Friday, November 02, 2007

Atlanta TV News Covers Jamaat ul-Fuqra

The Muslims of America are now being featured in a WSB-TV investigative report. A reader called Georgia Kafir sent me an email last night with this report:

The Muslims of AmericaI’m not sure if you are already aware of this, but WSB-TV Channel 2 here in Atlanta ran an ‘investigative’ segment about JuF on their 6:00 news tonight. I recorded the segment and put it up on YouTube. I must say that I am pleased to see people like Martin Mawyer, Steve Emerson and Paul Williams on local TV in Atlanta! Their message is finally getting out!

The report was fair, but since Atlanta news sources more or less dictate the local news for the rest of the state, I’m sure many people have never heard of this group’s connection with Daniel Pearl, the DC Snipers, etc… Hopefully the good citizens Wayne and Franklin counties will keep a more watchful eye on the MOA.

I have a timer set for tomorrow’s report as well.

Thank goodness for alert readers! Here’s the YouTube video of the program:

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A video of the same broadcast is also available at the WSB-TV website.

This is the first time I’ve heard Sheikh Gilani’s voice, or seen clips from Martin’s JuF terrorist training video. The WSB report is the best TV report on the Muslims of America that I have seen thus far. It presents a summary of the extensive history of violence for which Jamaat ul-Fuqra is responsible, and a balanced presentation of the available evidence for their connection with violent jihad.

By the way — notice that Sheikh Gilani says on the MOA DVD, “We forbid Muslims to kill innocent people.” For those of us who are familiar with the idiosyncratic terminology of the Great Jihad, this is an exact echo of Anjem Chaudry, a radical British Muslim, as given in an interview on British television.

To recapitulate Mr. Chaudry’s position: an orthodox Muslim, using a strict and literal reading of the Koran, does not believe that any infidels are innocent. Only Muslims can be considered innocent people.

Thus, Sheikh Gilani’s bland reassurances of peaceful intent mean precisely… NOTHING.


Dymphna said...

the "innocent people" remark caught my attention immediately. We've been listening to jihadists too long not to know the code by now.

Kafircons are definitely not innocent. Neither are their children or animals.

Clorinda said...

So true. Here in America, we have CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations). It is absolutely impossible to make the slightest comment (I'm not even saying 'criticism') on the latest Islamofascist crime without CAIR jumping down everyone's throat, screeching "discrimination!" "bigots!" "racism!" etc. They constantly bleat about how they are victims of hatred and discrimination. Which of course they are NOT, seeing as how they effectively squash criticism by the above-mentioned method.

It would be comical if it wasn't so scary.

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