Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Does This Include Kerry, Clinton and Al Gore’s Boy?

The Hill reports this gem:

At the Pentagon’s request, Senate defense authorizers tucked deep within a defense bill a repeal of the department’s restriction on granting security clearances to ex-convicts, drug addicts and the mentally incompetent.

Read the byzantine rest of it here.



S. said...

I linked through your post to the item, but it's not working. Noodling around yielded this link;


mikej said...

If the mentally incompetent are denied security clearances, how has anyone in the Bush administration obtained one?

Seriously, this sort of thing went on during the Clinton administration, according to the author of Unlimited Access. There wasn't any legislation, but few of Clinton's appointees passed a routine bacground check, and those who didn't were not dismissed. Ideally, we'd have a government of laws and not of men, but that only happens when the men in charge have some semblance of integrity.

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