Wednesday, November 18, 2009

That’s Nobody’s Business but the Turks’!

Our Austrian correspondent ESW has translated several articles about the plight of ethnic Turkish girls and young women in Austria. She includes this introductory note:

The following are three related stories about how more and more Muslim girls are disappearing. We all know that this has nothing to do with Islam and everything with getting a good education. What happens if the girls have received state of the art education in Austria and still disappear? Nothing, since politicians will still find an excuse so they don’t have to face the facts. And where are the human rights champs, the Greens? Deafeningly silent, as always. Nothing new in the state of Austria.

Nuray’s breath of fresh air may have been her first one without her “loving” husband and his family. I hope and pray she is still alive and enjoys her freedom.

I have one question for Mrs. Basibuyuk Zeyneb of COJEP: Are these really only isolated cases? And what do you consider isolated?

First, from Kurier, November 8, 2009, page 2 (no longer available online):

The girls who have disappeared

The Public Employment Service (AMS) is warning that a high number of young Turkish girls do not start professional education or training after their mandatory schooling years.

A GfK study has recently shown a lack of integration among religiously and politically oriented Muslims in Austria. There are specific problems with regard to girls who, after their mandatory schooling years, do not go on to get professional education or training, but who “are lost” at home within their families. The Public Employment Service Tirol [an Austrian province] assumes that this is the case for one third of all Turkish girls.

“We are noticing that girls from traditional Muslim families that are very much bound to their traditions are finding it very difficult to stand on their own feet, “ says Karin Klocker, deputy director at AMS Tirol. “Their values and attitude towards the working world are different [from ours]. This causes problems.

The director of AMS Upper Austria, Roman Obrowski, “can only completely confirm” this. He has noticed that girls often show interest when they search for jobs with the help of AMS. “However, next time their father or brother intervenes and prevent them from accepting a job.” The problem is especially grave in areas with many young Muslim girls.

AMS Vienna knows the phenomenon well. There are numerous cases of girls accepting only temporary jobs arguing that they “will get married soon anyway.” The family structure is a stronger one among migrant families and parents interfere in young people’s lives until they are of legal age. However, AMS Vienna emphasizes that this is not a specifically Muslim problem, but one of families with a low education level.

What can be done to offer these affected girls a good education? Interior Minister Maria Fekter (ÖVP) has suggested linking welfare payments with school attendance and/or getting professional training. Ms. Klocker is skeptical: “Pressure produces counter-pressure. We should motivate them more.” AMS Tirol supports projects allowing girls to get a first glimpse of a new profession. “This will show them that there is more to life than cleaning and bearing children.” […]

From the newspaper Österreich, November 9, 2009, page 10 (unavailable online):
- - - - - - - - -
Styria: Young girl has vanished

Where is Nuray? The pretty twenty-six year-old from [the city of] Graz has been missing since October 25. Her family is completely distraught and cannot explain her disappearance. They fear a crime has occurred. Nuray Büyükkocabas left her parents’ apartment at around 5.30 p.m. Without her cell phone and without money. “I am going out to get a breath of fresh air,” she said. Contact police if you have more information.

From Kronenzeitung, November 13,2009:

Forced marriages among young girls in Graz “normal”

A woman working for Caritas is currently shocking the inhabitants of Graz with her reports about forced marriages. These are “completely normal” in Graz. Of particular interest is the case of Nuray B. who recently disappeared because she apparently became a victim of these “normalities”.

An isolated case? Definitely not, knows Elif Kahraman of the NGO Caritas. “Seventy percent of all Turkish marriages are arranged ones. The girls are subject to psychological pressure and violence. Fifteen-year-olds are re sent to Turkey after their mandatory schooling in order to enter forced marriages, with men who are old enough to their fathers.

Human rights are trampled.

Kahraman adds, “These families want to prevent girls from cutting their own paths. Many Turks are more conservative here [in Austria] than at home in Turkey.” Another reason for forced marriages is the head money, the dowry, which the parents of the bride receive, as well as better possibilities for the bridegroom to enter Austria.

The Caritas employee knows of a sixteen-year-old who became pregnant in Graz. She was taken to Turkey for an abortion, a hymen-reconstruction and a forced marriage with a 47-year-old. Apart from Turkish cases, these are also rampant among girls from Afghanistan or Chechnya. […]

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Zenster said...

A GfK study has recently shown a lack of integration among religiously and politically oriented Muslims in Austria. [emphasis added]

Just drawing this distinction alone is a huge leap forward, in that it represents a growing understanding about how the political nature of Muslims is equally prohibitive of useful assimilation.

An even more important realization will come when people finally comprehend that, for Muslims, there is no distinction between religious or political agendas. That is the point when Islam's true ideological nature will become apparent to the masses.

When that happens, political Islam will become vulnerable to being stripped of its religious protections. This is a crucial first step towards banning it in the West as a seditious and anti-constitutional organization.

However, AMS Vienna emphasizes that this is not a specifically Muslim problem, but one of families with a low education level.

Despite this distinction, it must still be recognized that traditional lack of Muslim assimilation means that a "low education level" will remain a persistent negative influence for Islamic immigrants. Other ethnic or religious groups probably do not show such a seriously entrenched inability or refusal to assimilate as Muslims do.

We should motivate them more.” AMS Tirol supports projects allowing girls to get a first glimpse of a new profession. “This will show them that there is more to life than cleaning and bearing children.”.

I hope someone is doing a better job of tracking the numbers than what is being done in Sweden. With increased employment of young Turkish immigrant women there will be a proportionate increase in "honor" related homicides. Is there anyone who is willing to bet against this?


Kahraman adds, “These families want to prevent girls from cutting their own paths. Many Turks are more conservative here [in Austria] than at home in Turkey.”

This is not an entirely unanticipated development. Isolated from the usual reinforcement of their repressive Islamic communities, immigrants who become immersed liberal European cultures will be likely to tighten up even more in order to reduce any chances for their children, expecially daughters, to become "Westernized".

Another reason for forced marriages is the head money, the dowry, which the parents of the bride receive, as well as better possibilities for the bridegroom to enter Austria.

This is where immigration authorities need to establish a ban upon "family reunions" or spousal importation in the case of forced marriages. The girls are clearly viewed as nothing more than bipedal Green Cards, that is, aside from their usual role as domestic brood mares.

All said, Islam seems to view women as nothing more than "a unique household appliance".

Thank you for this update, ESW. Austria's early exposure to Muslim immigration and lower degree of pre-existing multi-ethnicity seems to have innoculated it a bit better than other European countries against Islam's usual "slow-jihad" smokescreens. Please let me know if this is your impression as well.

laine said...

An ideology that "inspires" young men with medical, engineering and other higher university degrees to blow up their educated brains as a way of slaughtering non-Muslims has no difficulty getting female brains to become Stepford wives in baby-spewing burkas.

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