Friday, October 07, 2005

What He Said

President David Boren of the University of Oklahoma is still reading from the same old script. This morning, as Channel 4 Denver reports, Boren’s office has released a letter addressing the most important aspects of the Joel Hinrichs bombing:
     Meanwhile, OU president David Boren released a letter Thursday commending most of the news media and citizens for responding “very responsibly” to the incident, but added that there “are always a few who do not.”
“... We believe that we should not judge others or jump to conclusions about others on the basis of color, race, gender, economic status or freely exercised religious beliefs,” the statement read. “To rush to judge others or make assumptions about them on that basis is nothing short of prejudice. It has no place in America and it certainly has no place at the University of Oklahoma.”
He left “sexual orientation” off the list! I’m offended!

Seriously, is all of this completely insane, or is it just me?


StoutFellow said...

Seriously, is all of this completely insane, or is it just me?

Baron, Baron my man, it's just you. If you would just go to the National Institutes of Health website you would find the following information regarding methods of suicide in the US.

The most common method of suicide for males in the US is TATP-filled suicide vests. The second-most common method of suicide for males is acute ammonium nitrate poisoning.

Oops. Wrong text. Here's what's actually on the NIH site:

What are the most common methods of suicide?
Firearms are the most commonly used method of suicide for men and women, accounting for 60 percent of all suicides. Nearly 80 percent of all firearm suicides are committed by white males. The second most common method for men is hanging; for women, the second most common method is self-poisoning including drug overdose.

One need not be a conspiracy enthusiast to recognize that this is no simple suicide by a distraught engineering student, who coindidentally attended a local mosque and whose death and muslim friends are now being investigated by the FBI's joint terrorism taskforce. Jawa is reporting that there is a sealed indictment in the case indicating a criminal conspiracy and pending arrests of co-conspirators.

Baron Bodissey said...

Well, Stoutfellow, I already knew it was me. I was just hoping that some portion of the rest of the world might be sane...

goesh said...

I disagree with Stoutfellow. Most folks that want to kill themselves ingest ammonium nitrate fertilizer. It takes at least 3 lbs to do the trick. The poor deranged fellow had no choice but to blow himself up when the Bush- run military industrial complex refused to sell him gardening supplies (fertlizier) because of his eye color, a typical, racist ploy of White America. Inferior races/people will starve to death if they can't raise a garden.

Dr. Sanity said...

Boren seems to think that what's at stake here is his fundamental belief in the religion of multiculturalism and political correctness. This is very frightening to him.

Lanny Nugen said...

Don't underestimate the power of words using by weasels. One way or another they will be able to explain away the reasons why they have said it at the first place.

Pastorius said...

"We believe that we should not judge others or jump to conclusions about others on the basis of color, race, gender, economic status or freely exercised religious beliefs,”


Mr. Boren seems to think that "freely exercised religious beliefs" include Jihadic suicide bombing.

Oops, that wasn't very FAIR of me, was it?

Dymphna said...


It might not have been FAIR of you, but CAIR would've approved...

RWE said...

My good Baron, I attended the University of Oklahoma. I even helped teach an engineering course there. Now if Pres Boren had said that it is normal for the students there to try to kill themselves by the way in which they drive, and that the suicider did not have access to a car and resulted to other methods, I might have believed him. Might. But simply saying "Hey! It is normal for suicidal people to blow themsleves up at a football game..." Well, that I can't buy.

Always On Watch said...

Other stories which have been whitewashed? Stories we have no knowledge of?

John Sobieski said...

He also left hair color, toenail length and bad breath off the list! Now I'm offended!

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