This kid is being billed as the “the youngest drug dealer in Berlin.” I’m going out on a limb and citing the story as cultural enrichment, because the chances that this urchin is a “person of German background” are less than 0.1%. If anyone finds evidence to the contrary, let me know, and I’ll change the classification of this post.
While you’re at Bild, check out the “related news” for more enrichment. One of the headlines: “Turkish dad stabbed his own 15-year-old daughter to death in the latest honour killing to shock Germany.”
Here’s the Berlin article:
Police Arrest 12-Year-Old Boy for Pushing Heroin- - - - - - - - -
Shocked police arrested a 12-year-old boy for pushing heroin, and described him as the youngest drug dealer in Berlin.
The child was caught in the Kreuzberg area of the German capital selling the deadly drug heroin on Monday evening. He was spotted in a park digging around in a sand pit.
When officers approached they found 150 pellets filled with heroin. Each one is sold for between €10 and €15.
The boy tried to escape but the police caught him and confiscated his money. He was fingerprinted, photographed and has been handed to a custodian.
Kerstin Dettmer from the drug advice centre ‘Fixpunkt’ said that children were often exploited to push drugs.
“They don’t usually deal themselves but are used by adult dealers as pushers because they are under the age of criminal responsibility. The kids will get paid pocket money in return.”
Child drug dealers have also been caught in other parts of Germany. In Bavaria, police arrested an 11-year old boy in March 2008 for a similar crime.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.
Hat tip: TB.
When officers approached they found 150 pellets filled with heroin. Each one is sold for between €10 and €15.
A child of 12 carrying over $2,000 worth of hardcore drugs?
Only one person would trust someone that young with so much product. I hope his parents and the entire family is being investigated at proctological levels. It is unimaginable that someone unrelated to the suspect would entrust him with such a small fortune.
The excellent German language website Politically Incorrect notes that the police report avoids giving any details about the ethnic background of the boy, but commenters are saying that due to the details of the case he is more likely to be African than Arab or Turk
They don’t usually deal themselves but are used by adult dealers as pushers because they are under the age of criminal responsibility.
That is an approach used by Danish 'enrichers' also, when they seek to flaunt the law in riots, theft and other 'activities'.
I've read up on the PI comments, and do not find it substantiated that he'd be African. The crucial point is that he didn't come from an orphanage (or whatever the exact nature of the institution is), but was handed over to one.
Kreuzberg suffers heavy Turkish 'enrichment'.
Demographics of Kreuzberg district
Of the approximately 160,000 Muslim foreigners in Berlin, about 73% are of Turkish background, 7% from Bosnia-Herzegovina, and 4% are from Lebanon. The total foreign population of Berlin is estimated at 466,518. In addition to these numbers, it is assumed that there are at least 40,000 Muslims in the city who are naturalized German citizens. The size of the Muslim population in Berlin stands at approximately 9% of the city’s total population.
The concentration of Muslims in Berlin, largely Turks, is due to the settlement policies of the former West Germany at the beginning of the immigration wave in the 1960’s. The number of Muslims is especially high in the Kreuzberg sub-district (in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district).
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