Saturday, May 08, 2010

“The West Does Not Have the Will to Defend Itself”

Below is an excellent interview with Mark Steyn at the Hoover Institution: “The End of the World as We Know It”.

A video transcript is available. The text accompanying the video at the Hoover Institution website is reposted below the jump:
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Responding to critics who have called his America Alone “alarmist,” Steyn defends the tone and central premise of his book. “This book is about…the larger forces at play in the developed world that have left Europe too enfeebled to resist its remorseless transformation into Eurabia and that call into question the future of much of the rest of the world, including the United States, Canada, and beyond.”

According to Steyn, these forces include demographic decline in Europe, the unsustainability of the advanced Western social-democratic state, and civilizational exhaustion. Finally, in the face of these forces, Steyn offers what he believes America must do.

Hat tip: Steen.


Anonymous said...

Actually, the West in the current format is the problem. The fact that it doesn't defend itself is great. We must do what the left did - see every crisis as an opportunity. It's the same as people who talk about preserving the Western(aka European) culture which actually is the problem and resulted in our issues.

Anonymous said...

Problem is that people in the west do not recognize the destructive influence communism has had on our culture - they think we have managed our own benevolent adaptation of it which will allow us to live in the best of both worlds: an egalistic thriving culture and that we will be able to retain a free society and our way of life.
We do not realize that we have been infiltrated and subverted by the communist narrative and that we have basically internalized the socialist critique of the western world
That the communist project always has been to destroy western society, nobody in the west was ever able to believe

Also of course westerners think that communism collapsed with the wall, while I'm afraid it has only switched to a light version, which will result in the same outcome: slavery and Verelendung

Islam is a very great help, as Osama bin Laden did understand:
"The interests of Muslims and the interests of the socialists coincide in the war against the crusaders...”

Anonymous said...

I wish everybody could hear this interview.

S said...

Steyn refers to photos at 26.30 and you can view those photos here:

Randian - agreed. Also would like everyone to read his book. He sees the future clearly, but not many are listening.

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