Monday, July 09, 2007

Calling Doctor Terror

Have you been wondering how doctors could have been involved in the terrorist plots in England?

As I do, you probably envision those engaged in scientific endeavors as having an outlook which closely adheres to Western ideals — i.e., both of objectivity and of a valid wall of separation between the tenets of faith and those of science. In fact, it’s hard to get your mind around another ideal, one in which religious belief trumps any other point of view and the Hippocratic Oath is subservient to the oath of submission to Allah.

Unfortunately, however, that is exactly the (covert) position of many Muslim scientists. We’d better understand this mindset, rather than assume — as we often have — that a Western education doth a Western mind make. This is a habit of thinking that has gotten us in trouble before: we equate terrorism with poverty and lack of schooling when precisely the opposite is true. The Muslim Brotherhood is not a group of illiterates sitting under a palm tree. These people are highly educated and many of them are in the upper middle class.

Think of Tariq Ramadan, whose grandfather helped found the Brotherhood and whose father moved the family to Switzerland. Ramadan teaches at the London School of Economics and is a card-carrying member of the elites. That doesn’t mean he respects or wants to preserve the Western way of life.

To get a sense of the differences between British doctors and the MB physician, just look at the expectations for each. Here is an outline for the principles of good medical practice in the UK:

  • Patients must be able to trust doctors with their lives and health. To justify that trust you must show respect for human life and you must:
  • Make the care of your patient your first concern
  • Protect and promote the health of patients and the public
  • Provide a good standard of practice and care
    • Keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date
    • Recognise and work within the limits of your competence
    • Work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients’ interests

  • Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity
    • Treat patients politely and considerately
    • Respect patients’ right to confidentiality

  • Work in partnership with patients
    • Listen to patients and respond to their concerns and preferences
    • Give patients the information they want or need in a way they can understand
    • Respect patients’ right to reach decisions with you about their treatment and care
    • Support patients in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health

  • Be honest and open and act with integrity
    • Act without delay if you have good reason to believe that you or a colleague may be putting patients at risk
    • Never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues
    • Never abuse your patients’ trust in you or the public’s trust in the profession.

  • You are personally accountable for your professional practice and must always be prepared to justify your decisions and actions.

And here is the outline of good Muslim Brotherhood action world wide:

Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.
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Doesn’t look much like the Hippocratic Oath, does it? I can’t think of a program better designed to make an instant Islamophobe out of the average person facing a Muslim doctor or nurse they don’t know.

The Spectator (UK), has published an essay by Stephen Schwartz, the international director of the Centre for Islamic Pluralism, in Washington and London. This group has conducted a study entitled “Scientific Training and Radical Islam”. Here they analyzed how the professionals in a number of scientific disciplines are “transformed into bloodthirsty extremists”:

There is no doubt about the special role played by radicalised professionals — mainly doctors and engineers — in the rise of Islamic extremism. This first came to the attention of the world with the infiltration of Egyptian medical and related professional associations by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), culminating in the 1990s. Doubtless the most infamous representative of this trend was the Egyptian second-in-command of al-Qa’eda, Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri — a physician from a family of doctors and pharmacists. But the MB also has immense influence among Palestinians through its offshoot, Hamas, as well as in Jordan and even in Iraq, where its front, the Iraq Islamic party, serves in the Baghdad government.

Why do doctors in Muslim countries sacrifice their long years of rigorous education in the ethics of ‘doing no harm’ and embrace such brutalising concepts as ‘death to unbelievers’? To Western medical and scientific personnel, who are taught to guard human life and to base their researches and healing on reason, the violence and contempt for life exhibited by al-Zawahiri and his colleagues in al-Qa’eda are both frightening and puzzling. How, it is asked, can a person trained to heal, according to a scientific discipline, behave with such ruthless contempt for life?

