Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back from the Front

I got back from Vienna late last night, after nineteen hours on the S-Bahn, the U-Bahn, two airliners (with a stopover at Heathrow so I could buy The Times — Cherie Blair! 24/7!), and then a long drive deep into the Virginia outback.

I’ll be reporting later today on my visit to the eponymous homeland of this blog.

It will probably be a week or more before I catch up on my correspondence. Dymphna winnowed out the spam, the ephemera, and the redundant tips, but there are still hundreds of emails to go through.

So be patient. If you sent something important, and I haven’t responded to it in a few days, send it again.

[More later, but nothing further in this post]


spackle said...

Welcome back Baron. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

Zonka said...

Welcome back, just got home myself after my little detour, and it was great seeing you and so many familiar faces gathered with a new sense of purpose and determination to work towards our common goals.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're back, Baron. I look forward to hearing about your trip.

Conservative Swede said...

The Baron is back from the gates of Vienna. The knight is back from his escapades at the far away front. The humble blogger with the impressive network is back.

Just in itself this is a poetic moment. Don't rush into blogging again to quick. Let's us enjoy the beauty of this moment a little more.

Välkommen tillbaka!

El said...

i want four posts by tomorrow morning, or you're in a lot of trouble...

Fjordman said...

Welcome back Baron :-)

El: I am planning to start a debate about the origins and causes of anti-Semitism. Maybe tomorrow. I hope also finally to complete the essay about ten reasons to get rid of the EU, which I started on weeks ago. I am planning to do a series of essays about European prehistory, or Europe before the Greeks, with emphasis on the Indo-European expansion. I hope to do one about capitalism and Antiquity, one about law in the Western vs. the Chinese and Islamic traditions, and two about the history of wine and beer. Not all of them will be published here. Some will be at The Brussels Journal, Atlas Shrugs or other websites such as Jihad Watch.

Sagunto said...


You certainly sound menacing.
Is it because your full name is el-Said? (al-Said).



I'm very much interested in your upcoming beer-essay (of course the other essays as well ;-), espec. because a very close friend of mine is a brewer himself ("Braumeister", graduated from the wellknown Weihenstephan, Munich University of Technology, the oldest brewery in the world, est. 1040). He has a keen interest in (and knowledge about) the (pre)history of beer.

Conservative Swede said...


two about the history of wine and beer


Someone should write the history of pork meat in Spain since La Reconquista, by the way. Highly interesting and encouraging.

A big welcome back to you too!

spackle said...

Those are some pretty daunting topics. I have a feeling that by the time you are done you will need some hefty doses of that wine & beer you will be writing about.: )

babs said...

Thank you Baron for traveling to the conference. I very much look forward to reading your take on the events.
Don't spare us a detail as I, and many others, hang on every word...

Armance said...

@ fjordman,

Wow! When you write all those various essays, you should publish a book. Title: "The fjordman's Enciclopaedia. Since Prehistoric Times until the EU. Appendix: How To Get Rid of It Unless You Want to Go Back to the Prehistoric Times"

Fjordman said...

Sagunto: My impression so far is that the most important beer regions in Germany originally were in the north, not in Munich and Bavaria, which became beer territories comparatively late. Maybe that's wrong?

Conservative S: But writing about beer and chocolate, doesn't that make me some kind of Fascist or something? Only Fascists like beer. Somebody should take a photo of my bookshelf. I could have all kinds of nasty stuff there.

Chocolate is bad stuff, too. Eating brown chocolate represents an Orientalist urge to oppress "the Other" by ritually consuming brownness. White chocolate is a symbol of racial purity.

babs said...

Have we really gotten it down to white and brown chocolate? Geeze Fjordman, I know you are kidding but... I have always liked "brown" chocolate better than white.
White chocolate really isn't "chocolate" is it? I mean, it has no cocoa in it, does it?

Anonymous said...

Well Fjordman, the thing is that there is nothing especially pure about white chocolate. Actually it is kind of fake since it contains no cocoa but only cocoa butter. By definition it is not chocolate. Very discriminating.
So please stick to the good old dark one and keep oppressing them brownies....;o)
Along with a big fascist beer!

And Baron. Welcome back!

Conservative Swede said...

Along with a big fascist beer!

Guiness stout anyone?

Black as a blackshirt.

Or actually, symbolic in how the white sits on top of the black. And if it's drunken properly, it's only the black part that is devoured, and the white foam rests at the bottom, in sole majesty. Very bad fascist beer.

Lugundum said...


are you considering to publish your text as a book?

Sagunto said...


Sagunto: My impression so far is that the most important beer regions in Germany originally were in the north, not in Munich and Bavaria, which became beer territories comparatively late. Maybe that's wrong?

