Monday, April 11, 2011

Sharia is Already Here

Geert Wilders’ political party, the PVV, has exposed the fact that sharia is currently being followed in the Netherlands, not in special sharia courts, as in the UK, but in the Dutch civil courts themselves.

Mr. Wilders has now expressed his vehement public objections to this situation. Many thanks to our Dutch correspondent H. Numan for translating this article from De Telegraaf:

‘Sharia already in The Netherlands’

The Hague — The PVV party demands a ban on the use of Islamic laws by Dutch judges.

In Dutch court cases such as divorce, children, and inheritance, more and more rules from Islamic countries are used: this is the opinion of the PVV. PVV leader Geert Wilders calls for measures after an investigation by his party.

“I am shocked by the extensive use of Islamic law within The Netherlands. Not by so-called shariah courts, which do not exist, according to then-minister Hirsh Ballin, but by our own courts, no less.”


As an example Wilders mentioned a case in 2009 from the court in The Hague, in which a Somali man denied paternity of his child with his ex-wife. This was granted by the court, based on ‘traditional Islamic law’. A magistrate in Utrecht rejected the claim for a divorce of a woman who holds plural Moroccan-Dutch nationality, because according to Moroccan jurisprudence in the Mudawwana [the law governing marriage, divorce, parentage, inheritance, child custody and child rights] first an attempt must be made to reconcile both parties.

The court in The Hague judged that a Dutch woman, who by marriage to an Iranian also became Iranian, could not claim part of the property after her divorce, because Iranian financial law applied. The couple lived during their entire marriage in The Netherlands.

There have been cases where a marriage was dissolved by the Islamic legal procedure of repudiating the wife, which was considered valid under Dutch law. “We are talking here about moronic Islamic law in which women were seriously disadvantaged.” Wilders wants action from the cabinet, which is being tolerated by the PVV. “All laws and treaties much be changed in such a way this will no longer be possible.”

Islamic law can be used in The Netherlands by means of civil law. That sounds logical when, for example a German company does not honor a Dutch contract for a French firm., but it goes apparently much further than that. Only when foreign laws conflict with Dutch laws concerning public order is their application forbidden. “That is just make-believe” said Wilders. “The Islamisation has already begun, also here.”


Profitsbeard said...

"moronic Islamic law".

I love this guy!


Sol Ta Triane said...

"Only when foreign laws conflict with Dutch laws concerning public order is their application forbidden."

Say what?

If this is correct and Dutch judges can use non-Dutch law such as Sharia, or maybe Mafia rules, or perhaps use the millions of millions of conflicting traditional ideas of the world?

If it conflicts with Dutch law, then what is it doing being mentioned in the court in the first place?

And if it does match and agree with Dutch law, then again, what is the point of even bringing it up?

Therefore, no external law should ever be allowed.

So what it really going on here? I would call it treason.

Including everybody's opinion is anarchy and I want a real country, not a Tower of Babel.

Politically-forced, judge enforced multiculturalism is lethal to culture.

Findalis said...

Oh this Nazi played us well

Dutch consider banning animal slaughter

Guess which party is supporting it.

His true goal all along is to destroy the Jews in Holland.

This proves it.

Anonymous said...

Findalis, experts on humane animal slaughter disagree about whether kosher and halal slaughter is as humane as the usual kind. If some people want to make slaughter more humane for animals, the fact that the ban on kosher slaughter has an unsavory past, and some unsavory advocates now, doesn't give people an exemption from caring about how animals are slaughtered.

How I wish Jews wouldn't be so reactive. Can we look at this complex issue as a whole, and not start name-calling? FWIW, I don't buy either kosher or halal meat, even though it's available where I usually shop.

If you look at the history of Judaism, various practices have changed. It seems to me that only in modern times have religious Jews become so strict about following traditions. If some Jews were to, for instance, change the dietary laws to conform with modern understanding of humane treatment of animals, wouldn't that strengthen rather than weaken Judaism?

Findalis said...

What you are asking latte is for Jews to deny G-d and G-d's Law in order to make a bunch of treehuggers feel good.

This is directed only at Jews. Muslims will stun their animals. Jews cannot by religious law.

Thus Holland will effectively remove Jews from the land.

But take heart latte, when the last Jew leaves, you will be the next target of the Muslims. I hope you like wearing the burka, being denied rights, and being raped on a daily basis.

