Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Radical Islam Over Runs London Streets

One of our commenters asked if GoV would put up this video.
He is very concerned with the erosion of the rule of law in London as is evidenced by the incidents captured here.

At the beginning, a Muslim man using a microphone in a moving vehicle is on such a tirade that it’s hard to understand what he’s saying. He goes on so long and loud that I began to think this was going to be the point of the piece.

But watch all the way to the end. Observe the disturbing helplessness of the police. It is difficult not to be embarrassed for them, as they seem to have no cohesion and no ability to deal with mob behavior.

I am troubled by the extremes of reaction by the UK Police. On the one hand, the “community police” harass and even incarcerate the indigenous Brits for allegedly dropping an apple core on the sidewalk. On the other hand, they are seemingly helpless in the face of an aggressive crowd of immigrants who have only contempt for their authority.

This is worse than corruption. It is collapse. Corruption can be reformed, but where do you send the purported keepers of the peace for courage and judgment?

[Post end here]


Jubal said...

I can certainly see a lack of action. What I also see is an unnerving politeness on the part of the English police.
I am not English, but a great Englishman (Kipling) wrote "et dona ferentes" about what happens when the English become polite. Perhaps he knew something that we are about to learn.

Whiskey said...

What you end up with of course is vigilante action. New York started down that path with Bernie Goetz, then rethought and elected Rudy.

It will take vigilante action, and a revolt by the average man and woman to make things happen. I think it will, eventually, disrespect and disrepute of the law and police have consequences. Among them, people look to themselves.

I would imagine a whole gaggle of criminal gangs oriented around protecting natives from immigrants. Ugly but that's what PC gets you

christian soldier said...

I see no side arms or holsters on the British police.
Are they still not allowed to carry?

Simon de Montfort said...

Some British police officers are armed, Christian soldier, but most of the 'armed police' are required to conceal their weapons except at airports, train stations, etc., and at certain events.

Ulster plods are much more Open & Overt, and although no one will admit it this 95 % Protestant organisation is probably 95 % armed

As for the video, who among you is surprised. Even the trolls here know this event is Not Uncommon

Maybe a few dozen new Tory mayors and council members will make a difference; maybe not

Frans Groenendijk said...

No link to a video is visible: just some empty space.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The police seem overweight. Even in decadent California, many police look ex-military and are in great shape. I got a kick out of that loathsome gum-chewing freak at the beginning.

X said...

The police in this country have never been armed and that was a conscious decision by Lord Peel when he created the metropolitan police force, no doubt reasoning that an armed police force would be no better than the old, corrupt system of watchmen it was designed to replace. When they needed a gun they simply borrowed one off a concerned citizen. Unfortunately, we banned guns...

CarnackiUK said...

At one point the bearded ranter includes Michael Howard in his list of hated politicians. Howard, who is Jewish, is a former leader of the Tory Party and has been out of the picture for some time. This makes me think the video is at least three or four years old and probably references the group led by the now imprisoned Abu 'Hooky' Hamza. One can only hope the Londomn police have developed better tactics since then.

X said...

Right, I've watched it through now. It's obvious that these police were sent out to what they thought would just be a minor disturbance, a bloke making noise and causing a breach of the peace. They probably didn't expect to be confronted and surrounded by a baying mob. The way they're reacting is entirely sensible in that situation; get out as fat as possible. Even four policemen with guns against that many would do the same. They no doubt assumed they could talk this guy down from his rant. If he wasn't a muslim they probably would have done.

Now the PCSO thing: Police Community Support Officers aren't real police. They're more like wardens, only having limited powers to harass people without actually being able to arrest them. They were introduced in order to give the impression of a regular police presence on the streets whilst the actual police force was re-arranged into a paramilitary remote response force, because that sort of police force gets significant subsidies from the EU.

See, institutionally our police are still in this halfway house state, with the general belief that they're out there to enforce the law and keep the peace. The police mentality is still attuned to the 1960s, when guns were still mostly legal and most people just didn't go for the whole mob violence thing. They're not mentally prepared for the situations the find themselves in and, frankly, the "cultural awareness" training they have to endure doesn't help the situation very much. You can see the assumption of the first officer that this ranting maniac would be nice and British and give him the benefit of a moment to sort things out. The man is obviously blinded by this belief that all cultures are the same and now it's just kicked him square in the nads. You can bet he'll not have such a high opinion of these people in future.

heroyalwhyness said...

