Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hot and Cold: the Extremes of War

Time to put the fire out. Having let it rage on for so long, the West seems to be donning its helmets and getting out the fire hoses. Or so says Mr. Youssef M. Ibrahim -- and he's telling the people of Dubai they'd better be prepared:

     The world of Islam is on fire. Indeed, the Muslim mind is on fire. Above all, the West is now ready to take both of them on.
The latest reliable report confirms that on average 33 Iraqis die every day, executed by Iraqis and foreign jihadis and suicide bombers, not by US or British soldiers. In fact, fewer than ever US or British soldiers are dying since the invasion more than two years ago. Instead, we now watch on television hundreds of innocent Iraqis lying without limbs, bleeding in the streets dead or wounded for life. If this is jihad someone got his religious education completely upside down.
The emphasis is ours. But the sentiment is Mr. Ibrahim's. Do we dare hope that he is right, that jihad as it is currently practiced and preached is an aberration? From his pen to Allah's ears.

But Mr. Ibrahim isn’t done with his fellow Muslims yet. He talks about the internecine warfare in Palestine. While he doesn’t say so, have you noticed how vicious they are towards one another? All of them busy killing off potential rivals as they position themselves for power in a ‘government’ as corrupt and cynical as anything Hilter ever devised.

Mr. Ibrahim lists just some of the murder and mayhem since jihad became the disaffected and envious young Muslim male's fad:
· London
· Madrid
· Morroco
· Africa
· Indonesia
· Thailand
· Afghanistan
· Egypt
· Yemen
· Pakistan
· India
· Turkey
· Tunsia
· The Netherlands
· Saudi Arabia

Oh, yeah —let’s not forget “the entity,” Israel.

So what has all this mighty Muslim fire extinguished? Muslim liberties and respect in the rest of the world, that’s what:
     The only accomplishment of jihadis is that now they have aroused the great "Western Tiger". There was a time when the United States and Europe welcomed Arab and Muslim immigrants, visitors and students, with open arms. London even allowed all dissidents escaping their countries to preach against those countries under the guise of political refugees.
Well, that is all over now. Time has become for the big Western vengeance.
Then he reminds his readers of the bit of Western history they don’t teach in those madrasses where little kids are trained for jihad. If they did so, their recruits might be less than enthusiastic:
     What is more important to remember is this: When the West did unite after World War II to beat communism, the long Cold War began without pity. They took no prisoners. They all stood together, from the United States to Norway, from Britain to Spain, from Belgium to Switzerland. And they did bring down the biggest empire. Communism collapsed.
I fear those naïve Muslims who think that they are beating the West have now achieved their worst crime of all. The West is now going to war against not only Muslims, but also, sadly, Islam as a religion.
In this new cold and hot war, car bombs and suicide bombers here and there will be no match for the arsenal that those Westerners are putting together - an arsenal of laws, intelligence pooling, surveillance by satellites, armies of special forces and indeed, allies inside the Arab world who are tired of having their lives disrupted by demented so-called jihadis or those bearded preachers who, under the guise of preaching, do little to teach and much to ignite the fire, those who know little about Islam and nothing about humanity.

There you have it: Muslim ignorance in a nutshell: "demented so-called jihadis." Islam's problem is going to be (a) how to cull these mutants from the pack, and (b) how to prevent more of them from being created. Their existence is neither the fault or the responsibility of the West.

The time for pity is long past.

(Hat tip: Mojocar Hawk via Barcepundit). And here is an example of the koinonia in action.


Dymphna said...

Andrew, I think he can get away with it...he's a former writer for the NYT and I doubt he's in harm's way.

Dymphna said...

graf --

You certainly took his "fire" image and ran with it!

I disagree to this extent: we had to do massively then what could not be done with the precision of today. But I do not doubt that the "Western tiger" is being roused. France is starting to expell her problems; I think Britain will follow.

Tancredo's option is valuable because it opens the floor to discussion of harsher metrics. In that, he has done a service.

Bombing Mecca and Medina wouldn't have much effect. Not nearly as much as doing that in Iran. Which is where I think we're headed.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ibrahim's warning is salutory, though his is a lone voice. Perhaps it is the beginning of a chorus?

We need to find a way to damp down the crazies in Islam who've hijacked the conversation. Not because we're nice guys but because that's the best way to end this thing: make them irrelevant.

Should this happen, regular Muslims won't be afraid to speak up.

John Sobieski said...

"Let them kill each other off." Sounds like a lot better war plan than what we have now. In fact, we should work behind the scenes to cause internecine warfare throught dar al-Islam.

Dymphna said...

Having them kill each other off is a good strategy except for one thing: they want to take the Israelis with them. And a lot of other innocent people.

Read Michael Yon - you'll get the idea.

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