Serves you and the Dutch people right.

Zenster said...

latté island: If some Jews were to, for instance, change the dietary laws to conform with modern understanding of humane treatment of animals, wouldn't that strengthen rather than weaken Judaism?

More importantly, as I noted in another thread, if Western Jews were able to forgo Kosher slaughtering methods it would hold the door wide open for initiating a ban on extremely inhumane halal butchering practices.

This one crucial step could play a vital role in making the Western world exceptionally Islam unfriendly.

Findalis said...

I see the anti-Semites are coming out in force.

Forcing Jews to become vegetarians so you can get back at Muslims. I hope both of you are vegetarians or someone will force it on you.

Zenster said...

Findalis: His true goal all along is to destroy the Jews in Holland.

For how often I am seeing Liberal Jews backing Islamic causes, having them and Muslims both leave might not be such a tremendous loss after all.

Obviously, ridding Europe of its Islamic colonists must remain the top priority. However, anyone who impedes that process may find themselves thrown under the bus.

Findalis said...

Zenster: When the last Jew is gone from Europe will you celebrate with parties and fireworks?

Anonymous said...

Here is a common sense view, from an Israeli website. The writer points out that Jews in the time of Moses didn't throw out as much meat as is deemed unkosher today, so the kosher laws are too strict. I don't think the Israeli Jews who read and write this website are anti-semites, but what do I know?

Israeli News: is there a problem with Shechita ban?

Anonymous said...

Latte Island--how can you be sure you don't buy halal meat? I've heard it's become a general problem that some abattoirs have converted entirely to Halal slaughter for convenience. So we're all eating meat sacrificed to idols (unless we buy kosher).

Anonymous said...

Salome, that's right, consumers aren't being given a choice. However, if enough people make an issue of it, we will get accurate labeling, just as dairies are allowed to state their milk doesn't contain Rbst, even though other dairies tried to outlaw that label.

gsw said...

@Findalis: It may be different in Holland, but in the UK the koscher butchers have been stunning animals before slaughter for decades.
Currently it is the muslims in the UK who insist, not only that they the stunning laws do not apply to them, but that ALL schools must now serve only halal meat for fear of offending any muslim children.
Just as many places no longer have pork on the menu for fear of offending muslims.
Well sod that - we are offended!

Findalis said...

latte: Yes some Israelis complain how some Rabbis go overboard with the Laws of Kosher, but when it comes to the meat they buy, they want it KOSHER. Killed by the Laws of Moses, etc.

gsw: Then the meat is not KOSHER. Thank you for this information. I'll spread the word to other Jews. We will not go there, no place to eat.

Zenster said...

Findalis: Zenster: When the last Jew is gone from Europe will you celebrate with parties and fireworks?

Go sniff around somebody else's hindquarters for your whiff of Antisemitism.

In case you haven’t noticed, organizations like the “Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders” are working hard to help shelter Islam from the consequences of its own violent dogma. Islam is a sufficient threat to all of us, Jew and Gentile alike, whereby those who impede it's expulsion from the West automatically become part of the problem.

Do you favor Muslim immigration to the West?

Without waiting for your answer, I will not even dignify your baseless accusation of Antisemitism with a shred of the copious proof that refutes it. Go whine somewhere else.

It's good to see that some Jews are catching on to the point I'm trying to make.

From latté island's interesting link:

On the positive side, the proposed bill would greatly afflict Muslim communities in the Netherlands who wouldn’t be able to practice halal slaughter.

Findalis said...

When Muslims give up this insane notion that Shar'ai Law is superior to Western Law and ideals, when they stop their violence against non-Muslims, when they stop trying to turn the West into the Hellholes they crawled out of, I will welcome them.

BTW: Those Jews are living in a dream world. Their Muslim "friends" will turn on them in a New York Minute. What they have in store for them will make the Nazi Death Camps seem like a Summer Holiday.

Zenster said...

Findalis: Those Jews are living in a dream world. Their Muslim "friends" will turn on them in a New York Minute. What they have in store for them will make the Nazi Death Camps seem like a Summer Holiday.

So, then why are you slinging around unwarranted accusations of Antisemitism when you know damn well that these Liberal Jews are busily undermining the foundations of Western civilization?

