Monday, January 12, 2009

Israel and the PVV See Eye-to-Eye on Arab Terrorists

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is using stern rhetoric that is sure to set the sissified knickers of the “international community” a-twisting. According to the AP:

Israeli leader warns Hamas of “iron fist”

Israeli troops advanced into Gaza suburbs for the first time early Tuesday, residents said, hours after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned Islamic militants of an “iron fist” unless they agree to Israel’s terms to end the fighting. Hamas showed no signs of wavering, however, with its leader, Ismail Haniyeh, saying the militants were “closer to victory.”


On Monday, as diplomats struggled for traction in truce efforts, Olmert stood within Hamas rocket range and said Israel would only end military operations if Hamas stops rocketing Israel…

“Anything else will be met with the Israeli people’s iron fist,” Olmert said. “We will continue to strike with full strength, with full force until there is quiet and rearmament stops.”

Just as a matter of interest, compare the preceding quote with tough questions aimed at Dutch government ministers by Geert Wilders and other PVV members in the wake of pro-Hamas riots in Rotterdam (translated by VH from the PVV website):
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PVV: Act rock-hard against anti-Semitic street terrorists — Questions in parliament

Questions by Members of Parliament De Roon, Wilders, and Fritsma (all PVV) put to the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Internal Affairs concerning the weak police response against Arab street terrorists in Rotterdam:

1.) Do you know of the reports on the riots that Moroccan and Palestinian youth caused on January 10 and 11?
2.) What anti-Semitic slogans were yelled in Arabic by these hooligans?
3.) Do these slogans in your opinion to qualify as racially offensive, and furthermore do these slogans incite hatred, violence, or discrimination because of race? If yes, why didn’t the police arrest the perpetrators?
4.) Of what other unlawful acts have these hooligans made themselves guilty? Why did the police forego arresting them? Do you agree with us that the police should have arrested these street terrorists?
5.) Are you going to ask the Rotterdam Mayor, Aboutaleb, why he didn’t give the order for a stricter police response towards these Arab street terrorists? If not, why not?


Ilíon said...

"Israeli leader warns Hamas of “iron fist”"

And yet, does not everyone in the world expect it to be empty posturing on Olmert's part? So, why do it? You just look even more foolish when you inevitably cave.

Zenster said...

Hamas showed no signs of wavering, however, with its leader, Ismail Haniyeh, saying the militants were “closer to victory.”

Haniyeh, much like Nasrallah in 2006, likely shall find that experiencing even one such "victory" will find him lost. Clearly, neither is familiar with the name of King Pyrrhus.

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