Here’s the report from the National Post:
Heritage Minister Orders Library and Archives Canada to Show Controversial Film
OTTAWA — Heritage Minister James Moore has instructed Library and Archives Canada to show the documentary film Iranium after “threats of violence” caused a screening of the film Tuesday to be cancelled, the minister’s office has announced.
Both Mr. Moore and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney had earlier criticized Library and Archives, a federal Crown agency, for cancelling the screening.
“The principle of free speech is one of the cornerstones of our democracy,” MR. Moore’s office said in a prepared statement. “Minister Moore took action as soon as he heard that the film was cancelled. The minister has instructed the Library and Archives to honour their commitment to show the film, while taking all appropriate steps to ensure security. Canada does not accept attempts from the Iranian Embassy to dictate what films will, and will not be shown in Canada.”
Pauline Portelance, a spokeswoman for Library and Archives Canada, said the Iranian embassy had sent a letter to the federal institution on the weekend asking that the film be cancelled. The request was denied.
Then, people — whom Ms. Portelance described as “members of the public” — started phoning Library and Archives complaining about the planned screening and threatening to protest. “The threats were getting too serious,” Ms. Portelance said.
A decision was then made to cancel the screening.
Asked about the issue during a press conference on Wednesday morning, Liberal house leader David McGuinty said he supports a “free and open society.”
Officials from both Library and Archives and from the film event’s sponsor, the Free Thinking Society, told iPolitics Wednesday they are prepared to discuss showing the film at a future date.
Fred Litwin, president of the society, said he believed the original cancellation was “ludicrous” but that he believed nevertheless the Library and Archives auditorium remains a good place to show the film.
A website about the film, says:” Iranium powerfully reports on the many aspects of the threat America and the world now faces using rarely before seen footage of Iranian leaders, and interviews with 25 leading politicians, Iranian dissidents and experts on Middle East policy, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation.”
Iranium has only had a few screenings so far in the United States. Its premiere was scheduled to take place Feb. 8 simultaneously at several American cities.
The cancellation angered ministers Moore and Kenney who both twittered their concern.
“I am disappointed that Library & Archives Canada chose not to show the film tonight due to threats of violence,” Mr. Moore said Tuesday. “The Iranian Embassy will not dictate to the Government of Canada which films will or will not be shown in Canada.”
Kenney tweeted similar remarks.
“The cancellation of tonight’s screening of Iranium is outrageous,” Mr. Kenney said Tuesday.

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.
Hang In There Canada...the world is watching! - reb
___ ___
Those who bow to threats get... more threats.
Oldest rule in the world.
Ask the Mob.
Or Islam.
Or am I being redundant?
Isn't it frightning to be so elated over a decision to uphold the law and to do what must be done?
What in the world has happened to the free west?
We all know of course - but why are we so meek? Why do we accept that our governments refuse to protect their own people, and do their duty in guaranteeing our safety and liberty?
Very, but let's hope it is also a wake up call.
As to our governments - it up to the people to vote in statesmen and not just politicians!
See past the rhetoric (fascist, xenophobe etc.) and look where the money is coming from - and where it is going!
Frightening? Not really to those of us well aware of the decline of courage that pervades the Western world. Librarians and many others routinely cave in when faced with anything resembling a threat.
What is unusual and encouraging is how the minister simply brushes aside the Iranian pressure rather than "Taking the concerns seriously" or "Entering a constructive dialogue". This is the kind of politicians we need.
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