Regular Jews had better begin to distance themselves from these Multicultural loons and be bloody quick about it. Better yet, they should openly condemn these facilitators of European jihad.

All over the West these Liberal Jews are spawning total mayhem with their misguided and counterproductive politics. Its time for mainstream Jewry to rein in these drooling idiots before they all get thrown out with the Muslim bathwater.

Hesperado said...


It's not just many Jews who are liberally solicitous of Muslims and cultivate "respect" for Islam. For every rabbi we see taking part in one of those infernal "inter-faith seminars" on the "Three Abrahamic Religions", you can count five Christian clergy (various flavors of Protestants + Catholics). Then we have all the non-Jewish PC MCs throughout the West who are a rag-tag collection of agnostic, atheist and secularly decaffeinated Christian or Jew. (And we aren't even counting all the dhimmified Hindus and Buddhists.)

The problem of Jewish PC MC is merely a subset of the general Western problem of PC MC. It may sometimes tend to have one particular unique feature of traction in the meme of --

Western Christians used to oppress Jews and that millennial oppression eventually led to the Holocaust and it could re-occur at any moment if we are not vigilant + the Muslims were more tolerant of Jews during the "Golden Age" of Islam.

To the extent that this meme (which is a mixture of fact and revisionist myth) has a certain degree of traction, then the Jewish subset of PC MC becomes problematic; but I see no solid evidence of such a degree (though reasonable people -- as opposed to quasi-antisemitic conspiracy theorists -- may differ on what constitutes a sufficient degree).

So certainly, those Jews who are PC MC need to stop being PC MC about Islam -- as does the majority of carbon-based upright bipedal beings with opposable thumbs and a conscience in the world.

Zenster said...

Hesperado: It's not just many Jews who are liberally solicitous of Muslims and cultivate "respect" for Islam. For every rabbi we see taking part in one of those infernal "inter-faith seminars" on the "Three Abrahamic Religions", you can count five Christian clergy (various flavors of Protestants + Catholics).

Thank you for that BGO (Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious). However, such idiocy notwithstanding, there is a key difference. Much as many Christian groups are participating in this same madness, they are not the ones whose homeland has been threatened with being “wiped off of the map”.

Also, regardless of any febrile claims to the contrary, Christians are not those who pose the greatest threat of genocide against Israel and the world’s Jewish population. Call it “Christian Man’s Burden”, if you will, but Liberal Jews have continued to flog Christianity over the Holocaust long after there is much residual call for it. While this is convenient for many political reasons it does an immense disservice to Judaism in general.

This in no way plays down the need for eternal vigilance against any recurrence of the Shoa. Quite the opposite, Liberal Jews are so busy milking White guilt like the last cow on the farm that they cannot see the genocidal Islamic forest for the Muslim trees. Modern Christians, in their current orgy of self-effacing and suicidally altruistic, all-inclusive tolerance are more than happy to overlook anybody’s shortcomings, including those of the Muslims who would like nothing better than to erase all traces of Judaism and Christianity alike.

To reiterate, Liberal Jews had best refocus their disapprobation upon those who pose the real threat to Judaism. It is much like the old soldier’s maxim that militaries are always preparing to fight the last war and not the one that is coming. So it is that these morally lazy Liberal Jews continue in their rota of ripping scabs from the Holocaust instead of rightfully recognizing the far greater threat of global genocide that Islam has openly and repeatedly demonstrated its iron will to carry out.

Perhaps the one element of truth that continues to drive these Jewish fears lies in how small a portion they are of this world’s population. The insanity of it is how this inspires Liberals amongst them to reinforce the protective mechanism of PCMC despite the way that it inculpates Jews with respect to facilitating Islam’s demographic and stealth variants of jihad. These actions are most likely what will get them thrown under the bus that ships American and European Muslim populations back to whence they came.

Even at this late date, few Westerners adequately appreciate the distinct differences that exist between various sects of Jewry. This, perhaps, is the greatest threat because, in the rush to rid itself of Muslim parasites, the entire Jewish population may find itself held collectively responsible by the West for blinding so many to the ultimate peril that Islam poses to all others.

It is why I continue to maintain that Jews in general had best begin some truly vociferous condemnation of the way their Liberal faction is enabling Muslim predation upon the West. The consequences of not doing so are too fraught with dangerous possibilities that no one will pause to sort out the true malefactors from such a tiny group.

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