Go to hell with your fanaticism, Islam would rule Europe again, and this time conquest would be not only of region but hearts. Europe would be Eurabia one day. We are the religion, mankind is embracing most fast. When fanatics like you open blogs like this, Jesus (pbuh) laughs on them.
Mr. Ahmed is from the city of Lahore in Pakistan. I took a look at his profile, and this is what he says about himself:
I am a poet and fiction writer in my national language Urdu. My education is LL.B. and i am a Lawyer. I love to share my thoughts and ideas through discussion forums and blogs.

He has two blogs listed on his profile, “America’s War Crimes”, and “American War Crimes After 9/11”. The former has no posts, and the latter has several, but they are all from the same day in November of last year. His longest post seems to be an attempt to discredit that the famous video in which Osama Bin Laden praises the 9-11 attack and describes with glee how the results exceeded his highest expectations.
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Balochistan represents a distinct ethnicity which is spread over southwestern Pakistan, southeastern Iran, and southern Afghanistan. The Balochs have long agitated for their own state, and Balochistan separatist movements have been suppressed in both Iran and Pakistan. The flag displayed here represents one variant of the Balochistan national flag.
As you can see from the poster, traditional revolutionary iconography remains much the same, no matter the cause or the ethnicity. In this particular case, however, it’s notable that the female freedom fighter is veiled, indicating that the Balochi independence movement has not abandoned its adherence to Islamic law.
This is yet another instance of the successful adaptation by modern Islamist movements of the revolutionary ideologies and techniques of the 20th century. The mujahideen have learned well the lessons of Trotsky and Lenin and Che and Hitler without ever having to abandon their core doctrines, which are still firmly lodged in the 7th century. The methods of the Comrades have proved quite attractive and practical for the 21st-century jihad.
Welcome, readers from Pakistan! May you find much to ponder here at Gates of Vienna.
Jesus does have a great sense of humor. I remember one time He said something funny while I was drinking milk, and I laughed and the milk came out my nose. And Jesus has never let me forget it.
What a joker.
"Welcome, readers from Pakistan! May you find much to ponder here at Gates of Vienna."
Ha! Are they going to be busy or what?
And a little correction to Mr. Bilal Ahmed who states:
"When fanatics like you open blogs like this, Jesus (pbuh) laughs on them."
I think you mistyped the 'on' part. It should have been 'with'.
And BTW Mr. Ahmed please refrain from using the (pbuh)-part when referring to Jesus. It insults me and my religious feelings!
Hello Baron,
If you asked me to name the nastiest town I have visited on my travels, I would give my opinion as Lahore. Comically unpleasant in fact! Primarily because of the ill-will, dishonesty, and unproductiveness of its citizens, and its frequency of sexual assault upon female pedestrians.
How fortunate that there is a visitor to this blog who can explain how mistaken my impression was!!
Best wishes,
And BTW Mr. Ahmed please refrain from using the (pbuh)-part when referring to Jesus. It insults me and my religious feelings!
Say what you want about Muslims but they show more respect for Christianity than do Jews or left wing gentiles.
Avery Bullard said: “...they [Muslims] show more respect for Christianity than do Jews or left wing gentiles.”
Avery, I disagree. Jews might (and perhaps some do) legitimately dislike and fear Christianity as the result of over a thousand years of widespread murderous Christian anti-Semitism -- now, fortunately, largely abandoned by and discredited among the followers of Jesus. However, currently in Israel, the only place in the world where Jews hold any significant political power, the Christian minority thrives, growing in population there and possessed of all the rights of any other citizens of Israel. On the other hand, the remnant populations of Christians in all majority-Muslim areas of the world are spat-upon, persecuted minorities, without civil rights, teetering on the brink of extinction. That’s the measure of “respect” with which Christianity is treated in the Muslim world.
The tenets of Islam directly contradict and disrespect the foundational beliefs of both Jews and Christians – and everyone else, for that matter. Mohammed especially agitated himself over the doctrine of the Trinity, claiming that Christians had blasphemed the One (Allah, to him) and descended into polytheism. That view isn’t respectful. Mohammed further claimed that Christians (and Jews) had originally received the correct guidance, essentially the Koran, from God but had “perverted” and twisted its message for selfish and evil purposes. Some kinda respect!
As for “left-wing gentiles,” my observation is they respect no one other than themselves and no religion except the decidedly unholy trio of Marx, Mao, and Arafat. In their irrationality and inflexible worship of ideology, they remind me of no one so much as dedicated Muslims, and I certainly do not observe them to be “respectful” of Christians.
