Monday, March 29, 2010

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff and the Wiener Akademikerbund

As I mentioned last month, the Austrian anti-jihad activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was one of the speakers at the Freedom Defense Initiative on February 19 at CPAC. Her speech has been subtitled in German, and I present the two-part video of it here as a prologue to the latest news from the front lines in Vienna.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Elisabeth is a member of the board of the Wiener Akademikerbund, which last week came under fire for its politically incorrect opinions. Two articles about the controversy from the Austrian MSM may be found here and here (both in German).

I asked our Austrian correspondent AMT — who knows some of the members of the Akademikerbund — to summarize the latest brouhaha for Gates of Vienna:

There has recently been a smear campaign against the Association of Vienna Academics (Wiener Akademikerbund, abbreviated AB), which for years has stood for the maintenance of traditional European culture in the face of increasing Islamization and uncontrolled immigration, for democracy, for the rule of law, for freedom of expression, for plurality, for protection of life (against abortion and euthanasia), for the family as the kernel of society, for the humanistic ideal of education and for free entrepreneurship.

The Association of Vienna Academics is an active think-tank and a pivot-point between political, scientific, economic and cultural-social areas. Its chief distinguishing quality is complete independence: truth alone matters. The entrance criterion is not a formal, academic education, but the nobility of spirit they express in their daily lives, wherever they may be active.
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For years, the AB has seen its central duty as calling attention to deleterious developments in many political fields — on the national and international levels — and fighting against them in an effort to encourage constructive solutions. It has succeeded in many cases. In doing so, however, the AB has attracted the hostility of the politically correct elite.

A position paper from last November was brought out for the first time this week as an excuse to defame the AB, stigmatizing it as right-extremist. In this way, central themes of great social-political significance for our future are intended to be withdrawn from public discourse.

The attempted “execution” of the Association of Vienna Academics clearly shows its practical political power. What is being done to it is corrupt and unfair, but will also ultimately prove to be futile.

If anyone wants to help the Association of Vienna Academics, email

When I was in Vienna back in 2008, I met with a number of members of the Wiener Akademikerbund, and I can tell you from firsthand experience that they are among the staunchest defenders of Western culture that we have. The politically correct transnational elites are marshaling their forces to do battle at the Gates of Vienna against those who would resist Islamization and the destruction of our national identities.

They will not succeed.


Zenster said...

When I was in Vienna back in 2008, I met with a number of members of the Wiener Akademikerbund, and I can tell you from firsthand experience that they are among the staunchest defenders of Western culture that we have.

I, too, have had the privilege of meeting Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff. All of us should consider ourselves fortunate to have such a dedicated and capable defender of Western civilization leading the way on Europe's front lines.

Anonymous said...

It's funny, but I had a different learning pattern. I had to experience the same thing over and over again to learn that it's bad and that my mental framework is completely messed up. And I don't know who doesn't feel alone... I think a lot of people have been there when they had an epiphany about something that breached the norm and made them experience life on a different intellectual level.

Unknown said...

What a tragedy about Elizabeth! The truth is now hate speech. There will come a tipping point where appeasement of Muslims through suppression of free speech will turn to violence. The more that is known about Islam and the threat it presents the more likely Multiculturalism will end.

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