Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Islamic Crusades: An Introduction

This is the first of a series. There will be more later.

[Post ends here]


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Occidental Soapbox

At youtube there's a link to the video author's blog. (But how do we get the unconvinced to watch this without duct tape and valium?)

Richard said...

you can't even get me to watch this with duct tape and valium. Whoever did the voice over is trying so hard to sound serious and official that it becomes a parody. It is monotone. I would advise not to try and sound like a typical documentary voice over, but use your own voice. Or simply find someone who is better at it.
If this would have been written I would have been able to read through it easier and faster.

Defiant Lion said...


So yes, never mind that this person is taking action to try and make a difference. Never mind that what he is saying is important and can help people to fight Islamofascism.

He has a monotone voice so it's worthless. Are aesthectis that important? I suggest substance is far more important and I find your comment absurd.

I watched it and I'm glad I did and I look forward to the following videos. But I've tried to debate with lefties for my sins and even though they are surprised to discover the crusades came in response to Islamic persecution, it gets to the "well we're all just as bad anyway" fingers in the ears "la-la-la-la not listening" endpoint. But we need to try and educate as many as we can as Fjordman pointed out in his recent essay and this will help the cause.

Bill Clinton - has the US had a worse president? He turned the white house into a knocking shop, outright lied to the American people about his affair, was responsible for the disastrous policy of supporting the KLA in Kosovo and now, after 3000 of his own people were murdered by jihadists, he suggests that people of European origins carry blame because of the sins of their forefathers.

What kind of president sides with those who murdered his own people?

thll said...

Richard - your criticism is absurd. It's like objecting to the paint job as the Titanic goes down.

My attention was on the content rather than the presentation.

Just out of interest, how much television do you watch?

dienw said...

Yeah, the video series creator should have gotten some aging, second rate actor to do the voice over; and, did a Ken Burns style sound track: maybe the Battle Hymn of the Republic as Crusaders sack Jerusalem. /s

Anonymous said...

Why do you think people laugh at bad horror movies? The way you present your message is critically important, and we should take great care to do the best possible job. If your video is so crude and amateurish that people laugh at it, it doesn't do our cause very much good.

Defiant Lion said...


I don't think it is crude or amateurish. But what I do care about is as many people as possible doing their bit.

They should be commended not pilloried because of aesthetics.

The more people take action the better.I also think that not everyone is so simplistic as to dismiss substance because of style.

We aren't exactly in a position to be fussy either.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the creator(s) of this video should be commended and encouraged. However, they should also be criticized so that they can improve their efforts. In this case, whoever created this video really should consider doing the narration over again. That's the only serious problem I have with it.

Rolf Krake said...

Criticism among ourselves should be objective and suggestive as something positive which will then be a positive contribution and further the encouragement to the person or people who are investing time and effort.

Feedback is important.

The iniative and content is of excellence!!!

Highly needed to educate and an eyeopener to many out there.

The voice and easy listening is important, perhaps somebody among us has got an excellent voice (mine ecluded, thick Danish accent) and could do such stuff by volunteering for it thinking 'Hey, thats just me to do such stuff'.

Abraham said...

"you can't even get me to watch this with duct tape and valium. Whoever did the voice over is trying so hard to sound serious and official that it becomes a parody. It is monotone. I would advise not to try and sound like a typical documentary voice over, but use your own voice. Or simply find someone who is better at it.
If this would have been written I would have been able to read through it easier and faster."

I do value this criticism because it's not like I have an editorial board. My primary concern was that the information was enunciated clearly because I have a tendency to mumble. I will try to adapt. I don't think I'll rerecord the audio though cause I have too much new material to work on. Maybe I will for the DVD release (ha). Keep up the constructive criticism and I'll turn this series into a well-honed laser at the heart of jihad.

Defiant Lion said...


Thanks for the video and keep up the good work, it is very important.

There's a free open source audio editor which might help you polish up the audio, link below:

Free Audio Editor

Hope this helps and I'm looking forward to the next videos.