As we have seen, being trained to heal can be trumped by a mindset that has never left the 8th century. Medicine and religion are inextricably twined, with the latter being in ascendance:

Our study, focusing on Arab and Pakistani doctors (the latter both at home and abroad) revealed that throughout much of the Islamic world, medicine and religion are bound together in a manner that has largely disappeared in the West. For Western doctors, medicine may draw on religious ethics; but for Muslim doctors, it draws on religious ethics and on the Islamic view of the universe. Furthermore, many Muslims associate healing with their religious leaders, and in the more traditional Islamic countries the imam is typically the first (and often the last) person consulted by the ill, and prayer or faith-healing prescriptions are the only therapies.

Millennia ago, Christianity often associated healing with religious people, though not necessarily their leaders. One of the requirements for official sainthood in the Catholic Church was — and is — some kind of unexplained, miraculous healing. And in the very early years of the Church, martyrdom was a common price for belief. At no time, however, were Christian martyrs required to murder as many heathens as possible.

My point is that even in the very beginnings of Christianity, the emphasis was never on murder, mayhem and subjugation. At different periods in history political influences subverted the Christian message. In fact, you can see it in operation today with some of the more extreme Christian enthusiasts in the US — those who claim that the murdering Islamists of 9/11 are God’s judgment on the sinful. However, bad theology has never been the exclusive property of any particular religion. As One Cosmos says, there are mind parasites everywhere.

It is not an absolute that Islam = jihad. As the author of this study points out:

Osama bin Laden used his personal wealth to build schools and hospitals in Sudan, and thereby gained credibility as a benefactor and provider of healing services. But it should also be noted that, by contrast, the Indonesian Muslim organisation Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), a Sufi and traditionalist body with 40 million members, operates large and successful networks of schools, hospitals and community rehabilitation projects without recourse to extremist ideology. NU ‘good works’ are Islamic, but not Islamist, and they deserve greater attention from those in the West hypnotised by the public welfare programmes of groups like the Egyptian MB and Hamas.

But peaceful groups won’t get our deserved attention. They’re not trying to kill us; they’re not trying to annihilate the West.

The phenomenon of global terror is not driven by the poor, but by the middle class. The further down the economic scale you go, the more crucial are the concerns with survival. But economic success in a culture that feels narcissistically wounded (and privileged) is bound to turn to force and barbarism to prove its superiority. This is not about equality, and it never was. Besides, “brotherhood” in the West has never meant conquest, and fraternity evolved as we moved out of the tribe. This evolution never occurred in Islamic culture, which remains tribal, unequal, and a stranger to liberty.

No, we have more to fear from the middle class Muslim than we do from the Muslim “street” — those poor souls manipulated and used and killed for the sake of some Utopian Ummah. As the study warns us:

There are many more ‘killer doctors’ in the world of extremist Islam. In our study we have documented notable cases in the US, where the phenomenon of radical Muslim doctors is well-known. These individuals suffer from divided minds, in which their professional duties clash with their ideological fantasies. They are driven not by faith, or by training, or by professional standing or aspiration, but by an ideology of fundamentalist separatism. Ideology unites them — but they are alienated from the reality of authentic religiosity as well as personal ethics and professional fulfilment.

The next time some morally superior being accuses you of Islamophobia because of your rational concern about the next blow, just remind him of the Islamist doctor’s oath:

Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.



Be careful with your health and - unhealth.
Never Consult a muslim Doctor!
He/(she) might have taken his/(her) knowledge from places like these:

The Quran on Human Embryonic Development Very scientific!

The Quran on the Cerebrum

Scientists’ Comments on the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran (with RealPlayer Video)

Miracles Performed by the Prophet Muhammad

Real Happiness and Inner Peace

How Did the Spread of Islam Affect the Development of Science?
- - - - -
Or believe in this:

"The Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. This proves *without doubt* that the Quran must be the literal word of God, revealed by Him to the Prophet Muhammad , and that the Quran was not authored by Muhammad or by any other human being. This also proves that Muhammad is truly a prophet sent by God. It is beyond reason that anyone fourteen hundred years ago would have known these facts discovered or proven only recently with advanced equipment and sophisticated scientific methods."

xlbrl said...

