Tuesday, September 09, 2008

An Indian Summer in Holland

The Netherlands is a study in contrasts these days. I’ve been posting repeatedly about various acts of official Dutch dhimmitude, but now comes a report that the government has banned the burka in schools.

Our expatriate Dutch correspondent H. Numan has translated an article from yesterday’s De Telegraaf, and follows it with his commentary:

Burka ban for most schools

BurkasThe Hague — In all primary and secondary schools a burka ban will be implemented. Not only are teachers and pupils no longer allowed to wear the burka, but also parents and even cleaning staff. The ban does not only apply to schools but also to the school grounds. Minister Plasterk [Education] announced this to Parliament.

According to Plasterk, children must learn that looking in one another’s eyes is very important for a good education, reports the NOS [state television].

“When you send your kids to school, they must meet in an environment where you can see each other’s eyes. That goes for all persons who visit or work in school, even suppliers” said Plasterk to the NOS.

The ban does not apply to higher education, as there are no compulsory students there. According to the minister adults must decide for themselves how to respond to teachers wearing a burka.

The plan is to submit a law halfway through next year to Parliament. This was announced by the ministry of education.

And now for H. Numan’s commentary:
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This item broke the headlines today in the papers. Seems like the times really are changing: less than six months ago, minister Vogelaar firmly rejected any debate about burkas. Now, after a short meeting with her colleague Plasterk, she suddenly changed what passes for her mind.

Things are heating up in Holland: the PvdA breaks all time records again and again. Last week they broke the all time low at 15 seats, now they are polled at 12 seats in Parliament. That is about a third of what they currently occupy (33 seats). One has to create the impression one is doing something in order not to hit negative figures, what?

I reported about Wynand Duivendak. His confession didn’t appease anyone. Most people find it abhorrent that a terrorist sat in parliament. The left wing finds it abhorrent that Duivendak made his confession. Nothing to be ashamed of, according to them.

Minster Cramer survived something similar: she underwrote in a creative way a publication supporting the burglaries committed by the above Duivendak, among others. She had an accounting firm investigate the matter ‘independently’. The bill was just €300,000, to be paid by the taxpayers. It took the accountants (Ernst & Young) less than a day to file their report exempting the minister from guilt. I wish I could present such a bill for a few phone calls!

But Minister Cramer isn’t quote out of danger yet. She likes to play Santa Claus for usually extreme left wing environmental groups, which is something that doesn’t sit well with the electorate. But it is not likely she will resign over that.

Another issue is in the limelight: a new lawyer, Mr. Mohammed Enait, first appeared in the news when he applied for a personnel management job with the city of Rotterdam. He did so in traditional Muslim dress, wearing a skirt and a little cap. He announced he cannot shake hands with women — and was thereby rejected for the job. Of course Mr. Mohammed went to court about this blatant case of discrimination. And lost. Which he blamed on a ‘white yokel judge’, ‘Dutch racism’, and more.

An interesting fact discovered by GeenStijl was that the secretaries in his law office have unusual after-hours jobs. One works the streets, another is a photo model. For magazines that show (much) less than underwear. Another nice juicy item found by GeenStijl: Mr. Mohammed Enait blatantly copied the text of a fellow law office in Amsterdam as his own on his website. And added severe copyright notices on it.

After this cooled down a bit he craved attention, so he found something new: he refused to rise when the court opens. Because, according to him, people are equal. The judge doesn’t rise for him, so he doesn’t rise for a judge. Unlike in the USA, the law cannot not order him to show his respect for the court. But it is possible for the court to forbid him entrance due to rude behavior or to remove him from the bar.

It seems this is likely to happen. I think we’re going to hear a lot about this Muslim Brotherhood member (he is a member) in times to come.


Anonymous said...

This is hopeful. May it continue.

Anonymous said...

This is great news. Finally somebody's standing up to those idiots.

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