Monday, June 15, 2009

The Text of Geert Wilders’ Speech

From the PVV website, here is the text of the speech given by Geert Wilders yesterday in Copenhagen (Note: I corrected a few typos in this version):

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you, Danish Free Press Society, again for inviting me to speak to you here in Copenhagen. It is good to be back in Denmark. Thank you, my friend, Lars Hedegaard.

And last but not least, I thank the Danish border police for having allowed me into the country.

Ladies and gentlemen, last week was a tremendous week. My party, the Dutch Freedom Party, came second in the Dutch elections for the European Parliament!

In many cities, including Rotterdam and The Hague, we even managed to become the largest party!

Meanwhile here in Denmark, the Danish People’s Party again performed very well, which is excellent news for Denmark. I congratulate Pia Kjærsgaard and Morten Messerschmidt on their party’s victory. Marvellous news!

There is more good news these days. In Europe the socialists — or social democrats, as they prefer to call themselves — lost nearly everywhere: in the Netherlands, in Belgium, in Germany, in Austria, in France, in Spain, in Italy and, perhaps best of all, in the United Kingdom. The greatest coward in Europe, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, suffered a tremendous blow at the hands of the British electorate. Serves him right!

I will not terribly miss Jacqui Smith, the British cabinet member that worked so hard to have me refused in the UK because of my film Fitna. It is rather ironic that her career-ending was somehow film-related, as it turned out the British taxpayer had to pay for the porn-movies her husband rented. At least, we cannot say she is a movie-hater as such. Just her taste is a little bit selective.
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Why is it good news that the socialists lost by such a margin?

Let me answer this myself. It’s good news because socialists are the most inveterate cultural relativists in Europe. They regard the Islamic culture of backwardness and violence as equal to our Western culture of freedom, democracy and human rights. In fact, it is the socialists who are responsible for mass immigration, Islamization and general decay of our cities and societies. It are the socialists who are responsible for the fact that cities such as Rotterdam, Marseille and Malmö seem to be situated in Eurabia rather than in Europe. And they are even proud of it.

Our Western elite, whether it are politicians, journalists or judges, have lost their way completely. All sense of reality has vanished. All common sense has been thrown to the wind. They take all efforts to deny the things that take place in front of our eyes, and deny everything that is so obviously seen by everyone else.

They won’t stand firm on any issue. Their cultural relativism affects absolutely everything up to the point where they no longer see the difference between good and evil, or between nonsense and logical common sense. Everything is pushed into a grey area, a foggy marsh without beginning or end. The only moral standard they still seem to apply is the question whether or not it is approved by Muslims. Everything Muslims disapprove, they disapprove too.

And so, the voters have had enough. Because they of course realise that Europe is going in the wrong direction. They know that there are enormous problems with Islam in Europe. They are well aware of the identity of those who are taking them for a ride, namely, the Shariah socialists.

As for those present here today, I’m sure everyone knows how intractable the problems with Islam are in Europe, given that Muslims are over-represented in crime rate figures as well as in social benefit statistics. Of course, this is not to say that there aren’t many Muslims of good will who are decent, law-abiding citizens. But facts are facts.

According to the Dutch Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, mass immigration has to date cost the Dutch taxpayer more than one hundred billion Euros. According to the Danish national bank, every Danish Muslim immigrant costs the Danish state more than 300,000 Euros. A Swedish economist has calculated that mass immigration costs the Swedish taxpayer twenty-seven billion dollars annually. In Norway a warning has been issued to the effect that the proceeds from North Sea oil will have to be spent entirely on mass immigration, while in France official figures have been published suggesting that mass immigration is reducing growth in the French economy by two-thirds. In other words, mass immigration, demographic developments and Islamization are certainly partly causes of Europe’s steadily increasing impoverishment and decay.

Ladies and gentlemen, you may know of the Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels, who recently said that Muslim integration in the West is simply impossible. Now, that is not a novel idea. A certain Frenchman said pretty much the same thing in 1959. I quote, “Those who recommend integration must be considered pea-brained even if they are scholars and scientists. Just try mixing oil and vinegar. Then shake the bottle. After a moment the two substances will separate again. Do you really believe French society could absorb ten million Muslims, who would be twenty million tomorrow and forty million the day after? In fact, my own village would no longer be Colombey-les-deux-Églises but would rather come to be known as Colombey-les-deux-mosques.”

This quote, you guessed it, is from none other than the former French President Charles de Gaulle.

