Friday, July 02, 2010

The ‘Phoney War’ Is Over

Our British correspondent Seneca III returns with the latest in an occasional series of essays on the state of Multicultural Britain.

The ‘Phoney War’ Is Over
by Seneca III

Within human culture war has always been the most common form of political intercourse between tribes. It is invariably the result of competition for resources, precipitated by an incursion or invasion undertaken by one group with the intention of seizing the resources of another group.

Tribes (Indian)As the human mind is inarguably the ultimate resource our species possesses, it endows unlimited power and wealth upon those who can control it, particularly en masse. Be they priests or politicians, or an unholy alliance of both, those who seek to gain such control so define their ultimate objective. The suppression or subordination of a group identity has always been the principal determinant in the enslavement or extermination of one tribe by another. It is both the essential precursor to and the sine qua non of abiding conquest.

In the West, in this the first decade of the 21st century, its precursor form is exquisitely manifested in that illegitimate spawn of political correctness: the ‘Doctrine of Multiculturalism’. This deconstructionist agenda is essentially a combination of Marxist-Socialist propaganda — an induced ‘Mea Culpa!’ Syndrome [original white sin] — and its obverse, a culture-wide ‘Stockholm Syndrome’. It is simply the first step in the imposition of a New World Order, one of ignorance and superstition, ruled by a few vested interests.

In essence, Western culture and social practice are now the moral hostage of the practitioners of diversity theology and the horde of Islamic predators trailing in their wake.

However, it must be acknowledged that the cleverly designed strategy behind the physical and ideological invasion of our lands and our peoples has so far been an unmitigated success. It has fulfilled its primary function, which is to occupy our minds and neutralise our objections as the seizure of our material and cultural wealth by those who have been unable or unwilling to create their own proceeds apace.

In the final analysis the reality is that it is to those vested interests that victory in the opening battle has gone. The invasive immigration-genocide that the Western world has inflicted upon itself is the first fruits of their victory. To paraphrase the Godfather of Western Deconstructionism, the Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci, the resolution lies in the outcome of “the pessimism of the intellect pitted against the optimism of the will.”
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Without doubt the ‘Liberal-Progressive’ indoctrination of a generation of young people has already taken a heavy toll of our essential freedoms and right to self-determination. And, where the cancer of Multiculturalism has failed to take root by indoctrination, it has been imposed by the draconian, legalised intimidation of those who oppose it. We have become so many chickens petrified by so few foxes.

This should not be surprising as at first glance Multiculturalism appears to be very successful strategy: it defines both the battlefield and the rules of engagement, and leaves the target uni-cultures little or no room for moral manoeuvre. Its core message plucks at the heartstrings of people who have grown complacent in their relative affluence. It generates those inherent notes of decency and humanity that they cherish, and its importunate clangour drowns out the subliminal song of personal survival.

At second look a weak point in the tactics used to execute the strategy becomes apparent. By focusing on the intimidation of a significant, high profile minority — the Lemming-like, well-meaning, affluent, indulgent chattering classes — the enemy turns it attention, at least in part, away from those who are none of things, and here there be Dragons.

DemonIn the UK these Dragons are the white lower middle and working classes (at least those not yet totally disenfranchised by welfare vampirism) who, burdened with the greatest loss of freedom and resources, seek relief with a rising and consummate anger. They are both the hammer and the anvil that could re-shape the alien rod that is breaking their backs, and they are becoming legion.

As it is unlikely that the Lemmings will find the backbone to surmount their suicidal urge, and reverse their rush to extinction by turning away from the edge of the cliff and attacking the ideological herders behind them, the final battle, fought by those few who will not submit, will be bloody and of indeterminate outcome.

The ‘Phoney War’, if it ever existed, is over, and the beginning of the real war is now upon us.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *


Save Our Cildren
Save Our Culture
Save Our Country

Not One Mosque
Not One Madrassa
Not One Muslim

Valour Or Dhimmitude?
Veracity Or Disinformation?
Victory Or Defeat?


Previous posts by Seneca III:

2007 Oct 13 A Letter to my People
    26 Another Letter To My People
2008 Oct 5 Excerpt From “Ere the Winter of Our Discontent”
2009 Oct 22 The Cultural Death of a People
    23 Do Star Chambers Serve a Useful Purpose, Or Do They Obfuscate the Issue?
  Nov 8 By the Rivers of Babylon


In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

In hoc signo vinces

The opening shots have been fired the battle has commenced the battlefield subsistance welfare, the fight against their will for the slavery chains of workfare and the creation of a nation of helots. An army that will be mustered from the millions at the lower stratum of British society.

Zenster said...

At second look a weak point in the tactics used to execute the strategy becomes apparent. By focusing on the intimidation of a significant, high profile minority — the Lemming-like, well-meaning, affluent, indulgent chattering classes — the enemy turns it[s] attention, at least in part, away from those who are none of [these] things, and here there be Dragons.

