Monday, July 21, 2008

An Anti-Sharia Immigrant Runs for Congress

A reader from the Volunteer State has sent us a request to publicize the person she plans to vote for.

Before I give you what she has to say, let me point out that this man has actually worked for a living. He is not an attorney and he has not lived off the government. These things are rarities in politics in the US. For these virtues alone, he’d be a breath of fresh air in Washington.

Oh...and he doesn’t seem to have been a community organizer, either.

Our reader says:

It is fitting that Mr. Kumar, an immigrant from India, should be one of the only American politicians to take a stand against Sharia, Islamic Terrorism, and the moral relativism and confusion of the loud left in our country. As one of the few rational voices on the national stage running for national office Mr. Kumar should have a fair hearing before the American people and at least the people of this Congressional District. Up to this point, he has not be given such a hearing.

Here’s his biography from the website:

Vijay was born in 1954 in Hyderabad, India, to a conservative middle class family. He studied classics, political science, and philosophy in India. In 1979, Vijay emigrated to the United States because he felt uplifted by the values and possibilities inherent in the American way of life.

In 1983, Vijay married Robin Minix, a native of Bowling Green, Kentucky. In keeping with his conservative family values, Vijay and Robin have been married for twenty-five years.

The Kumar family attends Bellevue Community Church in Nashville, Tennessee.

Robin has worked for Vanderbilt University for more than twenty years, and currently is a program coordinator for the medical center. They have one son, age 17.

Vijay is a staunch supporter of the father being an integral and ongoing presence in the family. He fervently believes that absentee fathers create future generations of absentee fathers.

From 1977 to 1979, Vijay lived in Iran, working in human resources for a European construction company. He witnessed firsthand the radical transformation of Iran from a modern nation to a repressed, fundamentalist state.

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For twenty years, Vijay was employed in the insurance industry in administration and sales and marketing. For nearly three years he ran his own insurance business. Since 2005, he has been employed as a sales representative for a leading telecommunications company.

While raising and providing for his family, Vijay has been active in politics, volunteering in key positions in several successful political campaigns. His interests include political philosophy, Middle East and Indian sub-continent politics and, first and foremost, American politics. When he’s not being an active and invested dad, husband, and wage earner, Vijay enjoys traveling and nature.

From the first day Vijay set foot on American soil, he knew that he must have been born with an American soul.

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Here is an excerpt from an interview with Jamie Glazov at Front Page magazine:


Kumar…Right now, our country is dealing with issues - issues like illegal immigration, healthcare reform, the War on Terror - that will shape our politics for the rest of this century. Like many Americans, I’ve grown to feel that the politicians of this country are simply not accomplishing anything on these fronts. As low as the President’s approval rating has gotten, the approval rating for Congress is even lower. So, as a concerned and informed citizen, I’ve decided to run for Congress and help put things on the right track. That’s what living in a democracy is all about.

FP:What has made you make an anti-Sharia platform the central tenet of your campaign?

Kumar:The main focus of my campaign is the War on Terror. What so many politicians do not seem to realize is that our struggle is against more than just “terror.” Terrorism is simply a method, not an end itself. Terrorism is just one tactic being used by Islamic extremists in their effort to force their way of life on the rest of the world. Ultimately, then, this is a struggle over whether the nations of this world will be ruled under Sharia law or not. As Omar Ahmad, founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.”

FP:What are your thoughts about CAIR?

Kumar:CAIR is a direct manifestation of Mohammed’s Sunna and jihad. CAIR is actually just one part of Islam’s strategy to annihilate the Western culture. It is far more dangerous than any Mohammed Atta or any other jihadists.

Lies and deceit are CAIR’s stock-in-trade. They claim to be akin to a “Muslim NAACP,” but everyone from the Department of Homeland Security, to FBI counterterrorism chiefs, to moderate American Muslims recognizes the extreme rhetoric that CAIR endorses. At least five of CAIR’s board members and employees have been linked to terrorism-related activities. They are fifth columnists, preying upon our values of tolerance and multiculturalism.

But CAIR is just one of an untold number of Islamic organizations in our government and university centers. People forget that Mohammed’s last words were to keep giving the money to kafir ambassadors and that is what Islam is doing in Washington, DC. Capitol Hill is awash in Saudi money and our dhimmi political types cannot get enough of it…

A further note: Mr. Kumar is endorsed by Muslims Against Sharia. He must be doing something right.


christian soldier said...

I'll add Kumar to my list of honorable people I will support:
$$$$$ help them all...

Anonymous said...

I really like this guy. If only we had more politicians like him. It's too bad he can't run for President.

Dymphna said...

Natalie --

If you like Mr. Kumar, you'll love
Governor Jindal.

He's smarter than both of us put together, and he's incredibly accomplished for his age.

As you read this wiki on him, do the math on his age when he was running large, complex organizations.

It is a tribute to his sterling qualities that Louisiana was persuaded to vote for him. I guess they could see what they were getting:

Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (born June 10 1971) is a Republican politician and the current governor of the U.S. state of Louisiana. Before his election as governor, he was a member of the United States House of Representatives from Louisiana's 1st congressional district, to which he was elected in 2004 to succeed current U.S. Senator David Vitter. Jindal was re-elected to Congress in the 2006 election with 88 percent of the vote. Jindal was the second Indian-American to serve in Congress.