The ranter is Abu Izadeen, aka Omar Brooks.

'Muslim preacher' Abu Izadeen will spend no more that four and a half years in jail after being
convicted of supporting terrorism in London last month (April 2008). That jury, however, failed to reach a verdict on charges against him for encouraging terrorism.

Conservative Swede said...


I am troubled by the extremes of reaction by the UK Police. On the one hand, the “community police” harass and even incarcerate the indigenous Brits for allegedly dropping an apple core on the sidewalk. On the other hand, they are seemingly helpless in the face of an aggressive crowd of immigrants who have only contempt for their authority.

Yes, and this article provides the other side of the coin:
Why have our police lost their common sense?

Read it!

Homophobic Horse said...

"One of my favourite stories concerns a student in my home town of Oxford who was thrown in jail after asking a mounted policeman: "Do you know that your horse is gay".

He then added: "I hope you are comfortable riding a gay horse." A police spokesman later said that his remarks had been "offensive to the police and his horse"."

That's why I'm Homophobic Horse.

heroyalwhyness said...

Was the video pulled? Is there another source?

Videos like this need to go viral with links that demonstrate that this is not an isolated event limited to the UK. France has documented 751 no-go zones.

Another example would be to examine events in ME . . .Lebanon is a current example of a Christian country being sacked by Islam.

heroyalwhyness said...

Video is active again. Original link at youtube

Afonso Henriques said...

Well, isn't multiculturalism wonderfull?

"As for the video, who among you is surprised. Even the trolls here know this event is Not Uncommon"


spackle said...

Wow. If one watched that with the audio off (until the cop comes into frame) you would think it was Pakistan. Did you notice the three guys just chilling out on the bench? That could very well happen in L.A. with a bunch from "La Raza" cornering some cops. The reaction (at this point) would have been pretty swift however.

Thats pretty damm funny. I always wondered how you got your moniker. A worthy tribute to your friend.

spackle said...

Sorry. Not your freind. But a fellow Oxford man. You know what I mean.

Anonymous said...


This video first did the rounds three years ago (not sure why it's resurfaced now) so let me fill you in with it's entirety:

The Islamic preacher of hate - Is none other than "Clever Trevor Brooks" - a former electrician of Jamaican origin, who now goes by the name of "Abu Izzadeen" - and was jailed for four and a half years in April this year for both inciting racial hatred and "terrorist" fund raising.

This video was made in the Tower Hamlets area of London on April the 30th 2005 - One day before the last British general election - and the reason of "Trevor's displeasure" is because of Tony Blair's Iraqi war.

If you listen to his words of "bile", you will hear him attack - Tony Blair - Michael Howard (Tory leader at the time) - And the odious George Galloway (Respect Party candidate) - who won the seat in the area featured in this video.

One final point.

If you notice in the video - other than the ineffective "long arm of the law" - This area is an Islamic enclave - and Trevor - for all his bluster - never dared preach outside the boundaries of his own "Islamic Community".
Look closely and you will see that he "employed" an entourage of bodyguards to protect his own "safety" at every given moment of the day....

Not from Nu Liebour - or the police - or M.I.5. - or the B.N.P. - or the man in the streets of London....

But by England football thugs who had - and still have, as far as I'm aware - an "English Fatwa" on his very breakable neck...

Sam Roony said...

Maybe a small point, but the timing of this video is circa April/May 2005 (last UK general election). The tube bombing happened two months after this.

Has police behaviour changed in the three years since this clip? Would like to believe it, but....

PapaBear said...

One thing you have to understand about the average police officer: he is a civil service employee who just happens to wear a uniform. His primary objective is to do the minimum necessary to get an acceptable job evaluation, and ultimately collect his pension. Government employees do not like controversies that might jeopardize their jobs or pensions, so they try to avoid situations with strong political ramifications.

Where you are judged by how many arrests you make, you try to go for the safest arrests you can. You ticket middle-class and working-class people for littering, and try to avoid going after heavily armed thugs if you can avoid it, unless you can go in with far more heavily-armed friends while the thugs are sleeping.

