Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Pulling the Pin on Cultural Enrichment

Cultural Enrichment News

This could have been much more horrible — just be grateful that no curious little fingers felt compelled to pull on that enticing metal ring…

I realize that this is not a proven instance of cultural enrichment, but it occurred in the overwhelmingly immigrant Nørrebro neighborhood of Copenhagen, where the city’s first (Iranian-financed) mosque is being built.

Besides, how likely do you think it is that “persons of Danish background” left a hand grenade lying around a playground?

According to The Copenhagen Post:

Teachers and police stunned by young boy finding a live hand grenade in a kindergarten sandbox

Police are hunting the culprits who left a hand grenade in a sandbox at Asgård kindergarten in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen.

The kindergarten was evacuated and the bomb disposal squad called after a little boy handed over a live grenade to staff members yesterday afternoon.

Police have contacted explosive experts from the Defence Forces to help identify the type of grenade, as well as technical evidence to show where it came from and who may have left it in the playground.
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The kindergarten accommodates 42 nursery school children and 69 kindergarten students.

Police currently have no suspects in the case.

‘We’re talking about a live grenade. It’s a very serious case and it doesn’t take much to imagine that this could have ended very tragically if this kind of grenade had gone off in a playground,’ said Gunnar Nørager of the Copenhagen Police to Berlingske Tidende newspaper.

Police searched the area last night to ensure that no further explosive devices were left in the vicinity.

A city council representative met kindergarten employees and worried parents this morning to advise them of the situation and said while the situation was being treated seriously, there was no need to cause unnecessary fear among parents and children.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

Hat tip: TB.


heroyalwhyness said...

Hand grenade in sandbox? And today is the anniversary of the Beslan Massacre.

Peace and compassion from followers of the beneficent pedophile. Murder and rape of innocent children in the name of allah.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

This will become even more common after the super-mosque has been built. As if that is not enough, this to-be mosque is financed by the mullahs of Iran, thus being shiites. As they say on Snaphanen, now the saudis will demand a sunni mosque as well. A future Copenhagen with two rivalling mahoundian sects and possibly two super-mosques does not bode well for the neighbouring danes or for us on the other side of the sound since thanks to the bridge gives them easy access to Malmö, Rosengård and the extremists who lives there. We already know that the Black Cobras has spread over here, first to Malmö and now to middle-Sweden in just a short time. These super-mosques will of course attract hate preachers similar to Andy Choudary and Sheik Catmeat.

Zenster said...

heroyalwhyness: And today is the anniversary of the Beslan Massacre.

Good catch on the anniversary. I cannot see any other explanation and the coinciding factors are a little too compelling.

It will be interesting to see if the Danish authorities can trace this pineapple's provenance. Where it came from and how it got to its final destination will likely prove very revealing.

Any bets that this device doesn't prove to be a model favored by militants from the MME (Muslim Middle East)?


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