So you're at it already? That's good news. I have passed on your Q to the expert, but in the meantime, it's hard for me to say whether or not your impression is wrong. That partly depends on the date you want your history to take off; and one can get back as far as the neolithic age (very interesting stuff). Did you come across the fascinating work of Merryn Dineley yet? She's an acheologist with a professional passion for beer (here's one of many links)

During the Middle Ages, beer is of course closely associated with the Roman Catholic monasteries. One of the many unfortunate "side-effects" of the Lutheran (that rabid Jew-hater, but that's for the other essay perhaps ;-) attempt at Reformation was his war on the monasteries in (Northern) Germany. The monastery of Weihenstephan was founded in 725 AD and the brewery dates from 1040. Not only is it the oldest brewery in Germany but also worldwide. That doesn't at all rule out that during the so-called "Dark Ages" (another one of those fine myths in European history), the Northern parts of Germany were the more important brewing regions. I expect an answer on that one from the expert pretty soon.

One remarkable thing that you undoubtedly have discovered already, is that brewing (with the beforementioned exception of the monasteries of course) was largely in the hands of women, only to be taken over completely by men during the Modern Age. The brewing ladies of Ancient times were all priestesses, by the way.

So there you have it: Beer, Religion and Beautiful Women: a perfect mix ;-)

Kind regs from Amsterdam,

Armance said...

The beer is fascist. Vodka is racist (completely white) and also imperialistic, given the strong relationship and love affair with the Russians. Ouzo and and Scotch are for obvious reasons nationalistic and xenophobes. And all the alcoholic drinks are Islamophobe. Cheers!

Afonso Henriques said...

Wellcome home Baron!

I really don't know what's worst between being a dihmi or catch an airplane. If I were you I'd still quiet for a week looking to the bright side of life: Everything looks wonderfull and joyfull (even Islam) when one gets out of that devilish machine: The plane!
Do not be hurry, relax and remember: Quality is always better than quantity.

Afonso Henriques said...

"I am planning to start a debate about the origins and causes of anti-Semitism. Maybe tomorrow."

Wow, don't matter what, that will be controversial.

"I hope also finally to complete the essay about ten reasons to get rid of the EU"

That will be pretty consensual.

"I am planning to do a series of essays about European prehistory, or Europe before the Greeks, with emphasis on the Indo-European expansion."

Wow, that will be controversial again and I am wondering what your sources will be.

"I hope to do one about capitalism and Antiquity, one about law in the Western vs. the Chinese and Islamic traditions"

And the bloody Indians? I like very much the "civilisational battle" between China and Europe in your essays, but I think that Indians (Asians) have a great Civilisation as well. Maybe you could compair them also to the West. Don't matter what, it is really great news to know that Fjordman will being us many of his great brilliant essays.

"two about the history of wine and beer."
It may be interesting...

"White chocolate is a symbol of racial purity."
I don't understand why is this. White chocolate functions only with little children. Or strawberries! Of course.
But I'll end the polemics about Chocolate.

Black, not sweet brown, black chocolate is the best! And it is not sweet.

"Homem que é Homem não come mel, come abelhas."

"A man that is (can be really called) a man, does not eat honey, he eats bees."

And please, Fjordman, write that bloody book and give some autographs to the Gates of Vienna Comunity.
Nice essay about Medicine in the muslim world as well.

Steven Luotto said...

Ciao Barone,

Welcome back from Sachertorteland!

Ciao Fjordman,

Try some brutti ma buoni (black cholocate with hazelnuts) from Cherasco with Barolo Chinato and then under the effect of that soul food, ("God bless Europe? No, no, no, God HELP Europe!!) dedicate an essay to suggesting improvements to the LGF blog code.

For example, I've noticed that every time Charles Johnson denounces one of your heinous nazi-fascist opinion crimes, he invariably declares his amazement at seeing oodles of wriggly-nasty euro-weenie creatures (from the dark side) crawling out of the woodwork. There must be some updated MySQL function (perhaps a Thano / Sharmuta spread-array) to cause them to be self-destructed and auto-banned without the time and thought-consuming need for human intervention! Keywords such as "lands, families, cultures and faith" could instantly jump-route potential offenders to the necessary oblivion code. If like me, you dropped your psychology courses in College, I'm sure Dr. Shrinkwrapped could help you collect other "paranoia" terms indicative of potential homicidal fury, such as "white, ethnic, nordic, genetic, rape, etc."

Then there could be automated "long-post nuanced-thought" warnings, perhaps graphically enhanced by puking lizards. I mean, let's be honest! Your 3500 words were way too many when all good and pertinent things concerning your position regarding the downfall of Europe under the Islamic onslaught could've been said in the span of a football huddle. The Same goes for that other skull-cracking, jack-booted, nazi-fascist from the dark side Serge Trifkovic who went over 5700 words!

Then there could be a Greek Chorus function for collective outbursts of displeasure.

I know you want to write scholarly treatises about beer, wine, coffee and chocolates, (how about sex while you're at it?!) but improving America's premiere anti-Islamic site by helping it to defend itself against the genocidal darkness of Europeans should come first.

Dymphna said...

@IoshkaFutz --

You're wicked!

Instead of a Greek Chorus, couldn't we do a Gregorian Requiem instead?

Henrik R Clausen said...

Fjordman, that's a very impressive list of essays! I'm merely trying to finish one, entitled "Generosity is good, Zakat is bad".

Regarding the beer...:

We (as in brewmaster Jacobsen) stole the single-strain yeast from the Czech republic 1½ century ago, laying the foundation for modern beer industry in Denmark. But I guess you're looking at older stuff.

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