Thursday, March 18, 2010

Repeat After Me: “Sieg Heil!”

Our Austrian correspondent AMT reports on a seamy little incident that occurred recently at an FPÖ rally near Vienna:

This is interesting, especially in view of the usual Nazi-tactics employed by the political left. A journalist of the state-run TV station, financed by everyone (!) owning a television set, a computer, and/or a mobile phone (with the mere possibility of watching TV), whether or not one actually watches ORF programs, provokes the always peaceful FPÖ campaign rallies by infiltrating it with skinheads.

ORF is notorious for its lack of objectivity, especially in view of all things Muslim.

For instance:

  • The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) has been sugar-coating Islam and Turkey for many years and does not question Muslim claims
  • For example: In the show “Killing for Allah?” the viewer is not told whether or not Islam provides a foundation for terrorism. Additional claims include:
    · Islam equals diversity. Yet there is the Muslim allegation that the presence of non-believers (kuffar) leading to conflict.
    · Terror in Great Britain was committed by British citizens. Why is the fact that the terrorists were naturalized Pakistanis neglected?
    · Muslims of French nationality claim they have no legal right to work and housing. This allegation needs to be elaborated on. It sounds implausible.
    · A Muslim may only fight in a war in the case of attack. However, what constitutes an attack? For instance, the presence of non-Muslims on Muslim territory is viewed as aggression.
    · British openness allows for hate preachers. It has not been explained that Western tolerance is being exploited by Muslims.
    · At a conference of imams in Vienna, Muslims in Austria were excluded. However, it was not explored how acceptance can be expected if the Western way of life is rejected and Westerners are considered “kuffar”.
  • In a recent show about honor killings in Austria, Islam was not even mentioned and the practice was attributed to “patriarchy”.

The article below from SOS — Österreich was translated by Liz at Europe News:

ORF journalist sends Neo-Nazis to Strache demonstration!

An outrageous incident happened at a campaign rally for the Freedom Party in Wiener Neustadt [a city south of Vienna]. At the end of the rally, as [party leader Heinz-Christian] Strache worked the crowd, being photographed with some citizens, he met three men with shaven heads who said to him: “The [TV] camera is our photo.” Strache then turned around, remarking that this probably wouldn’t be possible, and continued signing autographs for other people.
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Meanwhile, a journalist (who had previously been provoking) came up to the three shaven men and urged them to literally, “Come on, say it!” Whereupon one of the three skinheads shouted “Sieg Heil”.

Then Strache replied: “I heard that. You have summoned these people to come here.” The FPÖ leader insisted that the police record the skinheads’ personal information, and explained that he wanted to file charges.

When the police recorded the personal details, it turned out that [one of the men] was Edward Moschitz from the ORF editorial “On the scene”. With a low-life method of manipulation, he placed three neo-Nazis [at the rally] and prepared everything in order to let them shout Nazi slogans which he then documented. Moschitz also admitted that he had known the three skinheads and that he had accompanied them for a few days. According to the Prohibition Act [Verbotsgesetz] he has made himself an accomplice.

We have done some research on this ORF journalist Mr. Moschitz — on Facebook we found some interesting information — he is a fan of SOS MITMENSCH [a leftist organization], AUDIMAX SIT-IN [students who took over the largest auditorium at Vienna University in fall 2009], STERMANN + GRISSEMANN [two left-wing comedians],…. that’s enough to know in which part of the political spectrum this ORF man feels most comfortable!


Anonymous said...

Gee, I think the left has used such tactics before, in this country even.

Svartwulf said...

Ah, neo-nazis, is there anything so annoying and enraging in the west?

Well, other than Islam.

An interesting side note on Honor Killings; European civilizations also had Honor Killings, but one key difference.

Islam: Kill the woman who was attacked to protect the honor of her family.

Kill the person who attack your woman and harmed her honor!

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