Saturday, October 06, 2012

Stockholm Syndrome in Phoenix

A young woman who was beaten by members of her (culturally enriched) family for talking to a man now says it is all her fault, even though her mother, father, and sister have all pled guilty:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.


Green Infidel said...

This is consistent with reports of acid burnings in Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and the like: the victims often go on to say it was their fault.

And given that in such families, the father, brother or husband "owns" the woman getting attacked, being their provider, carer and breadwinner, is the fact that they feel morally guilty that much of a surprise?

Meanwhile, in the West we let everyone go their own way without a care in the world. And sometimes without even SAYING anything... and then we wonder why infidel women fall for Islamic psychos? If the good people don't care, the psychos win. It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that's not her mom's file photo!


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