I don't think the average Brit policeman has an interest in being blamed for being the cause of an intifada. Especially against a highly organized enemy that may discover where your family lives

PapaBear said...

Graham Dawson:The police in this country have never been armed and that was a conscious decision by Lord Peel when he created the metropolitan police force

The New York City police were not armed at their inception either. I think, at its root, that the decision was class-based. The police were recruited mainly from the working-class, and tended to pay the most attention to keeping middle-class and upper-class neighborhoods safe. The upper classes don't like the idea of an armed lower-class man throwing his weight around in their neighborhoods. A man with a whistle and a polite attitude is a servant. An armed man is a master

christian soldier said...

papabear:"An armed man is a master".

Thus: Ammendment II
The Founders knew that freedom rests with each citizen's right to bear arms.

Joanne said...

Here is a blog of a police officer in England. It will give you an idea what the police have to put up with in England, and how they are as sickened by the lack of logic and common sense in policing these days. For example - a hate crime complaint would take precedent over a crime where an elderly person is attacked in their home - if memory serves me correctly.

From what I've been told, police officers are unarmed, but they are able to call on those who are armed, and apparently, those are armed to the teeth.

Dymphna said...

Reverse Psychology---

Thanks for the thorough fill-in re: the context of the video. Even though it's from several years ago, it's still pertinent,

Lionheart, who was born in Luton and lived there all his life, was chased out by the Pakistanis...oops, I mean "Asians" who had taken over his neighborhood and when he complained they trashed his flat and his business and threatened to kill him. He ended up sleeping in his car.

When he complained about them on his blog, the Pakistani drug lords made a formal complaint about his "racist" writing.

Ironically, when he returned to the UK to face the Racism Police, a benefactor gave him temporary refuge in Tower Hamlets. He found it better there than his old neighborhood.

Listening to the taped conversation between him and the police, I wasn't real impressed with their part of it. They thought he was in Scotland (??) and seemed very bored by the whole thing. Just kept telling him to come in and that they'd talk to his lawyer, not him.

BTW, people who are helping him in this think he's going to win against the charges. I hope so, because the alternative is time in gaol with some Asians who wish him bodily harm.

On other thing:

the new "community police" that the government were so enthusiastic about several months ago...

...are these the people who now go 'round arresting young and old indigenous Brits for littering? Remember the old man who was held in jail overnight and had his DNA taken for supposedly tossing an apple core? And the young woman whose child dropped a piece of sausage bun (which the pigeons promptly ate)? They imposed some ridiculous punitive fine on her for this purported "crime"...

It all seems so perversely designed to make the indigenes rise up even sooner than Paul Weston predicts...

Even George Orwell couldn't make up this ummm...fecal matter.

Armance said...

The only rational response a responsible policeman should have in that situation is "Let's get medieval on their asses!"

Piggy Infidel said...

Quick transciption of Izzadeen's rant while in the van, just in case any non-native speakers have trouble with his delightful accent

"Voting in the upcoming elections is an act of kuffar .... anybody who supports the kafir, be they Labour, Lib-Dem, Conservative, Respect, he becomes a kafir like them ....( ...arabic ...) ....whoever allies with the disbelievers, he is a kafir .... remember George Bush, Tony Blair and all those political parties, they are at war with Islam and Muslims, so fear Allah, and do not vote for any kafir, let Tony Blair go to hell, let Michael Howard [former leader of Conservative party] go to hell, Kennedy [former leader of Lib-Dem party] go to hell, George Galloway go to hell .... for them is the (arabic) hell-fire ....Muslim votes for noboby, Muslim only ..(arabic) ... we have our own shariah, we have our own (arabic) ... we have our own way of life .... we do follow anybody apart from the messenger Mohammed ...

(enter nice friendly bobby)

Most telling bit of the ensuing shameful retreat by the police is the repeated screams of "How dare you raise your hand to a Muslim !"

All of us know, at least all of us here in the UK know, that if this had been, say, a BNP demo, then the batons and the CS spray would have been out immediately, no questions asked.

Personally I enjoyed watching this video - if we need to be shamed, ridiculed and degraded with our own cowardice in the face of this blindingly obvious danger then so be it, if that's what it will take before we will react, then so be it, because at the moment we are losing our country to these vermin.

