Tuesday, October 11, 2005

England Begins to Fight Back

The United Kingdom is uniting. Under the aegis of the Terrorism Act of 2000, fifteen “alleged” international Islamic terror groups are getting the heave-ho from Britain.

Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, brandished his list of proposed outlaws and went one step further:
    … he wants to make it [even] easier to ban suspected terror organisations. Under the Terrorism Act 2000 the Home Secretary has the power to proscribe any organisation which he believes "is concerned in terrorism". This is any group that commits or participates in acts of terrorism, prepares for terrorism or promotes or encourages it.
Here is his reasoning:
    "Recent events in London and elsewhere in the world have shown all too clearly that the threat posed by global terrorism has not gone away," said Mr Clarke…
"The attacks of July 7 and 21 have served as a stark reminder of the need to maintain a vigorous approach to dealing with terrorists and their supporters."
He added that proscription was an important power, and not one to be used lightly, but that after careful consideration he was satisfied all 15 groups should be added.

No sooner had the list been published than there arose outcries from the opposition:
     Within minutes of the list of 15 organisations being published, MPs were complaining that the time allocated for them to debate the list and the proposed change to the Terrorism Act was inadequate.
David Heath, for Liberal Democrats, protested: "This is a single order - dealing with 15 organisations (and) incapable of amendment. This does not allow for proper and separate consideration of the different organisations involved and dealing with them on the merits which perhaps might be appropriate in this case."

Oh, balderdash. These criminals are undermining the United Kingdom. They need to be outlawed immediately. They should have been outta there twenty years ago. They have brazenly milked our ally dry and it’s high time that politics were put aside for the sake of security and common sense.

Here’s the list so far, though Mr. Clarke has no problem adding to it for “any group [which] commits or participates in acts of terrorism, prepares for terrorism or promotes or encourages it”:
     Ansar Al Islam, which has claimed responsibility for numerous atrocities in Iraq; Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain, based in Morocco; Al Ittihad Al Islamia, of Somalia; and Ansar Al Sunna, another Iraqi group which has claimed to have carried out suicide bombings, kidnappings and executions.
The other groups on the list are: Harakat-ut-Jihad-ul-Islami, Harakat-ut-Jihad-ul-Islami (Bangladesh), Harakat-ut-Mujahideen/Alami, Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin, Islamic Jihad Union, Jamaat ul-Furquan, Jundallah, Khuddam ul-Islam, Lashkar-e Jhangvi, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and Sipah-e Sahaba Pakistan.
NOTA BENE: Jammat ul Furquan is on this list. That name is very similar to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, the groups that have formed in the United States and have compounds in a number of places, including the one in Charlotte County, Virginia. Not sure they were the same organization, I contacted Daniel Pipes, who confirmed that they are indeed one and the same.

Just so you know: Following the bombings in July, Britain has now outlawed these people. Join one of the groups in the UK and you face a ten year jail sentence.

Here in the US, of course, many of these groups seem able to operate with impunity. We've made some improvements but not nearly enough. What will be our version of London, July 7th? The average person might have thought New York City, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C.'s 9/11 would be sufficient, but obviously not. We did get a lot of candlelight vigils, though.

Well, let’s see what Ramadan brings, shall we? That is, aside from the usual cynical, hypocritical taqiyyah from CAIR, claiming that Islam is a religion of peace.

Hat tip: http: The Counterterrorism Blog. You'll find it on the side bar in the news column.


felix said...

Deporting radical islamists, islamofascists, jihadists is the way to go. It is the best homeland security policy. Once deported, the gov't does not have to spend so much time, money, and effort on surveillance and monitoring the islamofascists.

The only downside I can see is that we might deport a person who is not really an islamofasicst. I would set up a hearing board where the individual can try to show that they are not part of that movement. Many radical islamists are pround of their ideology so they will tell authorities straight out.

Deportation is not the death penalty and it is not permanent internment. The deported islamofascist can continue to be an islamofascist in their country of origin.

Always On Watch said...

At our own peril, we ignore the presence of organizations sworn to our destruction.

The UK has the right idea.

El Jefe Maximo said...

A little OT, but speaking of "fighting back" today is Columbus Day, the beginning of the great "fight back" of old Europe, before it lost its nerve, against Islamic blockade and harassment of European trade with Asis. Tooting my own horn, I'm posting on this today. Hope lots of people post on, and remember Columbus today. We owe the Admiral, and his memory needs defense from the idiots who forget that.

Gryffilion said...

But...but...candlelight vigils solve everything, man! All we need is peace and love and...and...weed, man, and things'll be cool.

Right? I mean, that's what my sociology professor told me when we were rapping at his digs the other day.

M. Simon said...

A little (or a lot) of weed might go a long way to calming the opposition.

If they can't function under the influence. All the better.

M. Simon said...

The best policy is long jail terms. Get them off the streets. Here or there.

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