Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Throwing the Book at Geert Wilders

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The “hate speech” charges against Geert Wilders have been expanded. When the trial begins a week from today in Amsterdam, in addition to the charges filed earlier, Mr. Wilders will also be prosecuted for “incitement to racial hatred against Moroccans and non-Western aliens”. This initiative was taken by the Dutch public prosecutor.

The Dutch language article is here (hat tip Paul Belien).

According to Dutch News:

More Charges Against Wilders

The legal case against anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders has been extended to include inciting hatred against Moroccans and non-Western immigrants, theVolkskrant reports on Wednesday.

The paper says the public prosecution department has taken the decision under its own steam, despite its earlier opposition to prosecuting the MP at all. But Amsterdam’s appeal court ruled a year ago Wilders should face charges of discrimination and inciting hatred.

The extra charge is based on Wilders’ statement that ‘the borders will close that same day to all non-western immigrants’, the paper said. The statement appears to refer to Wilders’ plans if he became prime minister.

Welcome decision
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Wilders’ opponents welcomed the department’s decision. ‘It is a good move,’ said lawyer Gerard Spong, who has received death threats for his anti-Wilders’ stand.

‘Wilders always says he is attacking Islam, not Muslims,’ lawyer Haroon Raza told the paper. ‘But Wilders is not only talking about Muslims but non-Western immigrants, or people with different coloured skin.’

The anti-racism organisaton NBK has failed several times to have Wilders prosecuted for racial discrimination.

The case against Wilders opens on January 20.

Hat tip: Steen.

1 comment:

In Hoc Signo Vinces† said...

‘the borders will close that same day to all non-western immigrants’

If successfully prosecuted any border control by the Dutch government could then be open to the very same charge of racial discrimination to aviod this the policy would than have to be - one in all in.

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