Friday, April 06, 2012

ICNA Sells Shariah to America

In the following segment from the “Conservative Commandos” radio show on WIFI 1460am, Adam Savit, a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Security Policy, joins Rick Trader and Anna Little to discuss the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and its new shariah-promotion initiative:

ICNA — the same jolly folks who sell those jihad books in Toronto — is currently spending three million dollars on a national campaign to explain to Americans why shariah is fun, useful, and fully compatible with their constitutional rights.

ICNA’s press release explains it all:
National Shariah Education Campaign Launched

ICNA Launches Nationwide Shariah Education Campaign to Promote Religious Freedom and Combat Islamophobia

Historic Initiative Will Tour 25 U.S. Cities within the Next 6 Months

NEW YORK, March 5, 2012 – Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) announced today a national Shariah education campaign to promote religious freedom and combat Islamophobia…

Well, read the rest if you have the stomach for it.

Or you can check out the dissenting opinions at the CSP website.

This stuff isn’t going away anytime soon. Outreach to Islam now enjoys widespread bipartisan support at both the national and state levels. Even if we don’t return a Hussein to the White House, we’re going to be seeing a lot of shariah over the next few years.

Coming soon to a supermarket or courthouse near you!

1 comment:

Anestis canelidis said...

Very informative but I wish a lot more Americans could see this video and wake up to this threat.

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