Zenster said...

Archonix: frankly, the "cultural awareness" training they have to endure doesn't help the situation very much.

What police behavior I saw in the video looked very much to be the DIRECT result of “ ‘cultural awareness’ training”. Most of those cops probably have spent so much time arresting the ordinary Smith and Jones for “inciting religious hatred” that they themselves are now petrified of committing the exact same crime by intervening with this barking mad Muslim terrorist fanatic.

We can thank Ken Livingstone and George Galloway for how they’ve put in place all the Muslim appeasing balderdash. They have bleached out all backbone from “the thin blue line” until it now shows the white feather instead.

Reversepsycology: "Abu Izzadeen" … was jailed for four and a half years in April this year for both inciting racial hatred and "terrorist" fund raising.

Which beggars the question of how those officers involved did not have the necessary conviction, fortitude, ostiones, or what-have-you, to summon up a riot squad and haul in this braying monster loon for incitement to riot.

But by England football thugs who had - and still have, as far as I'm aware - an "English Fatwa" on his very breakable neck...

Sniff … I knew that at some point those soccer hooligans would finally come in handy. All they needed was an appropriate outlet for their pent up hostility and I could hardly think of a better one. From all appearances, Britain direly needs several dozen more of these English fatwan.

Dymphna: people who are helping him [Lionheart] in this think he's going to win against the charges.

Thank you so much for that brief update on Paul’s situation. It’s good to hear that his chances are now much improved.

It all seems so perversely designed to make the indigenes rise up even sooner

This is the road-not-yet-taken that will lead to one of El Inglés’s “discontinuities”.

the doctor said...

Several commenters asked if police tactics had changed , well yes they have , the police now leave these people alone and harass motorists and young kids . They will not give the police any trouble and will not pose a danger to them . To be a member of the "religion of peace" is a free pass to behave as scum knowing that the police will not bother them .
Welcome to Britain in 2008 .

Conservative Swede said...

"Voting in the upcoming elections is an act of kuffar .... anybody who supports the kafir, be they Labour, Lib-Dem, Conservative, Respect, he becomes a kafir like them ....( ...arabic ...) ....whoever allies with the disbelievers, he is a kafir .... remember George Bush, Tony Blair and all those political parties..."

Interesting. We have recently learned that they are all socialist (an "analysis" in another thread). Now we learn that they are all kafir. There are certainly a lot of interesting theories going on out there.

Conservative Swede said...


Excellent analysis!

Steven Luotto said...

Dear Reversepschology,

Burly-lad English Football hooligan Fatwas!

That's unfortunate for civilized society, but with these Dizzy-deen characters freely terrorizing the populace, absolutely necessary.

Good ole mob violence! If there was one group of people I've always hated with a passion, it was British soccer (football) hooligans, but as Zenster suggests, maybe they're not so bad after all. Underneath all the thick layers of sin and anti-social behavior they might just have a very pristine sense of decency (like the way prison convicts treat child molesters)!

In a very similar and admittedly dark spirit, those most un-English people, the Neapolitans of the industrial periphery of Ponticelli, have just issued their own Fatwa... against the Gypsies, when, after a huge (and in its own right intolerable) recent crime surge, a 16 year old Gypsy girl was caught red-handed trying to steal an Italian baby...

The last straw. The locals went berserk... meaning in these troubled times, that they madly demanded sanity!

Now the 5 Gypsy camps surrounding Ponticelli are ablaze... to make sure the nomads, who were quickly evicted, (for their own safety) don't come back. Leading the stone-throwing, molotov-mobs were angry mothers!

Not good, despicable, unfortunate... The Romanian ambassador is upset, the church leaders are praying, the commies are screaming for justice and like El Ingles, (but from another, more permissible perspective), reminding everyone about the Nazis...

...and the northern Leghisti are happy but nevertheless grumbling, because the Neapolitans of Ponticelli could proudly get away with it, whereas if such a thing had been done up North... etc. etc.

Maybe to get some popular justice, the people of the North, like the Swedes, Dutch and Norwegians should somehow pretend to be more "indigenous." To convince their governing elites maybe they should paste on fake moustaches.

Conservative Swede said...

The last straw. The locals went berserk... meaning in these troubled times, that they madly demanded sanity!

