Many thanks to Hermes for translating this article from SOS-Österreich:
European football championship: The left says no to the German flag
Unfortunately the red-white-red flags are lacking on cars at the European football championship currently underway. The reason for this is not the lack of patriotism, for we (Austrians) are condemned to just watch it on TV.
In Germany this is completely different — our northern neighbor is as always joint favorite for the European championship title, and many Germans are also decorating their cars this year with the German flag:
It’s typical of Germany — many lefties disapprove of showing this patriotism. There are lots of photos on the internet about an action in which unknown people furiously break off the flags from the cars. Here you can read their reasons for this:

Dear car driver (m/f)
I have taken away your German flag. No matter why you have attached this flag (to your car), this gives way in any case to nationalism.
No? of course it does!
This flag does not represent football or any team, but German identity.
Spare yourself your money, us the work, and nature the rubbish, and do not replace it with a new one!
This is leftist's advocating genocide of Germans.
This is the racism.
Africa for Africans, Asia for Asia, and white countries for everyone.
No way.
Anti-racism is just a codeword for anti-white.
Absolutely incredible - but ironically, I hope they do this frequently. Most people would become fed up with it rather quickly and it could produce a counter sentiment against the leftists. Nationalism is natural and most normal people will feel disturbed at such acts of vandalism.
I've wondered for some time how these people could allow international football matchesmto pass by without comment.
Maybe they could try attending the matches themselves, and attempt to re-educate the fans at the game by removing their flags from them. And persuading them to take off their football jerseys.
I wonder how that would go ..
They could try writing to Platini or Blatter and tell them that all international football must cease immediately, and that includes the next world cup in Qatar.
Of course no football = no money for a lot of people. Again, I wonder how that would go down ..
Of course rather than tackle the Germans they could always fly out to the Middle East at the next world cup & try taking flags off the locals who are supporting the home team, & telling them they're racist. That would be interesting.
For sure only one flag creates nationalism haha it's ridiculous. This is similar to the situation in 2006 when they thought of being proud of being German could evoke nationalism. It's unable for German citizen to be proud of Germany otherwise your a nazi.
With all the other news about Germany, makes me wonder if the next European war will have them as one of the good guys.
How big is this problem? If it's a couple of instances, then it is probably one or two low iq trouble-makers. If this destruction of private property is happening on a regular basis, then it's more serious and needs vigilantes to patrol areas around sports grounds to apprehend these deviants and persuade them of the error of their ways.
If it were the black flack of jihad the leftards would probably kneel down and kiss it.
It's no different among American Leftists who also hate any display of nationalism or pride by WASP's.
And these are the same people who will go all doe eyed when the Hispanics put on one of their ethnic pride protests.
In general, Leftists support anything that degrades and destroys nationalistic feelings among a Western country's populace and tirelessly support globalization, open-borders, importation and protection of violent 3rd worlders.
In short Leftists today are a mortal threat to Western countries.
My flabber has never been so gasted! The cheek of it! To all you patriotic Germans out there - plaster your cars and homes with the German flag, at least this will make it hard work for these vandals.
I seem to have lost the thread of the logic here. Please remind me why one shouldn't feel proud of their country and its representative sports team.
(my robot word is Itch!)
Because international football by its very nature involves supporting people who were born in your country against people who were born in other countries, so it is by definition racist.
Obviously if these lefty wingnuts are serious and want to be consistent then they have to go after international football.
If they don't then whenever the "r" word is bandied about by those crazy lefties, it might be worth throwing the World Cup back in their faces.
Can you imagine? Some lefty politician, or a founder of hope not hate, or unite against facism, trying to explain why they think supporting anything whatsoever on the basis of race is bad, bad, very bad ... but they can't explain why they don't condemn FIRST AND FOREMOST people supporting their national team at the next World Cup.
(Including the fans supporting the home team.)
Just when you thought that German "anti-fascists" couldn't get any more ridiculous, this happens...
Now I'm feeling like driving across to Berlin in my Polish-registration car and sticking a German flag on it. And with it a note (in German):
"Lieber leftist:
I am flying this flag on my car - like millions of fans all over Europe flying their national flags. Flying such a flag has not caused any instance of murder or even "hate crimes" anywhere. In contrast to the Red Army Faction, and other far-left loser groups which you may support. Anyone caught damaging this flag will, having been overpowered, be covered in a shirt bearing the slogans "infidel" and "Islam sucks!" (in German, English and Arabic), and transported to the nearest Muslim ghetto to be further dealt with by the nearest Kurdish, Turkish or Arabic gang.
Signed -
A patriotic anti-commie"
Germany is on the way to anarchy and civil war. More then 50 years of leftwingthinking have transformed this country in the most decadent and unreal way. It seams like the weimar republic is back. Chaotic crouds can commit crimes, nobody stops them; the left poiticians love this. But in contrary to the last century this time its the faschism comes from the left!
"Because international football by its very nature involves supporting people who were born in your country against people who were born in other countries, so it is by definition racist."
A person of any race can be born in any country, so if the criterion for representing a national team is simply place of birth then, considering the recent immigration deluge in Europe, rooting for one national team does not entail rooting for one race. Right now England is playing France. Six of the eleven men on the pitch for England are of sub-Saharan African descent and therefore not English except in a nominal globalist sense. Three of the men for France are also sub-Saharans, with an additional four being North African (plus Ribéry le bouffon , a French convert to Islam). For both nations, the real indigenous people, who account for a meager percentage of the world's population, are a minority in their own national team. The case is different for Africans (sub- and sub-Saharan), whose phenotypes swamp the teams of both their nations of origin and their host nations.
I consider any real English or French man or woman who supports "their" national team to be ignorant at best, an abettor of their genocide at worst (one could charge that's hyperbole, yet--).
As an Englishman abroad, I say, Go Russia, Go Eastern Europe.
Anon 2:55 you said:
Because international football by its very nature involves supporting people who were born in your country against people who were born in other countries, so it is by definition racist.
Anon 1:05 said:
A person of any race can be born in any country, so if the criterion for representing a national team is simply place of birth then, considering the recent immigration deluge in Europe, rooting for one national team does not entail rooting for one race.
Sorry, but I tend to agree with anon #2. Football, soccer and American football, as well as baseball recruit people from all over the world. And they play for a particular country. In this respect I agree with the multicultis. Anyone that has the skills and is given the opportunity to play for a particular country should be allowed to. Of course, money is a huge driver in these decisions. Never the less, home team supporters should have a right to root for their country no matter who is representing them. It is a question of patriotism which, in the final analysis, is what the people tearing flags off cars abhore.
Would someone please remind me again why patriotism to their home country is such a bad thing???
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