… As it is unlikely that the Lemmings will find the backbone to surmount their suicidal urge, and reverse their rush to extinction by turning away from the edge of the cliff and attacking the ideological herders behind them, the final battle, fought by those few who will not submit, will be bloody and of indeterminate outcome.
[emphasis added]

At first blush, this might seem to be the case. The past decade has cast a long shadow of doubt over the ability of native populations to resist these Traitor Elite™. However, there remains one rather determining factor which has not adequately been taken out of play; at least, not as of yet.

In an almost obdurate fulfillment of the syndrome birthed on her shores, Sweden is leading the way in neutralizing the one saving grace that confers upon many Western nations at least a modicum of immunity from this modern-day auto da fé.

The institution in question is our militaries. It is an almost unique feature of modern Western armed forces that individual soldiers are not just given the option but nigh well encouraged to remain alert regarding the morality of orders handed down from on high.

This stands in stark contrast to the bulk of Asian and, especially, Middle Eastern soldiery who are more often selected with an eye to blind obedience than any actual war-fighting competence.

Therefore, should the proverbial push come to shove, it may well be these various repositories of arms and qualified arms handlers that, in the final upshot (as it were), will stand between indigenous populations and the over-eager capitulation of their supposed betters.

Even the most obsequious generals may not be followed wholeheartedly by their quizzical underlings. Perhaps it is the fact that a large portion of foot soldiers derive from these exact “white lower middle and working classes” that are in question. If only for that reason alone, it is difficult to imagine most existing Western militaries silently carrying out the orders of their traitorous Multicultural leadership.

Zenster said...

… the beginning of the real war is now upon us.

With an unexpected degree of serviceability, the Internet is assisting in the one act that so many of our Traitor Elite™ stubbornly refuse to participate in.


In fact, the abject displays of obfuscation by US Attorney General Eric Holder and others within the current administration have only served to highlight the dire necessity of performing this contrarian exercise. From the Worldwide Web’s electronic strands have emerged a very much unwanted Greek Chorus of uninvited observers who are more than willing to name names when so many others display a conspicuous reluctance to do so.

And so it has come down to an embodiment of George Orwell’s acerbic observation that: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” It is this selfsame act of revolution that has served to begin this new World War in earnest. With grim determination a small portion of those who will not be herded over the Gramscian precipice have raised their voices and in doing so have reared to spoil the Politically Correct feast.

One after the other, those within the counter-jihad movement have discarded the all-too-common qualifiers. Be it Islamism, Islamofascism, Radical Islam, Fundamentalist Islam, Islamic Extremism and a host of other carefully massaged modifiers whose only function is to camouflage the enemy and continue cloaking it in sanctimonious religiosity. The previously assumed spirituality of this foe has been belied by a viciousness and barbarity that transcends all excuses or rationalization.

One by one, the qualifiers drop away and the slavering beast is exposed. It is ISLAM. Forget the prefixes or suffixes of fascism, extremism, radicalism or any other way of couching it. It is Islam in its most unvarnished and native form that is our enemy. Unmodulated by any overtones or accompaniment, the theme of Islam emerges to stand alone as an existential threat directed at all civilization.

The charade is over. All pretense can be dropped. Any delicacy is no longer required. THE JIG IS UP.

The problem is Islam. It continues to be Islam and it will always be Islam until this political ideology masquerading as a religion undergoes a transformation as profound as it is unlikely. Until then, it must be fought tooth and nail until it is eradicated, root and branch, such that it can no longer pollute the peace of our world with its predatory carnage.

Svartwulf said...

Like a tree, we grow from the ground up. It is those in the lower classes, who pay the price in ways far more dear than the upper classes, that will rise, I agree. Also important I feel are re-constructionist groups like Asatru, because nothing makes you want to protect your culture and way of life like having seen it all but wiped out before.

The governments may remove the military, but Europe has a long and proud history of warriors that existed outside the military. When the time comes, they will rise anew.

Dark days are ahead, but our flame has not died yet.

1389 said...

It wasn't Al Gore who invented the Internet.

On the contrary, though the Internet was, and is, the work of many people, its creation and growth is Divinely inspired.

The building of the Internet serves the same purpose as the confusion of tongues at the destruction of the Tower of Babel: the decentralization of communication.

The Lord has safeguarded the instruments of communication from falling under centralized tyranny.

Zenster said...

1389: On the contrary, though the Internet was, and is, the work of many people, its creation and growth is Divinely inspired.

You give rather insufficient credit where a substantial amount of it is due.

The Internet and WorldWide Web might not exist today were it not for DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and its ARPANET project.

To whatever extent that founding of The United States of America might be termed "Divinely inspired", then so too can the Internet's invention be similarly termed.

Otherwise, like so many technological triumphs that have changed the landscape of our modern world, it is the honest work of a few individuals such as, in this case, Frank Heart, Dave Walden, Bernie Cosell, Severo Ornstein, Will Crowther and Bob Kahn, to name an important few.

Seneca III said...

Zenster, dear boy, you appear to have forgotten Tim Berners-Lee!

Come now, credit where credit is due.


Seneca III

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