The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason. -- Chesterton

Surely there's something different about Italy. At least they haven't lost their reason. I'm practicing Italian phrases: Gradisco le donne italiane.

Piggy Infidel said...


First I have heard of Footie Hooligan fatwa's. Are you sure you didn't dream this? Because I wouldn't want our American friends, or anyone else for that matter, to be fooled into thinking that the situation isn't all that bad, and we are just waiting for it to get a teeny bit worse before we sic those trusty men of steel, the footie fans, onto the nasty Muslims. Are they waiting in the wings, keeping their powder dry? Maybe they'll team up with those other British stalwarts, Those Blokes I Know Down The Pub.

Please do not mislead people by hinting that we are going to be saved by a bunch of totally irrelevant, ineffectual, powerless rabble.

Conservative Swede said...

Now the 5 Gypsy camps surrounding Ponticelli are ablaze...

This is a human tragedy and utterly painful to read about. All the responsible ones should be thrown in jail for their crimes. That means hundreds of politicians, journalists, university lectors etc. That's the only way to restore justice and heal the wounds. Let these reckless and cynical saboteurs serve time proportional to the destruction they caused.

Let's just recapitulate the reasons why a civilized society puts, and must put, such people in jail:

* Deterrence - Individual deterrence is aimed toward the specific offender. The aim is to impose a sufficient penalty to discourage the offender from criminal behavior. General deterrence aims at society at large. By imposing a penalty on those who commit offenses, other individuals are discouraged from committing those offenses.
* Incapacitation - Designed simply to keep criminals away from society so that the public is protected from their misconduct. This is often achieved through prison sentences today.
* Rehabilitation - Aims at transforming an offender into a valuable member of society. Its primary goal is to prevent further offending by convincing the offender that her conduct was wrong.

I'm not saying that these members of the chattering classes are inherently bad people that cannot be transformed into valuable members of the society. But in the name of justice and civility they need to be removed from society until they are.

Piggy Infidel said...

Con Swede said : .... All the responsible ones should be thrown in jail for their crimes. That means hundreds of politicians, journalists, university lectors etc.

Spot on.

Anonymous said...

Piggy Infidel;


Fatwa against soccer by Trevor, the almighty leader of his "Savior sect".

He also advocated bans on cinemas showing soccer footage, western, or Indian movies,...

And English fans were dancing round the maypole in celebration, after "Trevor's" self proclaimed "fatwa".

They accepted his edict without question or dissent!!

So perhaps I was dreaming after all!!!

thll said...

I remember years ago I was in the center of a northern English town during a Muslim demonstration - I don't recall precisely what they were demonstrating about but it was something to do with them being offended by something that somebody or other had said. They were making a hell of a lot of noise, lots of frothing at the mouth and fist waving and they were behaving in a typically threatening manner.

It was sometime during the Rushdie affair, and in order to illustrate the demonstrators' self righteous hypocrisy I shouted the word 'Rushdie!' A second later I was slammed against the wall by a couple of coppers and I had their sergeant shouting an inch from my face that unless I immediately left the area I'd be arrested.

I should have known to adopt a submissive demeanor in the face of Muslims.

Conservative Swede said...

From Adnkronos international Italy:

"Rome's new conservative mayor Gianni Alemanno said on Wednesday he plans to appoint a special commissioner for the Roma Gypsies in the capital.
A government official, the prefect of Milan, will be appointed the special Roma Gypsy commissioner in the city and is expected to be given the task of demolishing over 60 illegal Roma camps on the outskirts of the city that have angered residents.
Maroni said the government intends to dismantle Roma camps which are present in and around many of Italy's major cities. Many Roma have Romanian nationality and Maroni was scheduled on Thursday to meet Romania's interior minister Cristian David to discuss the issue of Romanian immigrants.

Romania has complained over the Italian government's plans to tighten border controls and prime minister Calin Tariceanu said earlier this week that plans to make illegal migration to Italy a crime punishable by up to four years' jail, could stoke xenophobic attitudes towards Romania."

My comment:
Clearly it's the cynical permissiveness and lack of responsible action up until now that have stoked xenophobic attitudes towards Romania. Alemanno acts with a caring heart and out of love of humanity. Finally a politician that shows warmth and tenderness, as opposed to the ice-cold machines of nihilism and destruction that we see everywhere else in the West. Alemanno and Maroni makes me believe in the goodness of humanity again.

