Monday, May 19, 2008

Muslims Are in Danger in the UK

That’s according to MPACUK, the Muslim Public Affairs Committee of the UK.

One of our readers subscribes to MPACUK’s mailing list, and this morning received the following email, inviting him to “donate towards the Jihad”:

Subject: [MPACUK] The Unknown Threat
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 10:34:06 +0100

In the name of God, the most Compassionate, the most Merciful

The Unknown Threat

As you are reading this, a non-Muslim is learning about you in some newspaper, radio show or on a television channel.

By the time you finish reading this article, that non-Muslim will be more frightened of you, more ready to hate you and more ready then ever to act against you.

In the time you’ve read the last paragraph, steps will have been taken by politicians in planning the next war on Iran and Syria, planning more ways to take your rights away and more ways (of course) to send arms to Israel to further their plan of taking over the whole of the Middle East. Yet there will be others still making speeches about why we should ban hijab and remove all Muslims from Europe.

As you read this, 100 million people are being taught that war on Islam is their religious duty. That you are evil and that God has taught them to destroy you. These people are joining political parties right now and so will be making the decisions that will affect your life!!!

Shocked? Questioning the truth in this? Questioning how you have not heard of this? Find out the truth of the secret war in this ground-breaking talk, film and workshop.
- - - - - - - - -
So who is behind these attacks and what is the Mosque’s role in this whole affair? Should they remain empty prayer halls for old men? Or should they be the centre of the community, educating and organising our protection? And what is the role of politics and the media in all this — can we protect our rights in this country without getting political or is political involvement an Islamic, obligatory act?

For answers to the questions above, to hear about the global strategy from the experts, and finally to learn the best way to defend Islam, the Muslims and of course YOU, attend our ground-breaking set of talks, film and workshop, all delivered by experts.

Free Event: Reviving the Mosque — The Big Challenge.
Luther King House
Brighton Grove (off Wilmslow Road)
M14 5JP

Sat 24th May, 1.30 — 5.00 pm

Book Now: phone 0870 760 5594 or email

Plus more articles & alerts on our website: WWW.MPACUK.ORG

We at MPACUK need your help and constant vigilance to continue our work effectively. If you have a media critique please send it to, don’t forget to include a URL for the article that you are reviewing.

To advertise with MPACUK or to donate towards the Jihad, please email us at

Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK
Phone: 0870 760 5594


The following physical address is associated with this mailing list:

PO Box 55136
N12 7UY


Sir Henry Morgan said...

A psycho-analyst would use the term "Projection" for huge chunks of that.

Mind you, that doesn't make the author wrong. Heh heh.

Henrik R Clausen said...

Which is a good reason to switch to Christianity. A better religion, too.

Anonymous said...

And why would Muslims in the U.K. now feel threatened, after all the years of politically correct pandering toward both them, and their odious "Religion"?

Ah yes!! - The dramatic demise of their political cohorts...


My heart bleeds!!!!....

Sir Henry! - Perhaps the "projection" of which you speak, is exactly what they are intending to show!!!

Projecting their futures without this New labour regime!!

Homophobic Horse said...


SURA 8 : And think not that the infidels shall escape Us! They shall not weaken God! [Perhaps by the infidel contradicting the word of Allah by calling for women's legal equality in contradiction of the KORAN]

Make ready then against them what force you can, and strong squadrons whereby you may strike terror into the enemy of god and your enemy, and into others beside them whom you know not, but whom God knoweth.

blogagog said...

"As you read this, 100 million people are being taught that war on Islam is their religious duty."

Rly? What church do those 100 million people go to?


Frank said...

It's brilliantly written agitprop; similar to something Goebbels might put out. It doesn't matter that the infidel is bending over backwards to accomodate the Umma; it doesn't matter that the infidel is busy inviting the Umma to its shores; it doesn't matter that the Umma are the only ones blowing buses and subways up...We Must Stop The Infidel Before it's Too Late!

randian said...

planning more ways to take your rights away

Who is doing this planning, and what rights are they wanting to remove?

Muslims are so gullible for crazy conspiracy theories.

spackle said...

Ah yes, if only it were true.
Patience my pet, patience.

"Muslims are so gullible for crazy conspiracy theories."

I have been fascinated with why some cultures or countries are are so prone to conspiracy theories. This is not a slight to my many Russian friends but they are also very prone to this as well. I suppose it comes from years of living under the boot of communism where truth was something very elusive and the government was capable of anything.

Dymphna said...

Scott SA --

I see a weak spot in their brilliant propaganda. They are saying that the mosque is full of old men (in Christianity, it would be old women). That is not exactly a drawing point, is it?

