Friday, April 22, 2011

Update: Terry Jones Goes to Jail

Further update: Some unknown person or persons has posted bond on behalf of Terry Jones and Wayne Sapp, and they are out of jail.

You have to admire this man’s grit. He and his co-pastor refused on principle to pay a $1 bond, so they’ve been thrown in the slammer:

A judge late today sent two Florida pastors to jail for refusing to post a $1 bond.

The stunning development came after a Dearborn jury sided with prosecutors, ruling that Terry Jones and Wayne Sapp would breach the peace if they rallied at the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn.

Prosecutors asked Judge Mark Somers for $45,000 bond. Somers then set bond at $1 each for the two pastors.

They refused to pay. And Somers ordered them remanded to jail.


Blogger said...

That's outrageous. Since when was the constitution amended to make "free speech" cost thousands of dollars to pay for opponents' potential violence against you? This whole saga is a very disturbing development.

Van Grungy said...

seems like there is an atmosphere of intimidation that pervades the city of Dearbornistan...
Terry Jones is taking all of us into uncharted territory..
the government will prove that violence is an inherent muslim trait that can never be severed from islamic culture

goethechosemercy said...

Jizyah, Jizyah, and Jizyah again.

Blogger said...

I thought $1 was a typo, but now I realise that somewhere in the trail, they reduced the amount from $100,000 to $1. What happened? Am I missing something?

gspencer said...


The $1 is not a typo. Rather it's a pathetic attempt by a judge who is bound and determined to ignore the Constitution. He's trying to save face and the Michigan statute's integrity by offering Jones a means of complying and getting his demo. We should be quite proud of Jones that he's not buying the compromise of the 1st Am. on behalf of all of us.

Whether Jones is doing this for publicity troubles me not a bit. It is beyond time that we in the liberty/anti-jihad movement brought the game to the Muslims provocateurs, no longer letting them control the agenda.

Anonymous said...

Terry Jones Posts $1 Bond To Leave Jail

UPDATED: 8:12 pm EDT April 22, 2011
Quote: "After not posting $1 bonds, Jones and his associate pastor, Wayne Sapp, were to be escorted to jail, said District Judge Mark Somers. Somers said Jones and Sapp would stay in Wayne County jail until posting bond.

The men posted the $1 bonds about an hour after initially refusing to."

Given the location/circumstances, that cell may not have been the safest for these two.

Anonymous said...

While largely symbolic, the bond also came with conditions that included a prohibition on Jones from going to the mosque or the adjacent property for three years.

Franklin said...

They are released and gone after Terry Jones accidentally fired off his personal automatic pistol while behind the wheel of his auto driving a round through the floor boards. The cops said, "oh well", and let Jones have his pistol back and bid him farewell.

philip.zhao said...

Is the USA behind the Iron Curtain now ?

Shy Wolf said...

"...seems like there is an atmosphere of intimidation that pervades the city of Dearbornistan...
Terry Jones is taking all of us into uncharted territory..
the government will prove that violence is an inherent muslim trait that can never be severed from islamic culture..." (Van Grungy)
You have a point there, Van- but I'm not at all certain Jones is 'taking' us there- he may be leading us, but we go willingly or we stay home and continue our blustering without consequence.
IMO, the battlefield is laid out before us, our course is clear. Now we have to point our bows in the right direction and follow the leader- even though he's not been asked to lead.
And lead is exactly what Jones is doing, whether for publicity or because God is directing him- what does it matter? He is our example if we want to defend our country against the muslim invaders.
We can follow or get the hell out of the way so men can do the work that needs doing.
Jones has my support in any area he needs it, whether he wants it or not.
If the muslims want a war with America, let it begin now.

Franklin said...

Well said ShyIII

Unknown said...

The arguement was that his speech would be unsafe for public so now becuase of saftey concerns the Ground Zero Mosque can no longer be built.I think that the arguement of saftey gets dismissed for them

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