Friday, September 12, 2008

SIOE Holds 9-11 Demo at Lambeth Palace

SIOE Lambeth demonstration Sept. 11, 2008Yesterday SIOE (Stop Islamisation of Europe) commemorated the anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by staging a demonstration in front of Lambeth Palace in London.

Cimmerian was present for the occasion, and sent us a set of photos along with his account of what happened. Click on any of the photos to see larger versions (plus additional images), or go to Aeneas’ Picasa site.

Below is Cimmerian’s report:

Here are some photos from SIOE’s 9/11 demo outside Lambeth Palace, London home of the Archbishop of Canterbury, a short paddle down the Thames from the Houses of Parliament. The palace was chosen to protest the Archbishop’s recent comments in which he claimed that acceptance of Sharia Law in the UK was ‘unavoidable’.

SIOE Lambeth demonstration Sept. 11, 2008While the Archbishop hosted a lavish dinner for religious dignitaries inside the palace, protesters outside loudly chanted ‘No Sharia!’

The protest was organised by Stephen Gash of Stop the Islamisation of Europe (SIOE) and Anders Gravers of Stop the Islamisation of Denmark (SIAD). Those gathered in support included representatives from the Center for Vigilant Freedom and new anti-Islamisation group Nemosini. Christian groups and Iranian exiles were also well represented.
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Protesters applauded speeches made by the organisers and other concerned speakers including Baroness Cox. Especially moving was a speech by an Iranian exile who recalled that when he was a child none of the adults in his family circle believed that the Islamists would ever take control of their country. He warned against similar complacency in the UK.

SIOE Lambeth demonstration Sept. 11, 2008As darkness fell, the protest concluded with a short candlelit vigil and two minutes’ silence in memory of the victims of the 9/11 atrocity seven years ago.

Other sources who were present at Lambeth yesterday say that the Archbishop’s guests were heckled by the demonstrators as they arrived in their limousines for dinner.

1 comment:

Piggy Infidel said...

I was delighted to be able to attend, great moment as one of the Archbishop's pals turned up in his limo to be escorted by the police through the gates into Lambeth Palace, something derrogatory was shouted from the car (not sure what) , there was a slight pause before the whole crowd repeatedly bellowed "NO SHARIA HERE!" as he disappeared from view - hope it ruined his appetite.

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