Actually, they're right to be concerned. Christianity is making more converts in Muslim war torn countries than the Muslims can keep up with by making more babies. Nothing like murder and mayhem and watching your family die to make a person convert away from their tormentors.

As an aside, Catholicism is making lots of converts in China, too. The Vatican and China are dueling to see who gets to control.

Joanne said...

Ewwww, they are afraid whiteys may have some plans on fighting back - oh the horror of it all.

Zonka said...

Spackle wrote:
I have been fascinated with why some cultures or countries are are so prone to conspiracy theories.

I believe that the answer to that is twofold, one being a lack in the general level of education and the level of democratic transparency in the society. And in Islamic states both conditions are present in spades, thus giving rise to conspiracy theories and other “weird” beliefs (One of the most reported crimes in Saudi-Arabia is Black Magic.) In Russia its more the lack of transparency in the government, as is curiously also the case in the USA, where the popular belief is that the government and intelligence services are doing all sorts of Black Ops and generally hiding stuff from the common people, that gives a fertile ground for conspiracy theories this is also the case AFAIK in France where the transparency of the government is rather oblique...

spackle said...

I agree and have come to similar conclusions. It is still strange none the less when educated people still buy this nonsense. One of my closest friends is a first generation American whose parents escaped mother Russia (a great story within itself). He has been here since age ten and is one of the smartest people I have ever met. Yet he believes the most outlandish conspiracies. He was an early convert to the 9/11 truthers as just one example. For someone whose "God" is Aristotle it is just plain weird.

Zenster said...

planning more ways to take your rights away

And Islam is not?

As you read this, 100 million people are being taught that war on Islam is their religious duty. That you are evil and that God has taught them to destroy you.

Does Islam teach any different against the Infidel?

More importantly, is it only now that the ummah has begun to realize how Westerners are finally comprehending the truth about Islam?

The bald-faced hypocrisy of this alarmist horse$h!t would be incredible were it not so typical of Muslims. Permit me to remind us of what Archbishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, warned:

The Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, told the Sunday Times some [Muslims] had a “dual psychology” in which they sought “victimhood and domination”.

The bishop, whose father converted from Islam, also said there were situations in which society could require Muslim women not to wear full-face veils.

Society required recognition and identification in teaching, he said.

Mr Nazir-Ali argued it would never be possible to satisfy all of the demands made by Muslims because “their complaint often boils down to the position that it is always right to intervene when Muslims are victims… and always wrong when Muslims are the oppressors or terrorists”.

He compared Bosnia and Kosovo, where he said Muslims were oppressed, with the powerful position of the Taleban in Afghanistan, who he said had been the oppressors.

He added: “Given the world view that has given rise to such grievances, there can never be sufficient appeasement and new demands will continue to be made.”

[Emphasis Added]

So, it’s “always right … when Muslims are victims… and always wrong when Muslims are the oppressors or terrorists” Heads I win, tails you lose. This is an all too familiar Islamic song, no?

So who is behind these attacks and what is the Mosque’s role in this whole affair?

Speaking as an all-too-fed-up Infidel, I’d say Islam is “behind these attacks” and that a significant issue has been “the Mosque’s role in this whole affair”. But that’s just me.

… can we protect our rights in this country without getting political or is political involvement an Islamic, obligatory act?

Bwahahahahahah … oh, how precious! P r e c i o u s !!!

Reversepsycology: My heart bleeds!!!!....

I’ll fetch a micro-pipette to catch the outflow.

Brilliant comment, ScottSA!

Zonka: One of the most reported crimes in Saudi-Arabia is Black Magic.

Remember, being superstitious is bad luck!

spackel: Yet he believes the most outlandish conspiracies.

Remind your Russian friend of the venerable addage:

Attribute not to conspiracy that which can be explained by sheer stupidity.

livfreerdie said...

Re; armed Germans.


laine said...

Always the omission of real Muslim crimes against humanity taking place daily around the world and the leapfrog to imaginary "Islamophobia".

Not once is a strong Muslim voice raised saying: "They rightly fear/hate us because of our crazy co-religionists who are throwbacks to the dark ages doing ugly things in the name of Islam and another large contingent agitating for sharia law which is a recipe for failed countries. It is up to us to reassure Westerners of our admiration and loyalty to Western ideals such as separation of Church /Mosque and State".

Because there's either no such voice or it's weak, drowned out by Islamic demands, then the naive belief in "moderate Muslims" making up the vast majority should be relinquished and Muslim immigration taps closed. I don't see Muslims signing up proportionate to their percentage of the population in Western armies. Clearly that indicates greater loyalty to the Muslim umma or world community than to the nations feeding and clothing them.

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