Now, I do not know whether Sennels and De Gaulle were right in their conclusion that Muslims are incapable of integrating into other cultures. I think in reality we do see Muslims on individual level assimilating into our societies. But what I do know is that very many Muslims do not want to integrate. Again, the facts don’t lie: four in ten British Muslim students want Sharia law to be implemented, while one-third of British Muslim students are in favour of a worldwide caliphate. Seven out of ten Spanish Muslims consider their self a Muslim first, instead of a Spanish citizen. One-third of French Muslims do not object to suicide attacks, half of Dutch Muslims admit to ‘understanding’ the 9/11 attacks. Seven out of ten youth prisoners here in Copenhagen are Muslim. In 2005, 82% of the crimes in Copenhagen were committed by immigrants, many of them Muslim. More than half of the Danish Muslims think that it should be forbidden to criticise Islam and two out of three Danish Muslims think that free speech should be curtailed.

Some time ago an interview was held in France with the French Muslim student Mohamed Sabaoui, who said the following, and I quote:

“Your laws do not coincide with the Koran, Muslims can only be ruled by Shariah law.

We will declare Roubaix an independent Muslim enclave and impose Shariah Law upon all its citizens.

We will be your Trojan Horse, we will rule, Allah akbar.”

End of quote.

Ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake: Islam has always attempted to conquer Europe. Spain fell in the 8th century, Constantinople fell in the 15th century, even Vienna and Poland were threatened, and now, in the 21st century, Islam is trying again. This time not with armies, but through the application of Al-Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of migration and demography.

Unfortunately, the Al-Hijra doctrine is very successful. For the first time in world history there are dozens of millions of Muslims living far outside the Dar al-Islam, the Islamic world. Al-Hijra may be the end of European civilization as we know it: The second Dutch city, Rotterdam, will have a non-Western majority within 3 years. Europe has now more than 50 million Muslims, it is expected that this will be doubled in just 20 years. By 2025, one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families.

As I said, many of those Muslims in Europe would like to implement Shariah Law in our judicial systems. As you know, Shariah law covers all areas of life, from religion, hygiene and dietary laws, to dress code, family and social life and from finance and politics to the unity of Islam with the state. For some crimes, horrific, barbaric punishments are prescribed, such as beheading and the chopping off of opposite limbs. In Shariah Courts no woman may become judge. Shariah Law does not recognize free speech and freedom of religion. Polygamy and killing an apostate are ‘virtues’, but the consumption of alcohol is a crime. This is the sick Shariah Law in a nutshell, and it is unbelievable and unacceptable that the cultural relativists allow Shariah banks, Shariah mortgages, Shariah schools and unofficial — and in Britain even official — Shariah tribunals in Europe.

Ladies and gentlemen, these are of course shocking facts, figures and statements. However, they are not particularly surprising to anybody who has some knowledge of the Koran and knows who Muhammad was.

In this connection, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to very briefly discuss the essence of Islam, and let me come straight to the point: Islam is not so much a religion as, first and foremost, an ideology; to be precise, like communism and fascism, a political, totalitarian ideology, with worldwide aspirations.

Of course, there are many moderate Muslims. However, there is no such a thing as a moderate Islam. Islam’s heart lies in the Koran. The Koran is an evil book that calls for violence, murder, terrorism, war and submission. The Koran describes Jews as monkeys and pigs. The Koran calls upon Muslims to kill the Kaffirs, the non-Muslims.

The problem is that the injunctions in the Koran are not restricted to time or place. Rather, they apply to all Muslims, in any period. Another problem is that Muslims also regard the Koran as the word of Allah. Which means that the Koran is immune from criticism.

Apart from the Koran, there is also the life of Muhammad, who fought in dozens of wars and was in the habit of decapitating Jews with his own sword. The problem here is that, to Muslims, Muhammad is ‘the perfect man’, whose life is the model to follow.

This is why Jihadists slaughtered innocent people in Washington, New York, Madrid, Amsterdam, London and Mumbai.

Now is clear why Winston Churchill, in his book ‘The second world war’, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Literature, compared the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’. Now is clear why the famous Swiss theologian, Karl Barth, in 1936 said, and I quote, “It is impossible to understand national socialism unless we see it in fact as a new Islam, its myth as a new Allah, and Hitler as this new Allah’s prophet.” Now is clear why Heinrich Himmler was an admirer of Islam. And now is clear why President Obama, who last week, in Cairo, said that Islam has a tradition of tolerance, should be sent back to school.

Just like communism, fascism and nazism, Islam is a threat to everything we stand for. It is a threat to democracy, to the constitutional state, to equality for men and women, to freedom and civilisation. Wherever you look in the world, the more Islam you see, the less freedom you see. Islam is a threat to the Europe of Bach and Michelangelo, Shakespeare and Socrates, Voltaire and Galileo.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is one Western country that has been forced to fight for its values since the very first day of its existence: Israel the canary in the coal mine. Let me say a few words about that wonderful country.

