Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Video of the Attack on Lars Vilks

Here’s a video of today’s attack on Lars Vilks during the seminar he was leading in Uppsala. The projected images of gay men wearing Mohammed masks are what set off the trouble.

In the newspaper article, the reporter asked Mr. Vilks how he knew his attackers were Muslim. Do you think the screams of “Allahu Akhbar!” might have been a clue?

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the video.

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

[Post ends here]


Juniper in the Desert said...

Wow! they are deranged! Loved the pepper spray1 Must get some!

What I do not understand is WHY they let muslimes in?

They must make these events invitation only!

enoch said...


Defending the West on Campus. Stay tuned! Begin the resistance in our universities too!

EscapeVelocity said...

This is great exposure of the Muslim fascist menace.

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