Monday, September 17, 2012

Peace in Our Time, Egyptian Style

Listen to what Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil has to say about the violent reaction of the “Muslim street” to the Mohammed movie. There is no subtlety or indirection in his proposed solution to the riots and mayhem being committed by devout Muslims against Western interests all over the world, and especially in the Middle East. All the Western democracies have to do is curb the “abuses” of free speech by their citizens, and peace and understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim will return.

In order to make sure that there are no further “misunderstandings”, it’s important that the Western media present a balanced and accurate view of Islam, and especially of Egyptians. In other words, we must portray Egypt in ways that are approved and even composed by the Egyptians themselves, under the direction of their Muslim Brotherhood leadership.

Such is the future of the relationship between Egypt and the West.

Oh, and by the way — we are expected to keep the jizyah foreign aid flowing…

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Below are excerpts from the accompanying BBC article:

Film protest: Egypt PM urges US to end ‘insults’

Egypt’s Prime Minister Hisham Qandil has said the US must do all it can to stop people insulting Islam.

In an interview with BBC Arabic, Mr Qandil said it was “unacceptable to insult our Prophet” but also not right for peaceful protests to turn violent.

His comments come amid protests in the Middle East and north Africa over an anti-Islam film made in the US.

A man suspected of being involved in making in the film is being questioned by US probation officers.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has denied involvement in the film, clips of which have been posted online.

The film has sparked violent protests in several countries, leaving at least seven people dead.

US embassies and Western businesses have been attacked, including the US consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi, where the ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed.

The US has increased security at its overseas missions. It wants to send Marines to protect its embassy in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, but Sudan has rejected the request, saying it was able to handle security itself.

Mr Qandil said the film had been made by “wicked” amateurs, but that while it was “unacceptable to insult our Prophet” it was also “unjustifiable to have a peaceful demo turned violent”.

The Egyptian authorities have taken measures to ensure the safety of foreign diplomatic missions in Egypt, he said, but all sides needed now to improve their view of each other.

“Egyptians, Arabs, Muslims - we need to reflect the true identity of Muslims, how peaceful they are, and talk to the Western media about the true heart of the Muslims, that they condemn violence,” said Mr Qandil.

“At the same time we need to reach a balance between freedom of expression and to maintain respect for other peoples’ beliefs.”

When asked whether he thought the US should change its laws governing freedom of speech laws, he replied: “I think we need to work out something around this because we cannot wait and see this happen again.”

“This is a small number of people doing irresponsible work and everybody’s paying the price.”

The link between the US and Egypt was, he said, “a relationship that we need to make stronger based on mutual interests and respect for sovereignty”.

He also called on the US, and other governments, to “take the necessary measures to ensure insulting billions of people, one-and-a-half billion people and their beliefs, does not happen and people pay for what they do, and at the same time make sure that the reflections of the true Egyptian and Muslims is well in the Western media.”

The US has historically had a close relationship to Egypt, but earlier this week President Barack Obama said of Cairo: “I don’t think that we would consider them an ally, but we don’t consider them an enemy.”

“They are a new government that’s trying to find its way....I think we have to see how they respond to this incident.”


Nemesis said...


Anonymous said...

Iran foundation boosts bounty to kill Rushdie: media

Rather than jihadist probing this is beginning to look like a substantial assault on Western values of freedom of speech.

Jolie Rouge

Anonymous said...

The fact that a parasitical state that is utterly dependent on foreign aid for it's existence dares demands concessions from us can only happen when you have a coward in charge.

It's only going to get worse for us, since the Muslims see Obama and the Democrats as gutless wonders who can only bleat and blaah like so many sheep.

Anonymous said...

I thought the word on the block was that Obama was a muslim anyhow. Still the US has not "progressed" as far as Britain yet. How would the bible belt react if their equivalent of the BBC had a muslim as head of relgious broadcasting? How would the bible belt react if they had a minister for faith who was a muslim and effectively deciding policy that affects them? How would the bible belt react if they were told they could not wear a cross to work but no ban on the niqab, turban etc.

This is today's Britain where even the so-called Conservative party seems to be determined to remove the Christianity on which our country is founded.

And why aren't the few remaining Christians out in the streets protesting? Because this would be construed as anti-muslim and
therefore racist and they would fall foul of race relations legislation and be chucked into jail. Plus the fact that if it is construed as anti-muslim they might be attacked by muslims and Unite Against Fascism backed by David Cameron. Plus the fact that they are too bloody frightened of Nero who would burn them as Roman candles, well we are just one remove from that.

Anonymous said...

Egypt can whine all it wants, it's the bellicosity of a toothless dying state.

It's a overpopulated, savage backwater whose only claim to fame is it's ancient Egyptian monuments and a U.S. aid dependent. Sans them, they'd just be another rotting thugocracy like Yemen.

And with all the unrest since the MB has taken over, I bet they've lost 3/4 of their tourism dollars.

The country is finished. The fanatics just don't know it yet.

Anonymous said...


Just like a monkey wearing a hat, the "person" above may sit on a golden chair, wear a smart looking suit and speak about decency, but deep down... actually shallow down, he's just a savage repressing his ululating warcries and baying for the blood of the infidels.
Doesn't he look adorable pretending to be civilized?

The point of the film he condemns is entirely lost his ilk.

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