Like Bosnia, Kosovo, Nigeria, Sudan, the Caucasus, Kashmir, southern Thailand, western China and the south of the Philippines, Israel is situated exactly on the dividing line between Dar al-Islam, the Islamic world, and Dar al-Harb, the non-Islamic world. It is no coincidence that it is precisely this dividing line where blood is flowing. All those conflicts concern the Jihad, Jihad in the spirit of the barbarian Muhammad.

Islam forces Israel to fight. The so called ‘Middle East conflict’ is not at all a conflict about land. It is not about some inches of land in Gaza, Judea or Samaria. It is a conflict about ideologies, it is a battle between freedom and Islam, a battle between good and evil, to Islam the whole of Israel is occupied territory. To Islam Tel Aviv and Haifa are settlements too.

Israel is the only democracy in the entire Middle-East. Israel is an oasis of enlightment, whereas the rest of the Middle-East is covered by the black veil of the night. This is no coincidence, in 1939 Winston Churchill said about the Jews in what is now called Israel: “They have made the desert bloom”.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am very much in favour of a two-state solution. One Jewish state called Israel including Judea and Samaria and one Palestinian state called Jordan.

Ladies and gentlemen, wherever Islam and cultural relativism, advocated by Shariah-socialists, come together, freedom of expression is threatened. In Europe in particular, freedom of expression is at risk. As you may know, I am being prosecuted in the Netherlands for expressing my opinion, while being banned from the United Kingdom for the same reason. But, of course, this whole matter is not only about me. There is an ongoing Jihad against free speech in the whole of Europe. In Austria, for example, a lady politician was prosecuted for having spoken the truth about Muhammad. The truth, mind you! We have also had the Danish cartoon crisis; not to mention the threats and/or killing of people as Salman Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh, Oriana Fallaci and my brave friend Wafa Sultan. In the Netherlands a cartoonist was arrested by no fewer than ten policemen for having made some drawings! I could go on, but I won’t because it would make you sick.

Ladies and gentlemen, I strongly suggest that we should defend freedom of speech, with all our strength. Free speech is the most important of all our many civil rights. Free speech is the cornerstone of our modern free societies. Without free speech there is no democracy, no freedom. It is our obligation to defend free speech. It is our obligation to preserve the heritage of the British Magna Charta and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man. It is our obligation to defend the American Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Human rights protect the freedom of individuals but they do not protect ideologies. I propose two things:

I propose a boycott of the UN Human Rights Council. Annually this Council adopts resolutions that attempt to kill free speech and the concept of human rights. Let there be no mistake about it, the UN Human Rights Council is a threat to free speech in the West.

I propose to repeal all hate speech laws in Europe. These laws enable radical Muslims to silence those critical of Islam. Free speech should be extended instead of restricted in Europe. We should consider laws comparable to the American First Amendment.

Unfortunately, however, if we really wish to combat the Islamization of Europe effectively, we will have to do more than guard or extend freedom of speech. In this regard it is my firm conviction that we will have to take the following measures:

First, we will have to end all forms of cultural relativism. For this purpose we will need an amendment to our constitutions stating that our European cultural foundation is Judeo-Christian and Humanistic in nature. To the cultural relativists, the Shariah-socialists, I would proudly say, “Our Western culture is superior to Islamic culture.” Or to quote Wafa Sultan when she compared the Western culture with Islam: “It’s not a clash of civilizations, it’s a clash between barbarity and reason”. I fully agree with her.

Second, we will have to stop mass immigration from Muslim countries and promote voluntary repatriation.

Third, we will have to expel criminal foreigners and, following denaturalisation, criminals with dual nationality. I have a clear message to all Muslims in our societies: if you subscribe to our laws, values and constitution you are very welcome to stay and we will even help you to assimilate. But if you cross the red line and commit crimes, start thinking and acting like jihad or sharia we will expel you the same out of our countries.

Fourth, we will have to close down all Islamic schools for they are fascist institutions, to prevent any further indoctrination of young children with an ideology of violence and hatred.

Fifth, we will have to close down all radical and forbid the construction of any new mosques, there is enough Islam in Europe. Besides that, as long as Christians in Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia are treated in the scandalous ways they currently are, and as long as no permission is given for churches to be built or bibles to be sold in, for example, Saudi Arabia, there should be a mosque building-stop in the West.

