Monday, September 22, 2008

Reports from Dutch Visitors to Cologne

A reader in the Netherlands kindly translated and sent us these excerpts from a post on a Dutch forum by visitors to Saturday’s Pro-Köln Demonstration Cologne:

NL: Zelf heb ik dus in één van de twee bussen die vanuit Antwerpen (Vlaams Belang) vertrokken naar Keulen plaatsgenomen, om ook deel te nemen aan een demonstratie die later gevolgd zou worden door een congres.
EN: I was in one of the two buses that departed from Antwerp (Vlaams Belang) to Cologne, also taken in order to participate in a demonstration which later would be followed by a congress.
NL: Daar is dus door zeer felle straatgevechten door allerhande LINKS-EXTREMISTISCHE groeperingen (anarchisten, autonomen en meer van dat zeer gewelddadige spul) weinig van gekomen!
EN: Nothing came of it, through street battling by all kinds of LEFT-EXTREMIST groups (anarchists, autonomic-leftwings and more of that very violent stuff).
NL: Naar het schijnt zijn er vele honderden arrestatie verricht, ik hoorde zelfs een aantal van VIJFTIENHONDERD, en zijn er buitengewoon felle straatgevechten geleverd, en is een politiecordon doorbroken.
EN: It seems there are many hundreds of arrests made, I even heard a number of FIFTEEN HUNDRED, and extremely fierce street battles occurred, and a police cordon is broken.
NL: Alles wat er in Nederland van doorgekomen is, is dat een rechts-extreem congres is verboden, en niets over het een stad waar omvangrijke ongeregeldheden plaatsvonden, dus het omvangrijke geweld van linkse-fascisten!! (Een nog onbevestigd bericht luidt dat een politieagent zelfs ontdaan is van zijn dienstpistool!)
EN: All that has come through to the the Netherlands is that a right-extremist Congress is forbidden, and nothing about a city where massive riots took place, Thus the extensive violence by leftist-fascists! (A still unconfirmed message is that a policeman was even stripped of his service pistol!)
- - - - - - - - -
NL: Al ver voor dat we Keulen wilden binnenrijden, kregen we dus in de bus het bericht dat door die ongeregeldheden de politie onze veiligheid niet kon garanderen, en werden we dus richting het Keulse vliegveld gedirigeerd, alwaar we uiteindelijk met vele Vlamingen en een aantal demonstranten van de Duitse Pro-Köln beweging in een metro wilden stappen waar zich dus ook enkele tientallen LINKS-EXTREMISTEN bleken te hebben verschanst, die ineens wild inbeukten op een paar van die Pro-Köln demonstranten onder het schreeuwen van de leuzen ´NAZI´S RAUS´ en meer van dat soort “fraaie” leuzen, al snel greep de Duitse ME in en werden we uit elkaar gehaald, en besloten wij maar weer de metro te verlaten, omdat ook diverse kopstukken van diverse partijen besloten hadden dan maar een persconferentie over o.a. die omvangrijke rellen veroorzaakt door LINKSE-FASCISTEN te houden in de hal van het vliegveld. Diverse (inter)nationale media werden verwittigd dat wij daar op het vliegveld omsingeld door ontzettend veel Duitse ME, die intussen vanuit de vele tientallen politiebussen gestroomd waren.
EN: Long before we wanted to drive to Cologne, we got a message in the bus that because of the left-extremists riots, the police could not guarantee our security, and we were therefore taken towards the Cologne airport, where we ended up with many Flemings and a number of demonstrators from the German Pro-Köln movement on the subway steps which were also where a few dozen LEFT-WING EXTREMISTS were found to have hidden. They began to fight against a couple of those Pro-Köln demonstrators. Screaming under the slogans of “Nazis RAUS” and more of those kinds of “beautiful” slogans, we were quickly seized ny the German State Police and we were separated, but again we decided to leave the subway, because various leaders of various parties had decided on just a press conference, including the fact that massive riots were caused by LEFTIST-FASCISTICS — would be held in the hall of the airport. Several (inter) national media were warned that we are at the airport surrounded by a huge number of German State Police.
NL: Uiteindelijk hebben we dus wel een rustige persconferentie kunnen houden in die hal van dat Keulse vliegveld, waar na die verwittiging veel media op afkwam, veel Duitse en ook Oostenrijkse media, maar is de vrijheid van meningsuiting en vergadering (manifestatie / demonstratie en congres) door toedoen van die LINKS-EXTREMISTEN heel veel geweld aangedaan….
EN: So we finally have a quiet press conference hall at the Cologne airport, the press was also there, many German and Austrian media, but the freedom of expression and assembly (manifestation / demonstration and Congress) was damaged becauseof LEFT-WING EXTREMISTS who used a lot of violence.
NL: En is maar weer eens gebleken dat Europa, in ieder geval Duitsland allang geen democratie meer is…
EN: And it is once again demonstrated that Europe, at least Germany is just not a democracy anymore…
NL: Ik ben benieuwd hoe onze Nederlandse dagbladen daar a.s. maandag verslag van doen, als ze er al verslag over doen!!!
EN: I’m curious to see how our Dutch newspapers report about Cologne next Monday, if they really do report on it!!!
NL: De diverse (Linkse c.q. pro-islamitische) redacteuren zullen er in ieder geval naar mijn stellige overtuiging zorg voor dragen dat die linksen (het begrip LINKS-EXTREMISTEN zul je bijna nergens terugvinden, terwijl geen enkele andere kwalificatie meer treffend, helder en terecht is als deze!!) als winnaars en de “goeden” ge-etaleerd worden, en wij als “EXTREEM”-rechtse “neo-nazi´s” als de verliezers en de “slechterikken!”.
EN: The various leftist and pro-Islamic editors will in any case it is my firm belief ensure that those leftists are depicted as winners and the “good guys” are put down, and we as EXTREME right-wing neo-Nazis “as the losers and the “bad guys”. (the concept of LEFT-WING EXTREMISTS you’ll find almost nowhere, and no other qualifier more effective, transparent and justified as this!)