Avery Bullard,
I doubt that the quote 'Jesus(pbuh)'indicates Moslems' respect for Christianity, as Jesus the prophet, has long been "Islamized".In the same way some Christians might respect the Old Testament but have no sympathy for Judaism.
This reminded me that Obama prides himself in being able to read poetry in Urdu...
Just a thought.
Right Truth
Mr Bullard,
Islam may "respect" us more, but I'm not worried about living down the road from a rabidly left wing chicken farmer who tells me I get all my talking points from Rush Limbaugh (I don't have a radio, so obviously he's reading GoV for his ideas?). This Obama voter is not going to behead me any time soon.
The Jamaat ul-Fuqra terrorist camp not far from us is another matter. They just might come after us some day...and it's no comfort that the Jewish left-wing chicken farmeress is going to get hers, too, while they're at it.
The Left bloviates but it doesn't decapitate. It doesn't kidnap Christian girls and marry them off to fellow Leftists.
If what the Muslims in Egypt, India, Saudi Arabia, et al is "respect" I'll take the disrespect of the others any day.
Avery Bullard: Muslims never show respect for anybody, hardly even for other Muslims. The best thing that can happen to the still-remaining Christians of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ himself, is for Israel to reestablish control over the area. Otherwise I'm afraid that the local Muslims will "respect" them into non-existence.
Jews might (and perhaps some do) legitimately dislike and fear Christianity as the result of over a thousand years of widespread murderous Christian anti-Semitism
That's what leftists have said for over a century in their never-ending efforts to demoralise the West. Christian anti-Semitism was largely a reaction to both real and sometimes perceived Jewish actions, just like present-day Islamophobia is reactive, not innate.
currently in Israel, the only place in the world where Jews hold any significant political power, the Christian minority thrives, growing in population there and possessed of all the rights of any other citizens of Israel.
I agree that Israel has a good record on its treatment of Christians (and other minorities). But Israel is not the only country where Jews have considerable political power. Obviously they have great power in US politics. (They provide the Democrats with over 50% of all their funding at the national level). Anti-Christian organisations like the ACLU are almost entirely Jewish. Then there's the media, Hollywood and popular culture in general where Jews are prominent and seemingly almost universally hostile to Christians, especially if they are white and Southern.
On the other hand, the remnant populations of Christians in all majority-Muslim areas of the world are spat-upon, persecuted minorities, without civil rights, teetering on the brink of extinction
I think that's a bit too broad-brush. Christians have increased in numbers in Syria. Indeed the country has attracted Christian immigrants in recent decades. (It probably helps that Syria's ruling class belongs to a minority group). Christians were also treated well in Iraq before Saddam was overthrown. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case in Iraq and recently things have been looking bad for Egyptian Christians.
All in all, I'd say you are right about Muslim regimes but I'm not so sure about anti-Christian hostility from ordinary Muslims.
An anecdote to finish. At a large American company I worked at in Canada in the 90s we were once told by Human Resources (ie lefties) to not say 'Merry Christmas' to other employees in case they were offended. The Muslims I knew went out of their way to say 'Merry Christmas' to Christian employees and one complained to Human Resources. Similarly, in Italy the recent court decision to ban crucifixes from school rooms was opposed by the main Islamic groups in that country.
Let's put it this way: Muslims don't hate Christians as much as they hate Buddhists and atheists!
Mr. Bullard:
Your making some categorical errors here, as everyone but you seems to find apparent.
Iraq got rid of all its Jews. Now it's working on the Christians. Which is what happens under shariah law.
Yemen is judenrein-- after several millenia of jews living in Yemen, Israel had to airlift out the remnant. Same with Ethiopia. And so on, ad nauseam ad infinitum.
You're beating a drum for an army of one: yourself.
damn,leaving a comment is a strain.
Iraq got rid of all its Jews. Now it's working on the Christians.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Jews live in what is today called Iraq for thousands of years? I don't think they were oppressed for much of that time but I could be wrong. It was with the establishment of Israel that led to most Jews being kicked out of Muslim countries. It was certainly unjust and tragic but you can't ignore the fact that they lived in Iraq for over a thousand years after the establishment of Islam.
As to the Christians they were not mistreated under Saddam. That may not fit your narrative but it is the truth according to Iraqi Christians themselves. What motive do they have for lying about it? Of course, that's all changed since the USA invaded and now Iraq's Christian population is dwindling. (Note that there's barely a peep out of pro-war American Christians about their plight).
I'm not claiming Muslims are kind- hearted freedom-lovers. Obviously they are not. But when it comes to Christians most Muslims are not filled with hatred like a Christopher Hitchens (neocons love him!) or an Abe Foxman or a typical Hollywood script writer.
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