Crisis in Norway
    15 A Lethal Family Reunification
    18 Pleading Insanity
    18 An Invitation to Game the System
    23 Norway: Asylum Capital of the World
    25 Asylum Flood Encounters Popular Resistance
    26 Norwegian Lawyer Charged in Attack on Asylum Center
  Sep 2 The High Cost of Asylum


John Rohan said...

Actually, they are stupid to go to Norway. The EU is much better for asylum seekers. You just go to one country, any country at all - it takes forever to get your case adjudicated, and even if they decide against you, you just go to another EU country under a different name and try again! You can keep doing this for decades until you either marry a local citizen to get residency, or they offer an amnesty.

Fjordman said...

I was told today by my neighbors that their son, who is mentally ill, has to move out of the institution he currently lives in because they need to make room for "asylum seekers" with false papers or no papers at all from Somalia, Kenya, Bangladesh etc.

laine said...

This is not traditional immigration at a manageable pace of people who bring intellectual capital and want to be assimilated into the host society. This is displacement of the host society by colonists who insist on accommodation of their culture as is.

Never before has an invaded people voluntarily paid the upkeep of its invaders. (Some have paid tribute to make invaders leave them alone, e.g. Danegeld, but with largely poor results).

This is a double whammy. Not only does the interloper set about remaking the culture, but the host country's funds are used to accommodate him rather than defend against him.

pasta said...

In 1992, Germany had 438,000 (!) applicants for asylum. Since then, the law was changed in that way, that everybody who arrives in Germany coming from a third country deemed as safe - which includes all countries bordering on Germany - will be immediately sent back to that country. Today the number of applicants is down to less then 20,000.

However, if we really want to halt immigration completely, we need not only to abolish the right to asylum, we need to protect our borders, too. To my experience, Norway doesn't even try: the land borders to Sweden and Finland are totally unprotected. And when I arrived in Norway by air, there was nobody whom I could have shown my passport.

In order to make the borders safe, we need a wall all along the way, complete with wires, mines and border guards with a firing order, as there was between East and West Germany. And boats with refugees coming near the coastline must be sunk.

Joanne said...

Holy crap, no passport - don't allow them in at all. Norway shouldn't need know where to send them back to - just don't let them in. Shouldn't immigration officials be the ones to deal with asylum seekers? Don't the police have enough to do already?

Norway needs to take a hard-line approach. Tell all asylum seekers who come into the country without passports or illegally that they will be put on raft and pushed out to sea......just a thought.

Joanne said...

Gee, I need another cup of coffee to kick start my brain....

"Norway shouldn't need 'to' know where....."


"....that they will be put on 'a' raft......

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