On October 20, 2007, Jindal was elected governor of Louisiana, winning a four-way race with 54% of the vote. At age 36, Jindal became the youngest current governor in the United States. He also became the first non-white to serve as governor of Louisiana since Reconstruction, the first elected Indian American governor in U.S. history, as well as the second Asian American governor to serve in the continental United States after Gary Locke of Washington.

...He attended public school at Baton Rouge Magnet High School and graduated when he was 16. In 1992, he graduated from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, with honors in biology and public policy. Afterwards, he received a master's degree in political science from New College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar.

After Oxford, he joined McKinsey & Company, a consulting firm, where he advised Fortune 500 companies. Most notable was his work for Indian tycoon Lakshmi Mittal of Arcelor Mittal.

In 1997 Jindal married Supriya Jolly (born 1972). The couple has three children: Selia Elizabeth, Shaan Robert, and Slade Ryan. On August 15, 2006, Bobby Jindal assisted in delivering his third child when his wife awoke from sleep in labor.

In 1995 Republican U.S. Representative Jim McCrery (for whom Jindal had once worked as a summer intern) introduced Jindal to Republican Governor Mike Foster. In 1996 Foster appointed Jindal to be secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, an agency which then represented about 40 percent of the state budget. During his tenure as secretary, Louisiana's Medicaid program went from bankruptcy with a $400 million deficit into three years of surpluses totaling $220 million. Jindal was criticized during the 2007 campaign by the Louisiana AFL-CIO for having closed some local clinics to balance the budget.

In 1998 Jindal was appointed executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare, a 17-member panel charged with devising plans to reform Medicare.

In 1999, at the request of the Louisiana Governor's Office and the Louisiana State Legislature, Jindal volunteered his time to study how Louisiana might use its $4.4 billion tobacco settlement. In that same year Jindal was appointed to become the youngest-ever president of the University of Louisiana System.

In March 2001 he was nominated by President George W. Bush to be Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Planning and Evaluation. He was later unanimously confirmed by a bipartisan vote of the United States Senate and began serving on July 9, 2001. In that position, he served as the principal policy advisor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. He resigned from that post on February 21, 2003to return to Louisiana and run for governor.

The man is a gem and a genius. Maybe McCain will pick him for his running mate.

no2liberals said...

I've been a fan of Gov. Jindal for years. I have a number of relatives in Louisiana, and they keep me informed on what is going on there.
I think Gov. Jindal needs to stay right where he is, until 2012. His state needs his leadership right now, after so many years of corrupt machine politics, and it will give him more time for the rest of the nation to get to know him.
He was asked by a reporter, a few weeks ago, (in response to something the Obamasiah said about his color) what color he was, and Gov. Jindal said he was "red, white, and blue." Notice how the left concerns itself with a man's skin color, and never behavior.

Proud Infidel said...

I read the interview with Mr. Kumar last week and there's a lot to like about the guy. Clearly, he gets it in regards to Islam. Unfortunately I don't live in the Nashville area so I can't vote for him but he's the kind of person the US needs in Congress. I sent him an e-mail expressing my support and best wishes for his candidacy.

spackle said...

I had no Idea there were so many from India in the south? I shouldnt be surprised however. Once I needed a motel room when I was in the middle of nowhere in AZ. When I walked in the owner was wearing a sari. I dont know about the rest of the country but in the northeast Indians are supplanting Jews in the medical field and are often sought out after. It takes some getting used to but good for them I say. As long as you are peaceful, hard working and do not seek victim status, more power to you.

FluffResponse said...

is there the slightest possibility that Vijay Kumar can win in November?

i assume that the current, democratic rep will remain. is good to have another jihad-conscious spokesperson, and that is, for now, the great benefit of this candidacy.

laine said...

The depradations of Muslims spreading sharia are perhaps best known by people of East Indian extraction. Look what happened to them. They got rid of many of the Muslim troublemakers who crossed over into Pakistan that was created for them and that they have predictably run into the ground. However, too many Muslims were allowed to stay in India where they have been a chancre in its side ever since.

Besides understanding the inhumanity of sharia, Mr. Kumar is allowed to criticise it in a way that anyone with a white skin cannot without being called a "racist". He would be worth his weight in gold in Congress, a "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" for the 21st century".

Armance said...

Mr. Kumar is allowed to criticise it in a way that anyone with a white skin cannot without being called a "racist".

This is the sad fact: that only the members of certain minorities are allowed to criticize the customs of other minorities in the West. I am glad every time I hear that somebody in an important position knows and tells the truth about Islam, immigration, etc., but I am waiting for the day when people belonging to the majority of native population will have the freedom to speak their minds as well without the fear to be labeled "racists".

Anonymous said...

Dymphna, I'm definitely liking Governor Jindal too. I wish he could run for president--perhaps he will in the next election.

Jindal and Kumar are some of the best politicians in this country, yet they virtually never get mentioned by the media. It's ridiculous and stupid. But totally in line with what the mainstream media usually does.

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