Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Veiled Statues From Munich to Vienna

Update: The third link to the photos has been corrected. Sorry for the error.

Veiled sculptureBack in September I wrote about the Anonymous Group of Democratic and Free Thinking, an anti-jihad action organization in Germany.

The group has struck again, veiling statues and sculptures in an overnight operation to draw attention to the consequences facing Europe if Islamization is not reversed. Photos of the results are here.

This time the Anonymous Group of Democratic and Free Thinking extended their operation to cover all the German-speaking areas of Europe. Below is their press release, which was emailed to Gates of Vienna early this morning.

Democracy — how long will it remain?

Veiling of public statues in German-speaking areas

On 27 November 2007, we continued our precious campaign of veiling statues to inform the public about the threat of Islamisation to our democratic and liberal values. With this repeated action in the cities of Zurich, Innsbruck, Vienna, Cologne, Berlin, Heidelberg, Wuppertal, Munich, Osnabrück, and Mönchengladbach, we expanded to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

  • 11 statues were veiled with a Burqa or a head scarf.
  • The statues also bear a sash inscribed with a question all German, Swiss and Austrian citizens have to ask themselves: Democracy — how long will it remain?
  • Each statue bears two printed signboards which draw a comparison between the German, Austrian and Swiss constitutions on the one hand and the Quran otherwise. Thus these statues convey the message that many citizens are afraid to say.

The campaign pictures

The aim of this campaign is to point out that creeping Islamisation endangers the European idea of UNITY IN VARIETY in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and, in the long run, also the liberal core values and democracy of entire social and political Europe.

With the veiling of public sculptures, our goal is to draw public attention to the fact that democratic and liberal as well as secular thinking is the most precious value that is to be advocated for and to be protected. We want to show that the public discussion concerning Islam is influenced mainly by one-sided claims for integration, particularly by the so called one-sided demand for tolerance by European societies towards Muslim communities. In our understanding, tolerance and integration have to be carried out by both sides. Everywhere, muslim groups and societies dismiss any serious or credible attempt to prove any kind of tolerance towards “non-believers”.

On the one hand, the granted privileges for those religious-political oriented minorities haven’t lead to any integration success. On the other hand, the European societies seem to lack any willingness to stand up for their values such as liberal thinking, women’s rights or attitudes of solidarity. These processes are leading to strained relations towards parallel societies.

QURAN, Sura 8, Verse 39:
And fight them on till there remains not any mischief and the entire religion be only of Allah.

As long as violence is both a basic tenet in the Quran and an expressed intent of the Islam-ideology, Islam itself cannot be considered as being a religion or an acceptable part of the content frame of Article 4 of the German constitution, of Article 14 of the Austrian constitution and of Article 15 of the Swiss constitution. Our European constitutions do not permit any political or religious movements that refer to force or violence, and no exception is stated for movements that claim exemption because they call themselves a religion.

For example, the Quran imperatives of Sura 8, Verse 39 contradict the German, Austrian and Swiss constitutions, all of which refer to religious freedom and liberal views regarding professions of faiths and beliefs:

(Further examples: Sura 5, verse 52, or Sura 8, verse 40 and 55, or Sura 9, verse 5, or Sura 98, verse 6.)

Our democracy is NOT a God-given good. It is the opposite — for centuries, it has been obtained only through willful and committed efforts. In the religious as well as politically motivated Islam-ideology, we see a threat to European democracy itself. If we all do not advocate for European values and for liberal thinking — to which our societies again and again refer in a very conscious way — our democratic and peaceful Europe will be a phase-out model soon.

