Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Three Uninterrupted Minutes of “Allahu Akhbar!”

Welcome to Modern Multicultural Sweden!

The video below shows the arrest and removal of the young culture-enrichers who attacked Lars Vilks during his seminar in Uppsala. During the entire time the officers struggle with the perps and get them into the police cars, the crowd surrounds the police and shouts “Allahu Akhbar!” continuously.

Which, if I am not mistaken, is Arabic for “Tomorrow Belongs to Me”.

The presence of so many slight young women in these police operations is alarming. For the time being they can rely on the perceived authority of the police to protect them, but the days of Modern Multicultural Sweden are numbered, and when the real trouble starts, the enrichers will slice and dice these women with barely a pause.

We need burly and well-armed male police in the traditional mode to handle what’s coming.

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

Hat tip: Reinhard.

[Post ends here]


Fortress said...

The presence of so many slight young women in these police operations is alarming. For the time being they can rely on the perceived authority of the police to protect them, but the days of Modern Multicultural Sweden are numbered, and when the real trouble starts, the enrichers will slice and dice these women with barely a pause.

I have no sympathy for these women. None. They wanted equality so badly; so much so they removed their only real protection from the barbarian hordes so they could assume jobs they are woefully inadequate to perform. They feminized and disenfranchised their own men to the point they're cutting the genitals off their own boys, not even into puberty, and we don't hear nary a scream of protest...and a whole lot of, "You go grrrrrl!"

I would love to be there when it happens. When they have an altogether DIFFERENT sort of Wile E Coyote moment than the one our current generation of empowered entitlement princesses are having when they hit 35. I want to be there when they finally and fully realize just how badly they screwed themselves. I want to listen to their cries of anguish and torment as those of them that are semi attractive and fertile are taken as conquerers take such creatures while the rest are dealt with...like conquerers deal with trash.

The feminists will look up from their hovels of true rape, slavery, and suffering; look up to us mired in the wretched filth of the consequences of their own actions, and shout, "Save us."

And I will whisper back, "no."

Anonymous said...

K'thardin, I explained before, a woman will sooner forgive her master than her own man for being weak and not protecting her. Besides this I agree with you about the feminist crap - I actually told a lot of men how they have no real benefit from dating or marrying a feminist and a lot of them agreed. The bigger problem is explaining to women that being provided and protected for comes in exchange for some virtues that women must have. Still, the problem is in the men. Women don't really do things that their men don't allow them to do. I will explain this better tomorrow since now I need sleep.

EscapeVelocity said...

Muzzies dont like dogs.

Anonymous said...

Watching this video, I ponder why the heck didn't they send those nice masked people to keep everybody in line. I mean, in my country in crappy areas this is how things get done. And they would have probably deployed the rapid intervention unit, which does a pretty nice job here.

Since we're at this, sadly the regular cops in my country are pretty much neutered like those in this video related to using guns. A bunch of Gypsies broke into a police station and beat up the people who pressed charges against them right there and threatened the chief of the station. Well, until the rapid intervention unit arrived. But again, Gypsies are just like Muslims in their behaviour. The way to solve these things is to remove all the stupid statutes that limit the way police force can act in these situations, for one. And letting citizens own guns is the second. I doubt neither Muslims nor Gypsies would attack people if that would mean they'd have to search for their brains afterwards.

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