Wednesday, April 04, 2012

A Family of Mohammeds

Cultural Enrichment News

There have been a lot of would-be terrorists arrested in the last few weeks, especially in France. Classified as “extremists” — and often avoiding the I-word — they are generally described as “lone wolves”, like Mohamed Merah, so that the citizenry does not become alarmed, and can go back to sleep.

The following group of jihadis were hardly lone wolves, since there were at least three of them in it together. However, the listed perps were all brothers — can we call them the “Lone Wolf Family”?

They have a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%. However, if you extend the list to the two outsiders mentioned in the article, the MC drops to 80%.

According to The Daily Mail:

British ‘Extremists Caught Carrying Al Qaeda Manual 44 Ways to Support Jihad Were Fundraising for Somali Terrorists’

Two men appeared at Westminster Magistrates court yesterday on charges relating to trying to fund terror groups in Somalia.

Cops swooped on the London home of father-of-three Mohammed Shabir Ali, 24, and his twin brother, Mohammed Shafiq Ali, where they discovered a copy of ‘44 Ways to Support Jihad’ by the radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.

The pair stand accused of raising cash in the UK to send to their brother Mohammed Shamim who it is believed travelled to Somalia in 2008 to carry out martyrdom atrocities.

Neither brother indicated pleas to the charges of possessing an article for use in terrorism and intending to assist another to commit acts of terrorism between August 20th, 2008, and June 21st last year.

The identical twins, both with shaven heads and small goatee beards, appeared at separate hearings at Westminster Magistrates court.

They were arrested last June when police seized the materials from their home in Stepney, but both were released without charge.

Counter terrorism cops, who had been examining the material, swooped at their home two days ago and arrested them.

Notice that they raised money for their jihad through da’wa activities. That is, the money they collected constituted zakat, and was distributed properly under Islamic law, to support the waging of jihad:
Prosecutor Louise Gray said that they believed Ali and his brother had been discussing sending cash to their brother in Somalia that they raised through a ‘Dawah’ religious stall.

During Shabir Ali’s hearing she said that in 2008 Mohammed Shamim travelled with Tufaul Ahmed and Mohammad Jahangit to the Emirates, Nairobi and then Dubai where it is feared they travelled on to Somalia. Their return tickets have never been used.’

Ms Gray said: ‘It is believed he has gone to Somalia and is participating with insurgents out there.’

Unemployed Shabir Ali, who has three children - aged four, two and 18 months and lives with his wife and his mother, spoke only to confirm his name and address. He was supported at court by his wife and other family members, one of whom saluted him as he walked in.

Just think of the three-stooges comedic possibilities in that family.

Dad: “Pass the hummus, Mohammed.”

(Three heads bang together in the center of the dining table as all three reach for the hummus.)

Dad: “Imbeciles!”

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Hat tip: MS.


Qualis Rex said...

Kudos to pointing out that it was the obligatory "zakat" or "alms" (one of the 5 pillars of Mohamedanism) which gave the funds for these would-be terrorists in the UK to carry out their jihad. This is precisely why I objected to the chap on the previous thread who saw no objection to patronizing a "good Muslim's" establishment. Even if the so-called "good Muslim" does not wage jihad, we must assume the zakat/alms they give to their mosque, Mohammedan society/charity etc will make their way to jihadist activity in one form or another.

Do not do business with Mohanmmedans. Your money is best spent elsewhere. I don't know how much more plain this can be.

Anonymous said...

You do not have to physically fight in jihad to suffice your 5 pillars.You can give money to help support your brother in arms and then use Taqqya to deny you knew anything about the money being used for jihad

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