Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Non-News From Islamberg

Muslims of AmericaSydney from Hale Eddy, who lives near the national headquarters of the Muslims of America just outside the little town of Hancock, New York, sends me occasional emails.

The compound near Hancock is called “Islamberg”, and the MOA are the front group for the Pakistani terrorist organization known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra.

Sydney’s latest note arrived yesterday:

I happened to come upon a State Trooper in my travels locally, and so took the opportunity to ask about Islamberg.

That name didn’t ring a bell with him, but when I said “Muslim compound”, he nodded a bit wearily.

Then he told me that he has arrested several of the guys who live up there, and went on to say they don’t have anything but minimal temporary employment and they are being watched very closely by law enforcement. They do have guns, lots of them.

This frankness from a trooper was surprising, and I admitted a concern about them. He replied, “When you have people with terrorist ties in the neighborhood, that’s natural”.

Sydney has written to correct me: The Islamberg compound is actually near Hancock, NY. My mistake.

[Nothing further]


falcon_01 said...

Pretty soon associating radical muslims with terrorism might be classified as a hate crime... if the amendment is allowed to sneak in on the defense bill!
That officer might have to arrest himself!

Of course, the terrorists will remain free to do whatever they want...

wretchardthecat said...

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