Henrik R Clausen said...

I like Audacity. It works like a charm and has many great features, including a very capable noise filter. Did the first Danish translation years ago :)

Afonso Henriques said...

The U.K. a peripherical Nation (England) in what concerns the Cruzades? I do not think so...
And by the way, the Arabs (muslims) called the Europeans Franks because when they invaded and conquered the Iberian Peninsula (modern Portugal and Spain) they attacked France. And they were very successfull until they met Charles Martel, a French of Frankish origin.
Also, in those times France (The Frankish/Carolingian Kingdom) with Charles Magne and such was the greatest Western European power.

They were beaten by the Franks and across those years they had to fight two peoples in the Peninsula:

The Hispanic Christians with very deficient statal structures and;
The Franks who conquered modern North-Eastern Spain, Catalonia that is. And as so, Europe was for them the dominion of the Franks.

They thought Europeans were Franks already in the VIII century. In the era of the Cruzades that habbit was already strong.

Nice video. Was it you who made that Baron? Was it someone on the GOV comunity?

I once tryed to number the muslim atrocities in this Peninsula. It is impossible.

Afonso Henriques said...

I just can't believe we are having this discussion at Gates of Vienna.

I found the voice pretty normal.

But if you want this to be seen by ceptics/liberals, then you'll have to recognise that this video is just a piece of PROPAGANDA WAR, a war in which the enemy owns the media.

In ten years we'll probabilt be recruting kids at school like common purpose... lol

heroyalwhyness said...

"I believe that in the course of this series, you will come to understand, as I did, that your apologetics for Islam worked directly against the values that you claim to promote. That whatever sins the west has committed the Islamic world has committed them more often and more severely."

Completely ommited from this statement is the fact that actions like the Crusades were a direct response to Islamic intrusion, ethnic cleansing, dhimmification.

Joanne said...

Look, as soon as this fellow speaking on the video stated something that isn't true, then it is only common sense to believe other things he states are not true.

Christians are not out slaughtering Muslims TODAY, but Muslims ARE slaughtering Christians TODAY. Maybe we should all live in the present - I certainly do not take any blame whatsoever for those gone before me - I don't do it for them and I don't do it for anyone today either.

Gregory said...

Good job getting this Baron. I wish that the ignorant left wing idiots would have to listen to and study this.
Clinton was just as stupid and useless as Carter was.

Anonymous said...

Joanne, the Crusades are often used as propaganda against white Christian Europe, not only by Muslims but by left wing radicals as well. This misuse of the Crusades is part of a propaganda campaign to de-legitimize Western civilization, to convince as many people as possible that Western civilization is not worth preserving. This accomplishes two things: it emboldens our enemies by convincing them they are morally justified, and it undermines our will to resist. A people who are ashamed of their ancestors and their history are morally disarmed and easy prey.

History is important. We must respond when history is twisted and perverted to demonize the West.

Abraham said...

""I believe that in the course of this series, you will come to understand, as I did, that your apologetics for Islam worked directly against the values that you claim to promote. That whatever sins the west has committed the Islamic world has committed them more often and more severely.""

"Completely ommited from this statement is the fact that actions like the Crusades were a direct response to Islamic intrusion, ethnic cleansing, dhimmification."

From my tone I hope you understand that I agree with you completely, but this video is meant to also be accessible to leftists and uninformed people who are on the fence. Their knowledge of the Crusades consists of "the Crusades were bad". So I have to use that as a starting point and compare it to Muslim atrocities. I can't effectively dismiss the Crusades completely AND introduce them to historical Muslim atrocities (new information for them) in the space of a short video.

thll said...

Afonso - you have common purpose in Portugal?

Abraham said...

"There's a free open source audio editor which might help you polish up the audio, link below:

Free Audio Editor

Hope this helps and I'm looking forward to the next videos."

"I like Audacity. It works like a charm and has many great features, including a very capable noise filter. Did the first Danish translation years ago :)"

Thanks for the audio tips guys. I've downloaded it and will mess around with it tonight.

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