Saturday, November 06, 2010

A Little Help From Our Friends

** Fall 2010 Fundraiser — Day Five **

Tractor Women

This blog is very much a group effort. It has been that way for several years, and has become even more so over the last six months or so, as the “Counterjihad Collective” reached critical mass and morphed into a pan-European (and even transatlantic) activist network.

Tip jarOur job is to act as a clearinghouse and information hub for various groups in different countries. We endeavor to bring accurate in-depth information — in translation if necessary — as well as opinion articles and analysis. The video-generating process is particularly valuable, since YouTube reaches a larger audience than text, and is more likely to produce a viral meme.

Our custom during these fundraisers has been to recognize all the people who make Gates of Vienna possible, but this has become a more and more difficult job. There are now literally hundreds of volunteers who play one role or another in the production of material that gets posted on this blog or included in the videos.

I’ll do my best to make a comprehensive list, but I’m bound to leave some people out. If your name should be in one of the groups below, please don’t just feel slighted — email me, and I’ll add it.

First of all, an enormous debt of gratitude is owed to Vlad Tepes, Kitman, and Henrik Ræder Clausen for their marathon contributions to various video projects.

The rest of the lists — contributors, translators, and tipsters — are much longer.


Andy Bostom
Sergei Bourachaga
Anestos Canelides
Henrik Ræder Clausen
El Inglés
John J. O’Neill
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
Seneca III
Takuan Seiyo
Nicolai Sennels
Paul Weston


Albanian Ilia Toli
Arabic Abdallah bin Sa'd
Bulgarian Georgi Dimitrov
Czech Czech Infidel
Danish Anne-Kit
Dutch Bolleke
  H. Numan
  Michiel Mans
Finnish KGS
French François
  Gandalf the Younger
  l'échappée belle
  Robert Marchenoir
German Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
Hebrew DarLink
Hungarian Zoltan
Italian Gaia
Norwegian Fjordman
  Jun Girl
Polish GeKo
  Green Infidel
Portuguese Afonso Henriques
Romanian Costin
  Rebellious Vanilla
Russian Natalie
Serbian Gray Falcon
Spanish Llew
Swedish Cavatus
  Peter L.
Welsh Saxeus


4symbols Henrik Politically Incorrect
Aeneas heroyalwhyness Pundita
AMDG Holger Danske Reinhard
Andy Bostom Insubria RRW
Bobbo JD Sean O’Brian
Brutally Honest Jerry Gordon Skjoldungen
C. Cantoni Jewish Odysseus spackle
Caroline Glick JP Srdja Trifkovic
Costin KGS Steen
DF Kitman Swenglish Rantings
Diana West Latté Island Takuan Seiyo
El Inglés Liz TB
Erick Stakelbeck the Lurker from Tulsa Thrasymachus
Esther maggieTh TV
Fausta McR VH
Findalis Natalie Vlad Tepes
Fjordman Nilk Winds of Jihad
François no2liberals Yorkshire Miner
Freedom Fighter PatriotUSA Zenster
Gaia Paul Green Zonka
Hans Erling Jensen Pedestrian Infidel Bewick

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Yesterday’s Stateside donors:

California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia, and the U.S. Military (APO)

From the Near Abroad:


From the Far Abroad:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the UK

The tip jar in the text above is just for decoration. To donate, click the tin cup on our sidebar, or the donate button. If you prefer a monthly subscription, click the “subscribe” button. Our deepest thanks to all those generous readers who continue to support us.


spackle said...

Wow. It is like a veritable UN here at GOV. No insult intended. ; )

X said...

Sadly I'm finally out of the juice or I'd send something your way. All I can do now is promise something for the future.

Don't you hate it when people do that? :D

Anonymous said...

How about adding Federale to your bloglist.

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