Friday, February 01, 2008

More on Foreign Workers in Saudi Arabia

An email from a reader:

Concerning your post about the exploitation of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia, let me add a story told to me by a Filipina maid currently working in Canada.

She had worked as a nanny in Saudi Arabia. During Ramadan, foreign non-Muslim women were routinely raped by their Muslim masters, who were forbidden to have sex with their Muslim wives.

This particular maid avoided the situation by faking a conversion to Islam. As her passport was held by her employer, a typical situation, she was not free to leave the country. Ever resourceful, she fabricated a story of her mother dying and was allowed to, temporarily, leave.

Obviously, she never returned. She is now a pretty observant Catholic.

[Nothing follows]


Homophobic Horse said...

"She had worked as a nanny in Saudi Arabia. During Ramadan, foreign non-Muslim women were routinely raped by their Muslim masters, who were forbidden to have sex with their Muslim wives."

That's an outrage. But what is the chance of anything like that ever seriously hitting the press or going to court? Next to nothing in Saudi Arabia. Which is a shame as it could be useful as a kind of empirical verification, because Expo retards will only accuse us of having fabricated the story.

Geert WIlders is right; Islam is retarded and offensive.

Anonymous said...

How are Filipina maids treated in their country by their male employers? I suspect very badly.

Look-economic and sexual exploitation of poor female household workers is rife in most Second and Third World countries.

Also, in the Gulf countries, most female household workers I know complain about the "Madam" and her demands, not her husband whom they barely see or deal with as he is confined to the male part of the house.

Actually, as how things stand right now in the Gulf countries, employers now have a difficult time finding affordable household help (especially during Ramadan) because of the high demand. This has meant that immigrant workers can pick and choose who they want to work for, and can demand a higher pay.

This is not to say that there are no episodes of physical and sexual abuse of maids and housekeepers.

It is is fascinating how the Arab male has now joined the White Male as a reviled figure to be accused for all kinds of imaginary and exaggerated sex crimes against poor helpless damsels of color.

Gaeidhil said...

Re: Zenobia said...

If there was contest for turd recipes your comment would definitely make it into the final heat.

Do you actually believe that anyone with two plus functional synapses would succumb to your flaccid and disingenuous rhetoric.

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