Thursday, April 21, 2011

Step One: Abandon All Your Principles

Andrew Klavan weighs in on Terry Jones, Koran-burning, and the surrender of our fundamental rights:

Hat tip: CB3.


Sol Ta Triane said...

"COEXIST" (bumper sticker)

Although the zombie-unity PC commandment "coexist" begins with a crescent moon, as you can see, it all ends with a cross.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Klavan does what all conservatives do, which is point out the absurdity and illogicality of liberalism, without understanding it is *supposed* to be absurd and illogical. As Theodore Dalrymple pointed out, forcing people to submit to absurdity and illogicallity, thus humiliating and degrading them and making them lose self-confidence and self-respect, is a basic part of the program.

Terry Jones on the other hand is far from a juvenile attention-seeker. He is actually confronting the rules of the system, and has brought fear to the heart of the very highest liberals. If you have the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs upset, you're doing something right.

laine said...

Thrasymachus' point is well taken that "forcing people to submit to absurdity and illogicality, thus humiliating and degrading them and making them lose self-confidence and self-respect, is a basic part of the program" (liberalism). Libs can't live and let live. They have a compulsion to force all non-libs to join them in their Bizarro World. They have a strong controlling sadistic streak and get their jollies from forcing conservatives to support leftist propaganda organs through their taxes such as NPR, BBC in Britain and CBC in Canada as just one of thousands of examples. The Soviet Union was a specialist in enforcing a totalitarian Alice Through the Looking Glass World where everything was topsy turvy. Wrong was presented as right and right as wrong. The evil were rewarded and the good punished. Individual resistance was broken down step wise, first by murder, then terror, and finally decades of enforced societal insanity e.g. the old Soviet joke (black humor helped some hang onto their sanity) "We pretended to work, and the Soviet masters pretended to pay us".

laine said...

I still like Klavan's approach, cutting sarcasm showing the absurdity of the lib position. This is what conservatives are so lousy at or too polite to do. You need to go on the offense, not play eternal defense.

Unfortunately, in the parallel Bizarro World world where libs rule and have trapped us at the moment, Jon Stewart does this kind of thing every night at the expense of conservatives to a huge audience.

Van Grungy said...

there is nothing more absurd than 'unity in diversity'

I'd rather believe in God (allah doesn't count)

john in cheshire said...

I think there is a need for much violence in the Western world before we can return to normality. And there will have to be millions of socialists and muslims withdrawn from normal society before we can begin to see the light. Unless someone has a plan to achieve this by non-violent means?

Lawrence said...

He needs to burn his Quran's on the steps of the state-house, not the steps of any given Mosque.

Islamists in their holy place isn't the problem. They are not in charge, at least not yet. Our problem is our politicians pandering to them.

Our message to our politicians must be that we will not abide Islamist ideologies. Any effort by PC politicians to force us to equivocate Islam isn't going to fly with the general population.

Hesperado said...

I continue to advocate less ostensibly inflammatory (pun intended) disrespect of the Koran than burning.

Since for Muslims any and all disrespect of the Koran is equal, the intentional act of -- for example -- spilling coffee on it would be exactly equal to burning it.

This would have the advantage of the eliciting the spectacle of an even more absurdly unacceptable and fanatical reaction from Muslims; whereas "book-burning" suffers from associations which can be exploited against our cause.

Thus, imagine the following scenario: a group of people solemnly go up to the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court at a public spot where it is not illegal to assemble, with cameras abounding, place a Koran on the ground, take the lid off a tall still steaming-hot latte from Starbucks, and pour it on the Koran.

When the Muslim riots, deaths, death-threats and veiled threats to implement official censorship ensue, it will be that much more effectively unacceptable.

(I would even add a flourish to the spectacle: the one pouring the coffee pours half the cup, looks at the cameras and says "Woops! I spilled my coffee!" -- then with a smile proceeds deliberately to pour the second half on the Koran.)

Zenster said...

Hesperado: I would even add a flourish to the spectacle: the one pouring the coffee pours half the cup, looks at the cameras and says "Woops! I spilled my coffee!" -- then with a smile proceeds deliberately to pour the second half on the Koran.

You omitted to mention how that coffee should be poured with the left hand.

Other than that, I agree. Book burning is too freighted with Nazi connotations that allow the Left to conjure up extremist labels.

Spitting on the book, rubbing your crotch with it, grinding your left foot shoe heel into it ― shoes have nasty implications ― loading it with raw bacon (hat tip to Ann Barnhardt), and other methods of defacing it ― always using the left hand ― are far more innocuous and will trigger the same homicidal rage in Muslims.

It is far better that relatively innocuous acts be used to incite routine Muslim threats of violence. It paints Islam as far more reactionary and highlights the hypersensitivity of Muslim "sensibilities".

People must be made to understand that Islam's first, last and constant resort is to murder and mayhem, even for the most trivial offenses that do not even merit passing notice by Western standards.

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