Anonymous Group of Democratic and Free Thinking

Below the jump is a detailed list of the statues and sculptures which were veiled overnight.
- - - - - - - - -
Zürich: “Sitting Female”/ “Die Sitzende”, by Hermann Hubacher
 near the Chinese garden, at Zürichsee
Innsbruck: “Font of Leopold”/ “Leopoldbrunnen”
 by Caspar Gras,
 “Amphitrite” (oceanic nymph, part of the Greek mythology/
 female sovereign of the ocean)
Vienna: “Empress Elisabeth”- statue by Friedrich Ohmann,
 this statue in sitting posture
 within a disaffiliated
 Construction, Volksgarten Wien
1. “Font of Neptune”/ “Neptunbrunnen”
 by Reinhold Begas, Spanndauer Straße
2. “The Caller”/ “Der Rufer”
 by Gerhard Marcks
 Inscription on the pedestal:
 “I pace through the world and
 exclaim peace peace peace”,
 Straße des 17. Juni, Großer Tiergarten,
 median strip towards the Brandenburger Tor
Mönchengladbach: “Eva II” by Gerhard Marcks,
 at the Adenauerplatz
Osnabrück: abstract female sculpture by Lothar Fischer
 Inscription of the pedestal:
 “Dedicated to the victims of truth and freedom”,
 near the Dominican Church, at the Rißmüllerplatz,
 49076 Osnabrück,
 30 m within the heavily used streetcircle of the city
Heidelberg: “Athena-Statue” by Franz Conrad Linck,
 Goddess of town centres, of war, and of wisdoms,
 Patron of the arts,
 Karl-Theodor-Brücke (Alte Brücke),
 connects districts of Heidelberg over the river Neckar
München: “Maxmonument” by Caspar Zumbusch,
 females at the pedestal,
Wuppertal: “Mina Knallenfalls”,
 Locally famous,
 pesdestrian area at the Poststrasse,
 near the main station
Cologne: “Font of Females” or “Females in the Rain”
 by Anneliese Langenbach,
 ten females of Cologne’s 2000 years lasting history
 are portrayed in order to point at females’
 below average presentation in that history


CarnackiUK said...

Congratulations to whoever is responsible for these actions. Even if the MSM don't report them, plenty of people will have seen the results for themselves and spoken about them with others. And so the word spreads, encouraging thought, illumination and response.

We need more of these 'benign provocations' as Conservative Swede (I think) memorably called them. Maybe the organisers can spread their net wider next time so that coordinated actions can take place all across Europe. I'm sure there are others willing to cooperate with such projects.

BTW some Italian anarchists pulled off a good one a few weeks ago: putting red dye in the Fountains of Trevi in Rome. The result was spectacular and made the TV news all across Europe.

Mannekin Pis anybody?

Henrik R Clausen said...

"Benign provocation" is a good word.

I saw a sticker here in Denmark the other day. Simple, two lines of text and one image:

"Don't like this picture?"

(Bomb-in-Turban image)

"Go home!"

I have no idea who created it.

ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Europe is indeed circling the bowl. The Europeans will lose all of their culture if they continue to confuse "democracy" with liberty. The two concepts are NOT interchangeable. Athens, the birthplace of democracy routinely elected tyrants, thrived on slavery and executed dissidents. As soon a voting majority bans liberty (and they already have) it is ended. Witness only the laws against "incitement, holocaust denial disrespect etc" infecting the EU and be prepared for the future. With few exceptions, European societies simply have lost their will to resist the extinguishment of liberty. The rest of the world will only follow due to the spreading of the cancer of cultural Marxism e.g. "diversity and political correctness".

Henrik R Clausen said...

My dear Greek friend, I don't share your doomsday sentiment. Sure, we have a lot of work ahead of us - but I think it's doable. At least I'm kicking in to undercut the Islamists whereever possible.

For the record, European democracy developed from the European citystate and England, in what is very wrongly designated the 'Middel' or even 'Dark' Ages. The connection to the Greek citystates exists, but is somewhat remote.

Henrik R Clausen said...

Well, nice stunt with the fountain. A pity there was no useful message to take home with all that exposure...

Homophobic Horse said...

War in France lol

Henrik R Clausen said...


AngleofRepose said...

I consider hard-left PC multi-culti tw*twaffles as much an enemy as the Islamofascists. Go read Atlas Shrugs latest post about the Somali "refugees" and the effin NGO groups enabling the downfall of America. Stupid crapweasels.


Mucho Kudos to this group and their "benign provocations". Excellent work!

ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Henrik, I am pleased with your reference to me as "friend" but am not Greek.

Yes, you do "have a lot of work ahead of" you. Now that you have been disarmed and admonished not to defend yourselves you can await the arrival of the police and hope they don't arrest you for "incitement" to hatred, "provocation" or another "hate crime". I wish you the best of luck.

You are correct on the "democratic" time line in Europe. Greek citizens were voting for their strategoi while many other Europeans were painting themselves blue and awaiting the founding of the cities of Greco-Roman civilization where parliamentary government developed.

Meanwhile my advice to Americans is: keep your powder dry, re-read the Declaration of Independence and:

Profitsbeard said...

Kudos to this guerrilla Art theater troupe!

More shrouds! Fewer Muslims!

(I'll see if I can't get a burka on the nearest version of Rodin's "The Thinker", with the same message attached... since that statue actually represents Dante, of "Divine Comedy" fame, who wisely relegated a split-down-the-middle and disembowelled Mohammad to the Inferno as a "divider" of mankind.)

Holger said...


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