Sixth, last but not least, we will have to get rid of all those cowardly so-called leaders. We enjoy the privilege of living in a democracy. Let’s use that privilege by replacing cowards with heroes. Let’s have fewer Chamberlains and more Churchills. Lets elect real leaders.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, my main message of today is that we have to start fighting back. No defence, but offence. We have to fight back and demonstrate that millions of people are sick and tired of it all and refuse to take any more. We must make it clear that millions of freedom-loving people are saying ‘enough is enough’.

Ladies and gentlemen, Europe is at the crossroads once again. We either choose the road to darkness or the road to freedom.

My generation never had to fight for this freedom, it was offered to us on a silver platter, by people who fought for it with their lives. My generation does not own this freedom, we are merely its custodians. We cannot strike a deal with Mullahs and imams. We cannot surrender and give up our liberties, we simply do not have the right to do so.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the winning mood! Cultural relativists and Shariah-socialists are losing, freedom loving people are winning. Things are changing for the better.

Ladies and gentlemen, and I leave you with this: We will never give in, we will never give up, we will never surrender, we have to win, and we will win!

Thank you very much.

Hat tip: erdebe.


El said...

good speech. on paper, wilders is pretty much perfect. no wonder they're scared of him. if only ukip in the uk could start talking about islam the way he does. i still don't understand their reluctance on the subject.

a question for dutch readers. does wilders really believe that he could stop muslim immigration, close muslim schools and deport muslim criminals (of whom there must already be many thousands, and would certainly be many more if he were to implement his program), without a general breakdown of civil order in urban areas of the netherlands? do you think he knows what's coming, but avoids, for obvious reasons, talking about it? or does he think there's still a way out without massive violence?

either way, i am indebted to him both for his courage and vision and his providing the clearest example to date of the type of thing i have predicted.

ɱØяñιηg$ʇðя ©™ said...

I agree to basically 99% of his speech who was excellent. I think he's a great rhetoric in general. I disagree about assimilation of muslims. I just want to get rid of them from our lands, all of them. I don't trust them, none of them. I'm sick of their taqyyia, kitman and hudnas. If they are so fond of their savage customs, there are plenty of other countries where they are free to practice it but not here. Not ever. I'm also glad to see that he is also worried about our common cultural and historical heritage, something I also has warned about in other posts. Make no mistake of it, once the muslims rise to power in our lands, these giants and especially their work, will be thouroughly banned and branded as haram for all citizens on the pain of death, the latter of which they will be more than happy to condemn us to. Not only will it be banned but as much of their works will also be destroyed. As much as they can get their hands on. I therefore suggest that all citizens already now saves copies of their work. The easiest to save is music and literature as it exists in forms of printed books and records. The pictorial art is harder to save as most of it are om museums. So I fear much of that will be lost in its original forms.

Fjordman said...

El Ingles: Yes, Wilders brings hope. I wish I had ten percent of his courage. But we need to be realistic, as you are in your essays, and understand that the crash is coming, one way or the other. It's too late to avoid now. We need to document what's going on, with special emphasis on how the authorities and the media consistently lie about everything related to immigration, both the scope and the consequences of it. We must document how we have been abused and lied to, demonstrate that we are being deliberately targeted for cultural and demographic destruction and that whatever steps we take to protect our interests are perfectly legitimate.

Many people from the so-called political Right have contributed significantly to these problems, but there is no doubt that Leftists have to take the majority of the blame for the mess we are now in. Let this be the one time that they are actually forced to take the consequences of their betrayal.

Anonymous said...


Well, im a dutch reader and hope so, but i dont think so.

I think he is somewhat inconsistent in his views and his ideas sometimes dont seem to be thought well through.

An example of the first is his view on immigration. The PVV election program says that PVV wants a 5 year ban on non-western (Turks and Moroccons) immigrants.
While in the danish interview and this speech he clearly speaks of muslims!

Now it might not seem like much, but banning non-westerners as a group is rathet ridiculous. Why ban Vietnameze, Chinese and so on. These are pretty succesfull immigrant groups.

But banning muslim immigration sounds spot on to me. They are causing most of the problems.

This example is no big deal but it shows he needs to keep his message consistent!

An example of not thinking things through is his proposal for expelling muslims immigrants who go criminal. Nothing wrong with the principle. But what do you do if the homecountry refuses to take them back? What to do with the kids and wife? What to do with immigrants with unknown or stripped nationality?

So, having said all that, i think he is basically just doing the right thing without any grand plan or claims he has all the answers, and damn the consequenties!

Anonymous said...

BTW i really loved:

"And now is clear why President Obama, who last week, in Cairo, said that Islam has a tradition of tolerance, should be sent back to school."