Considering Theodore Dalrymple's stunning descriptions of contemporary medical practice in Britian, it won't be as long as we think until Muslim Malpractice fits in seamlessly.

anonYmouse said...

It wasn't until recent revelations about muslim terror doctors that I became aware that the Hippocratic oath has been rather elastic over the years in order to medical advances.

Then I read this example of just how insanely elastic this oath has become . . .from Cornell -

June 22, 2005
From antiquity to eternity: Revised Hippocratic Oath resonates with graduates
By Melissa Hantman
NEW YORK -- Revisiting a hallowed ritual for doctors, a committee within the Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) convened this spring to craft an updated Hippocratic Oath, one that responds to the state of modern medicine. Originally composed in ancient Greece, the oath expresses principles still fundamental to the practice of medicine today. Over the years, it has become an emotional rite of passage in medical school graduations across the world.

Janet Charles
Recommiting themselves to the Hippocratic Oath are Weill Cornell faculty members Daniel J. Lerner, left, assistant professor of medicine in the Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, and Mark B. Pochapin, director of the Jay Monahan Center for Gastrointestinal Health and associate professor of clinical medicine.

On June 1, the college's new oath was unveiled at Commencement ceremonies for the WCMC and Graduate School of Medical Sciences. After Antonio M. Gotto Jr., dean of WCMC, administered the oath to the graduates, he invited the medical faculty and other physicians present to stand and recommit themselves to the oath's principles by raising their right hands. (The oath is at the end of this story.)

"With this gesture," Gotto said, "we will join our new colleagues in affirming the values that guide both our work and our lives."

The original Hippocratic Oath has been revised many times to reflect changes in medical practice, historically by individuals or professional associations. The new Weill Cornell oath is unusual because it represents a single institution's effort. Comprising faculty from both Weill Cornell campuses in New York City and Doha, Qatar, the 20-member Dean's Committee on the Hippocratic Oath included two senior associate deans, two associate deans, two student leaders and three department chairs. At Gotto's request, this representative committee was headed by Joseph J. Fins, chief of the Division of Medical Ethics and professor of medicine, public health and medicine in psychiatry.

The committee members took a scholarly, systematic and inclusive approach, enriching their knowledge with background reading and categorizing the key elements of earlier medical oaths, including the classical Hippocratic Oath; a well-known 1964 revision by Louis Lasagna; the Oath of Maimonides, a medieval Jewish philosopher; and an oath for Muslim physicians.

In addition to content, the committee examined the language of the oath. "We wanted to be respectful of the diversity of perspectives on faith and belief," explained Fins, "and to be mindful that there are a number of ways to express personal commitment." With this in mind, the members chose to replace phrases that have a religious connotation with more ecumenical expressions, such as changing "I swear" to the more secular "I vow."

The revised oath ends on a more positive note than the classical version, which threatens retribution for any doctor who transgresses the oath and swears falsely. Revised, it reads: "I now turn to my calling, promising to preserve its finest traditions, with the reward of a long experience in the joy of healing." It concludes: "I make this vow freely and upon my honor," again underscoring personal responsibility as a guidepost in one's profession.

The committee also considered the history of medicine, the enduring principles of medical practice, and the profound social and scientific changes affecting the profession today.

New emphases in the revised oath address doctors' responsibilities and duties to serve as advocates for their patients, champion social justice for the sick and forge strong bonds throughout the healing process.

The oath reaffirms a "sacred trust" between doctors and patients, reminding doctors to "use their power wisely." It also fosters trust and respect within the profession by including a pledge to help sustain colleagues in their service to humanity. In a culture preoccupied with wealth and power, the oath serves as an antidote to professional arrogance, obligating doctors to practice humility and self-awareness, accept their limitations and pursue lifelong learning to better care for the sick and prevent illness.

"It was so invigorating to have a group of colleagues together, talking about these important issues and thinking deeply about why we're here and what we're doing," Fins said. "It helped reconnect us as a group, and I hope it will encourage our broader college community to recommit to the values embodied in the oath."