Conservative Swede said...

From AFP:

>>The new government of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has announced measures to control or expel immigrants, especially the Roma, if they are illegal, found guilty of offences or have no visible means of support.

"The security decree will be adopted by the council of ministers in Naples," Berlusconi told the Senate on Wednesday, describing his bid to associate immigration and crime as "an important twist in security policy."

The decree would make it constitutional for illegal immigrants to face up to four years behind bars before being expelled. It would also make DNA tests obligatory to clamp down on illegal immigrants abusing the system by lying about entering the country to join their families.

New unidentified arrivals could also find themselves stranded in detention centres for up to 18 months, under the new laws.>>

Hear, hear!

spackle said...

"prime minister Calin Tariceanu said earlier this week that plans to make illegal migration to Italy a crime punishable by up to four years' jail, could stoke xenophobic attitudes towards Romania."

This is the same kind of garbage we hear from Mexican officials here. It is just a huge smoke screen. God forbid the "host" country might gum up the works of Romania or Mexico or whoever trying to unload their problems on the rest of us. Excellent news.

spackle said...

As to the football hooligans. I have always been curious as to why they havent been kicking ass and taking names when it comes to all the crimes being brought upon the indeginous english? They always seemed very, dare I say, Nationalistic? Especially when it comes to football. The same could be said for your "Chav" population. They seem perfectly comfortable causing mayhem with everyone (age 8-98) except the people who really deserve it? They even have their own Burberry uniform! : )

Armance said...

Isn't this the beginning of a revolution? TO ASSOCIATE IMMIGRATION AND CRIME.

Conservative Swede said...


Just to underline your point a little more, maybe you should tell the readers where you come from?

It's been mentioned before, but in this context it will make it interesting to mention it again, to underline the profoundness of the matter.

But then again, after all we are all Italians now. And Romans of course.

Armance said...

"Just to underline your point a little more, maybe you should tell the readers where you come from?"

I am a Romanian and I rejoice in what is happening in Italy right now. Many Romanians do. Also my sides are splitting with laughter following the reactions of my prime minister. I am following the readers' comments on the sites of the most important Romanian newspapers and the overwhelming majority agrees with the measures taken in Italy (the tone of the comments is mostly "The Italians have balls. This is what we should do with the criminals here"). So, this is what the ordinary people think. Of course, the politicians and the media keep whining about "discrimination" and "xenophobia", but this is their job after all, to speak nonsense.

Robbery, fights between rival criminal clans, murders, children forced to beg and women exploited for prostitution are common things here, especially within the gypsy community. In the latest years, most of these criminals fled to Italy and Spain.

Actually what Alemanno is doing now cannot be described by any means as xenophobic: on the contrary, it's the last chance to diminish a widespread xenophobia against Romanians in Europe. If all the scums keep flowing in the West and do whatever they please, soon everybody will equate being Romanian with being a menace to society.

Conservative Swede said...


Thanks for your comment. Very powerful. With you and Ioshkafutz in this forum, we've got this situation covered from all aspects, from two top quality writers. Once again Gov is the place!

Of course, the politicians and the media keep whining about "discrimination" and "xenophobia", but this is their job after all, to speak nonsense

It seems to me that the logical thing would be to completely remove such job positions from the society.

Armance said...

"It seems to me that the logical thing would be to completely remove such job positions from the society."

I think that unlike the politicians, who seem to be hopeless, there is still a chance for the journalists. A small chance, but it exists. Some of them refused to play the game of "Italy becoming fascist again" and wrote rational, even enthusiastic articles (or in this situation rationality is defined by enthusiasm). For example, an article whose title was "We need an Alemanno for Craiova!" (Craiova - city in the southern part of Romania where Gypsy gangs terrorize the population and the policemen behave exactly like in the video which is the subject of this thread.) I read other articles referring to the EU-inspired programs for integrating the Gypsies as "a failure" and suggesting the return to the good old-fashioned strict enforcement of the law, also suggesting that the first step should be to recognize the problem and not to be afraid of words.

Conservative Swede said...


