Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sweden’s Feds Take up the Fuat Deniz Case

Fuat Deniz, an Assyrian Christian university professor in Sweden, was murdered last month. See the links at the bottom of this post for previous articles on this topic.

The response of the Swedish police to the murder has been widely criticized, and some people believe that political pressure has been brought to bear to suppress the diligence of local law enforcement.

Our Swedish correspondent HL has translated an article from Thursday’s Dagen concerning the latest on the Fuat Deniz case:

Rikskriminalen Is Put on the Fuat Deniz Case

Fuat DenizRikskriminalen’s [The Swedish Federal Bureau of Investigation — translator] homicide division has been assigned to solve the murder of university professor Fuat Deniz in Örebro. Fuat was a Christian Assyrian and deeply engaged in questions concerning the plight of the Christians in the Middle East. Political motives have not been ruled out and SÄPO [the Swedish Secret Service] is on the case.

Some time ago the attorney general Göran Lambertz made a call to the chief prosecutor Gunnar Brodin, which received significant attention. The attorney general was of the opinion that certain possible political motives had not been sufficiently investigated. The phone call has been the object of investigation, since it could be construed as biased lobbying from a person in authority. That issue has, however, been removed from the agenda. But now the homicide division of Rikskriminalen is working on the case. Since last week six people from the division have been investigating it, reports
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It was on 11 December the professor Fuat Deniz was stabbed with a knife inside a room at the University of Örebro. The professor managed to notify a few students that he’d been cut, but there were no witnesses to the attack. The professor later died in the hospital. During the first week the police received several hundred leads from the public, and ever since more have continued to come in. But none is more probable than any other in the investigation, which forces the police to work very widely.

Previous Posts about Fuat Deniz:

2007 Dec 15 The Long Arm of the Assyrian Genocide
    16 Silencing Any Discussion of the Assyrian Genocide
    18 Remembering Fuat Deniz
    19 A Political Murder? Unlikely, Says Swedish Expert
    22 Soft-Pedaling the Murder of Fuat Deniz
    25 The Swedish Keystone Cops
    30 Update on the Fuat Deniz Case
2008 Jan 3 Bureaucratic Torpor in Swedish Law Enforcement

Hat tip: Steen.


Anonymous said...

Why am I reminded of the Saudi King who just recently pardoned the 19 year old rape victim from her sentence of 200 lashes and six months in prison?

Because it appears that in both cases, the only reason justice is being pursued is because of public embarrassment and humiliation. Were it not for people exercising their freedom of speech or those speaking in defiance to those who deny them that basic right whether it be the hard totalitarianism of the mullahs or the soft totalitarianism of the Marxist/socialist 'hate speech' proponents. How many travesties are perpetrated each day only because they can be carried out in the darkness? How many bad actors are there - be they low level police, government officials, or UN diplomats - who would never survive the light of day?

Freedom of speech touches everything - which is precisely why it is in the crosshairs of some very bad people.

Papa Whiskey said...

Many thanks, Baron B., for breaking Fuat Deniz's story on this side of the pond and for your continuing updates. At the risk of sounding redundant, two things concerning his fate must ever be borne in mind:

The 1914-1923 Ottoman anti-dhimmi genocides, the Assyrian portion of which was Deniz's area of research, were driven by Islamic zealotry. This has been documented by several scholars, including Vahakn Dadrian of the Zoryan Institute, Andrew Bostom of Brown University, Roderic H. Davison of George Washington University, and Hannibal Travis of Florida International University. It is accordingly pertinent that Fuat Deniz’s attacker struck at his neck, a tactic specifically mandated by Islam’s prophet Muhammad in at least two Qur'anic "revelations":

Sura 8, Verse 12 – Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: Smite ye above their necks ...”

Sura 47, Verse 4 – Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), Smite at their necks ...

On Jan. 19, a year will have passed since the silencing of another voice on the Ottoman genocides: Hrant Dink, editor of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos, who was murdered in front of his office on an Istanbul street. Dink had been prosecuted under Turkish law for his candor, and had expressed concern that he had been targeted for persecution by Turkey’s “deep state” – according to the Greek English-language newspaper Kathimerini, “a clandestine group within the security and intelligence services” whose existence even Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has acknowledged. Dink’s fears appeared to have been borne out when his confessed killer, a young man with ties to Islamist militants who was heard to shout “I shot the infidel” as he left the scene, was shown on Turkish television after his arrest, posing with the crescent-and-star national flag as his police captors beamed in approval.

Let us never forget Fuat Deniz and Hrant Dink, and the cause for which they perished: to reveal the truth about the Ottoman Empire's jihad-driven genocides.

Henrik R Clausen said...

Related, I just posted a documentary about the Armenian genocide at YouTube. All six parts can be found at EuropeNews.

I also read Taner Akcem's excellently researched book about it, "A Shameful Act". Anyone denying that this was genocide (that, unfortunately, includes our foreign minister) is complicit to covering up a huge crime.

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