"Ladies and gentlemen, I am very much in favour of a two-state solution. One Jewish state called Israel including Judea and Samaria and one Palestinian state called Jordan."

and ofcourse

"Ladies and gentlemen, and I leave you with this: We will never give in, we will never give up, we will never surrender, we have to win, and we will win!"

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting about this discussion is that American conservatives are quite willing to speak of the Muslim threat to Europe....but they say nothing about the many-times more massive Mexican settlement of, first, the American Southwest and, now, the rest of the United States.

Mexican are no more over-represented in the US crime statistics and welfare spending than Muslims are in Europe's.

Yet, our great American conservatives remain stone silent on this on-going invasion...on lands where Mexico was once actually sovreign: the future is Quebec-Canada at best, Kosovo-Serbia more likely.

And yet. Nothing.

Now why would that be? Why would someone loudly proclaim their position in a far-off fight that has nothing really to do with them personally while neglecting an actual issue on their own streets, schools and jails?

Watching Eagle said...

Jean Baptiste,

Hispanic immigration is (realitively) benign compared to Al-Hijra. You are right that it is causing some problems, though. We are IN HEAP BIG TROUBLE WITH BARACK OBAMA RIGHT NOW, AND CAN DO NOTHING (MILLITARILY) TO SAVE YOU Europeans ANYMORE from the 3rd. Jihad. Consider yourselves on your own now, for the first time in 50+ years. You Europeans (as a people) hated Bush. You have gotten what you wished for.

Watching Eagle said...

We must keep the goal in mind: To win an election is not to have solved the problem, it's only a start. The Left must be driven from power, and EVERY policy should be examined in the light of whether it helps or harms the long-term survival of our culture.

P.S. -- Jean Baptiste: Islamists were too afraid to be noticed in the U.S. before now -- our culture was strong-- with Barack Obama, that may be changing. THE 3RD JIHAD/AL-HIJRA IS OUR PROBLEM TOO NOW.

Cugel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cugel said...

Because Firx bites,I restrain my pessimism. Instead I watch, and I cherish hope while, under the Baron's benign sponsorship, forward-planning philosophers like Fjordman plot credible pathways.

thll said...

El... I'm surprised you're taken in by UKIP. They're surely nothing more than a safety valve?

Private Stock said...


Conservatives are far from silent about the Mexican immigrant invasion of the US. You simply don't hear it unless you search for it, thanks to our freedom-hating mainstream media.

Conservatives flooded Washington with letters, phone calls and emails protesting the illegal alien amnesty that our government tried to force upon us. Flooded to the extent that the politicians voted it down for fear of not being re-elected. The media hasn't taken it's nose out of Obama's ass long enough to report any facts.

Jedilson Bonfim said...

Now it might not seem like much, but banning non-westerners as a group is rathet ridiculous. Why ban the Vietnamese, the Chinese and so on. These are pretty succesfull immigrant groups.

To mention one such example that I've seen with my own eyes, even though San Francisco's Chinatown is really full of residents and business owners who can barely speak English, second-generation Chinese-Americans are overwhelmingly well-integrated and speak "Californian English" just as fast and clearly as any of the locals. Of course, they still keep a few of their forefathers' traditions, such as the celebrations of the Chinese New-Year (which is actually a big tourist attraction in SF), but that is nothing that poses a threat to Western values whatsoever.

Another such example of good integration of East Asians in the West, which I've seen with my own eyes, took place on one of my visits to Munich. On an unusually warm winter day in February 2008, my wife and I saw quite a lot of East-Asian couples, and couples made up of East-Asians and Germans, enjoying themselves with their children at the Englisch Garten, just like everyone else. And there weren't just a few such examples. They were truly all over the place. Though far from being a detailed study on the integration of East-Asians into German society, what met the eye that day was truly encouraging to see.

On the other hand, away from the Englisch Garten as the day approached dusk, we saw a few groups of young A-rabs sitting shoulder-to-shoulder (and even thigh-on-thigh, despite their supposed outspoken, but hypocritical homophobia) on isolated benches in the city, looking around with the angriest looks on their faces and growling in that gibberish-like language of Mahound.

And one wouldn't have to be too versed in mahoundian culture or Mein Qurampf, their little book of hate, to figure what they must have been talking about just by looking at the aggression, the hostility and the contemptuous looks in their eyes.

Observer said...
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michelleroseville said...

The transcript is incomplete when Wilders talks about stopping Muslim immigration. It should read:

"Second, I believe, we have to stop the mass immigration from Muslim countries, no more immigrants from Muslim countries, not one, not one anymore".

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