Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Germany Redivided

Turkish police

Harassment and violence against the German police by culturally enriched “youths” — mainly Turks — has increased to a dangerous level in the last few years. A sane response would involve a crackdown on all violent and disorderly behavior, youth curfews, stiff sentences and fines, the revocation of citizenship and deportation of convicted criminals, and so on. But Multiculturalism is not a sane ideology, and the response of the German government has been sheer lunacy: to assign Turkish officers to police ethnic Turkish enclaves.

A sense is rising all across Germany that enough is enough, that this multicultural madness has to end. JLH has translated an eminently sane polemic from Politically Incorrect by Stefan Hug, a German author specializing in cultural, historical and political issues:

Turks Into the Police?
Stefan Hug on the capitulation of the German state

“What If… “ Part One:

Let us imagine that an ethnic Turkish policeman (“Ali Öztürk”) is in service in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, or Saxony-Anhalt. On routine patrol in a small town, there is suddenly a crowd of people: a gang of twenty hate-filled Germans hassles the officer, prevents him from fulfilling his duties, assails him with the nastiest insults and screams at him: “P*** off, S***-Turk! Mutton-Chomper! Crap-Muslim! There is nothing for you to do here!”

What would be the reaction of the media and politicians? A cry would go up throughout the republic, from Kiel to Kempten. “The neo-Nazi German has shown his true face again!” The entire town would lose its good name. On bended knee, the country’s prime minister would beg forgiveness. An army of social workers and political scientists would lecture copiously on what must change in German minds so that Germany would become an open and multicultural country where ethnic Turkish police officers get proper respect.

Except: This scenario is completely fictional. Neither has there been such a case up until now, nor will there be one in the future. And that is not just because ethnic Turkish police officers are in short supply in the pertinent states.

“What if… “ Part Two

Let us imagine in a second scenario a German police officer (Peter Müller) is serving in Duisburg-Marxloh, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg or Berlin-Neu-Kölln. On a routine patrol, there is suddenly a crowd of people: a gang of twenty hate-filled Turks and Arabs hassles the officer, prevents him from fulfilling his duties, assails him with the nastiest insults and screams at him: ““P*** off, S***-German! Pig-Eater! Crap-Christian! There is nothing for you to do here!”

This scenario is not fictitious. It is reality — bitter reality. This sort of typical immigrant violence happens in this fashion, or in some similar way, dozens of times every day in our country — week after week, month after month, year after year. The media are silent. If they do make a short report, they deliberately conceal the origin of the perpetrator. You may search in vain for headlines like: “Neo-Ottoman Turks show their true face again!” No social worker, no political scientist demands that something must significantly change in Turkish minds, so that Germany finally becomes an open and multicultural land where ethnic German police officers get proper respect.

A Failed Personnel Policy

That is the first scandal: that these incidents in which public servants “are reduced to their ethnic origins” (to formulate it in social worker jargon) are not exposed and excoriated by the media. The second, greater scandal is that the demands of the hate-filled gang are indirectly honored. That means that the police officer, Peter Müller is not only temporarily prevented from doing his job. A failed personnel policy is betting in the long term on replacing Officer Peter Müller in the affected areas with Officer Ali Öztürk. Apparently Ali Öztürk has a better instinct for this clientele and will find greater acceptance. Are we supposed to believe that? Will Ali Öztürk perhaps just be better accepted because he will treat his (Turkish) compatriots better than the Germans; because he gives in more for Turks, overlooks more? In addition: perhaps Ali Öztürk, like many of his compatriots, has absorbed habits and customs of the Turkish homeland, even though he was born and grew up in Germany? A job like that of a police officer in the lower ranks is comparatively poorly paid. A little baksheesh here and there makes life more pleasant.

A Fish Rots from the Head

To make one thing clear: The line of conflict in this country does not (yet) run primarily between Germans and Turks or Christians and Muslims. It runs chiefly between a leadership further and further removed from the people and the great mass of the people. A French nobleman in 1788 and a communist apparatchik in 1988 cannot have been more aloof than this “elite”, who declare Islam to be a component part of Germany and send out invitations to break the Ramadan fast in the seat of government, celebrate every mosque built and and fawn over Muslim interest groups in a way that makes the expression “a**-kissing” seem complimentary. That is just a small sample of a far greater deficit in democracy, which has been getting worse by leaps and bound in recent years. Germans did not want the Euro, and got it anyway. They did not want to cede national sovereignty to the EU, and the federal government pushed through the Lisbon Treaty. Germans are against troops in Afghanistan, while simultaneously the groundwork for the entry of sharia at home is being laid, and yet German soldiers keep on dying in the Hindu Kush. In many existential questions, governing is consistently accomplished against the majority of the people. The justification is that there is “no alternative” to the policy in question. Excuse me? One characteristic feature of democracy is that the direction of policy can be changed, alternatives sought and found. Only in dictatorships is there a course with “no alternatives.”

The Start of a Vicious Circle

What happens if we in many cases allow Turks, that is, Muslims to act according to the maxim: “A German police officer may not control me” — and the personnel policy of the police is shaped accordingly? That would be close to capitulation on the part of the German state. If the state voluntarily curtails its freedom to act in such an important area and virtually hands off sovereignty to a particular ethnic-religious group, then further demands will inevitably follow. A deadly vicious circle begins. What is still acceptable today, can be branded “intolerable” as soon as tomorrow. If the ethnic Turkish group in Germany gets ethnic Turkish police officers today (because German police officers are unacceptable), tomorrow they will want Turkish professors, Turkish food inspectors, and Turkish finance officials — because German professors, German gastronomic oversight, and German financial inspectors are unacceptable to Turkish students, Turkish kebab-makers, and Turkish entrepreneurs. A Turkish proportional representation would be demanded in all areas of life… Forget “would be.” The imperious demands for Turkish quotas are a reality today! And tomorrow or the day after, the ultimate call for separated Turkish settlement areas along the Rhine, Ruhr, and Spree would come. Our country will change bit by bit into a giant Cyprus, and everyone knows what happened in Cyprus in 1974. Germany would be divided again.


EscapeVelocity said...

How about some Turkish train conductors?

EscapeVelocity said...

Via the New York Times

Germany's Young Turks Say 'Enough' to the Bias

Published: June 06, 1993

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