I think that unlike the politicians, who seem to be hopeless, there is still a chance for the journalists.

Point taken, and we can never stop media as such, of course. However, regarding the politicians -- and this has been a theme through my comments here, and probably incomprehensible for you with a post-1918 mindset -- we have no need for payed temporary caretakers that put themselves above the law, what we need are rulers that are under the law.

The current politicians have put themselves above the law, and acted as treasonous criminals. They need to be put through something of a Nürnberg trial, and the law must be restored.

John Sobieski said...

God is that pathetic. The policemen were so scared. England, you are toast. Either ship the Muslims out and get used to being their slaves.

Piggy Infidel said...

Spackle asked why the football hooligans haven't yet been involved in confrontations with Muslims, given their apparent nationalistic nature.

Well, I think there is quite a misunderstanidng going on as to who football hooligans are, and what they are about, They are not a coherent group ie "The Football Hooligans", some kind of societal force with an organizational structure. Just lots of young men, watching their team on a Saturday and getting drunk and fighting with other football fans. For fun. Yes, that's right, for fun. It's no deeper or more complex than that. Nationalism for them is a mere flag of convenience, they are as happy fighting against whites from another English town as they are smashing up the centre of Barcelona or wherever.

They inhabit a diffeent world to that of Muslims in the UK. The Islamic takeover is not being done through large gangs of Muslims roaming the streets of UK cities, itching for a fight. It is a slow-motion demographic takeover, so slow as to be near invisible, backed up by lots of individual acts of low-level aggression, a verbal threat here, maybe a dirty look there. No need to attack people to make them move out of the neighbourhood, just make then feel uncomfortable. Just get your young men, your teenagers, to hang round in groups of an evening on the streets. People soon get the message.

Football hooligans are no antidote to this, They are not grouping together, setting up areas of towns as "Hooligan only - no Muslims allowed". They are not breeding like rabbits, 3 or 4 or 5 kids each. And as for importing Hooligan-Brides from overseas so as to boost their numbers even further - unheard of.

Give it 20 years or so and there will be more young Muslim men in our cities than young Brit men. I know who I would put my money on if I had to bet on the outcome of large scale urban violence.

Anonymous said...

Spackle - Piggy Infidel:

One other point id like to include into the debate about English "Hooligans" and their Nationalistic pride, is this:

In England, these thugs support a specific team of origin, and therefore are tribal and not overtly patriotic.
Therefore, the hardened element of thugs for each of the 92 English clubs, is not overtly large and can be competently managed by the British police, who are aware of the ring leaders, and what they're about.

The wide scale football violence that is flashed around the world involving England fans, rarely takes place in England, but on foreign shores.


Well, as Iv mentioned, there's ninety two football league clubs in England, and it's pretty safe to say that almost all of them will have their sprinkling of a hooligan element.
When the England National team play abroad, fans from far and wide, descend upon the oppositions "Lands", making police monitoring of them all virtually impossible.

Now in England, these fans are extremely tribalistic toward their own particular team.
But as soon as they leave these shores, Wide scale Nationalism takes grip, and instead of kicking lumps out of each other, (at least most of the time) they form uneasy alliances and respect, with similar "crew's""thugs", that lasts until their journeys home. (Deported or otherwise)

This is where the police lose control of the England thugs, because abroad, they blend in together, and as one.
So do these "English patriots" hate Muslims? - Well yes! - the Turks are a leading anathema.

But so are the Germans, the Irish, the French, and anybody who ain't English really!!!

PatrickHenry said...

The Bobbies simply need a little retraining. I suggest that they bring a precinct of Philadelphia, PA police officers over to conduct the basic training sessions. When they learn how to properly crack a few muslim skulls those muslims will soon learn to respect the Bobbies and the laws of Great Britain! You have billy clubs, Bobbies, USE THEM! Stop acting like P*U*S*S*I*E*S!

Where is Gaea?

Captain USpace said...

These 'Cops' must start asserting their rights before they are totally outnumbered. These terror-advocating monkeys must have their benefits slashed so they will have more incentives to get jobs thus keeping more of them off the streets.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
pay immigrants not to work

give them free housing
pay them to have more babies

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
let yourself be bullied

never shoot rioting thugs
let them threaten you at will

Help Halt Terrorism Now!



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