Anonymous said...

Absolutely spot on.

I checked the dutch papers on the internet today and only 1 mentioned this whole affair.

Also spot on was the assesment that there would be no mention of leftwing extremists, allthough i must admit there was 1 reference to leftwing radical.

But for the most part they were mentioned as demonstrators, anti-fascists and so on.

On the other hand ofcourse, the anti-islamists are mentioned as "eurofascist", "right-extremist", and "neo-nazi's".

Furthermore, the mayor is quoted saying this anti-demonstration demonstration is a victory for democracy. But didnt some muslim countries demand the anti-islamistst demonstration needed to be banned?? And ofcouse the leftwing mayor obliged. How is that for democracy!

All in all the covering of this story is pretty horific.

Western Initiatives said...

What this goes to show, of course, is that the real enemy is not Islam or Muslims themselves (though certainly Muslim extremists exist), but the Left-wing extremists who hold power in Europe and North America and who defend and arm the Muslim militants. There is a civil war brewing in Europe, as recent events clearly demonstrate. If we are to take back our civilisation and defend our children, we must confront the Left-wing politicians, EU bureaucrats, and their imported third world foot-soldiers first.

Proud Infidel said...

Western Initiatives is spot on when he says the Leftist extremists are our enemies as much as the Islamists. Sadly, with leftists in control of European goverment and media, the prospect for change through the ballot box looks dim. And many of the so called "right" in Europe aren't really so. The French President has been a huge disapointment while the italian right, after winning goes along and ratifies the Lisbon Treaty with all it's inmigration problems.

Sadly, it may take a civil war in Europe to change things and stop the slide. But even then I question if enough people will be willing to rise up given the success of the unholy goverment-media alliance in convincing many Europeans that standing up for their culture and freedoms and opposing the Islamization of Europe is racist. Hopefully this official picture is a false one.

Joanne said...

So the left and the right battle it out, and the members of Islam take the spoils. Bloody lovely!

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