The committee first met in February 2005 to discuss the core values of the oath in the context of 21st-century medicine.

"Our goal was to preserve the enduring precepts and obligations of doctoring, but also to make the oath reflective of some of the current challenges that the health-care system faces today, trying to balance the old with the new," Fins said. "We had to express the core principles in a more modern way; otherwise it becomes platitudinous."


Weill Cornell Medical College's Hippocratic Oath
I do solemnly vow, to that which I value and hold most dear:

That I will honor the Profession of Medicine, be just and generous to its members, and help sustain them in their service to humanity;

That just as I have learned from those who preceded me, so will I instruct those who follow me in the science and the art of medicine;

That I will recognize the limits of my knowledge and pursue lifelong learning to better care for the sick and to prevent illness;

That I will seek the counsel of others when they are more expert so as to fulfill my obligation to those who are entrusted to my care;

That I will not withdraw from my patients in their time of need;

That I will lead my life and practice my art with integrity and honor, using my power wisely;

That whatsoever I shall see or hear of the lives of my patients that is not fitting to be spoken, I will keep in confidence;

That into whatever house I shall enter, it shall be for the good of the sick;

That I will maintain this sacred trust, holding myself far aloof from wrong, from corrupting, from the tempting of others to vice;

That above all else I will serve the highest interests of my patients through the practice of my science and my art;

That I will be an advocate for patients in need and strive for justice in the care of the sick.

I now turn to my calling, promising to preserve its finest traditions, with the reward of a long experience in the joy of healing.

I make this vow freely and upon my honor.

Ron Van Wegen said...


Freeborn Englishman said...

A new, if possibly short-lived, star has arisen in the firmament of blog commenters.

I refer to one Dr C. Riyal Kilah (Secretary, Muslim Medical Malpractitioners Association), who has just made several highly amusing comments on Archbishop Cranmer's august blog:

He takes his inspiration from an Iraqi dcotor who has confessed to killing at least 35 wounded Iraqi police officers and soldiers in his care

I append his comments below for your amusement.

Freeborn Englishman

Dr C. Riyal Kilah said...

Your Grace,
What do you mean by "vast tranches of the Qur’an which incite violence" ?

I regret to inform you that you have totally misinterpreted the Holy Qu'ran which can only be fully understood in the original Arabic.

I have consulted my three learned medical colleagues, Dr Homi Saeed, Dr Leeth al-Dohs and Dr Aggun I. Singh-Deth, who are fluent in Arabic, and they inform me that the following verses are often musunderstood:

Qu' ran 5:33 The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom" is a rather poetic way of saying

"Love your neighbour as yourself"

Qur'an:9:5: "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."
really means
"A stranger is just friend you haven't got to know yet"

Qur'an:9:29 "Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender." could perhaps be best expressed as
"Invite the vicar round for tea"

Qur'an:8:39 "So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief/non-Muslims) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone." is a traditional Arabic idiom meaning
"Help old ladies cross busy roads"

Qur'an:2:216 "Warfare is ordained for you." is a common misinterpretation of the injunction to
"Be kind to animals and birds"

I could go on and on but unfortunately duty calls. I've got to attend a meeting to investigate the strange dissappearance of all the nitroglycerin from the hospital pharmacy. Must be those pesky Buddhists up to their tricks again.

However if you should ever find yourself admitted to my hospital, I am sure I can make you fully aware of my points, so to speak.

- Dr C. Riyal Kilah
Secretary, Muslim Medical Malpractitioners Association

Dr C. Riyal Kilah said...

Your Grace,
On behalf of the Muslim Medical Malpractitioners Association I am most happy to keep you aware of the contribution that Muslim doctors make to the NHS.

We are fully committed to cradle-to-grave healthcare (preferably with as few intermediate stages as possible) and are involved in many innovative developments.

For example, an ambulance, since it is an emergency vehicle, can gain access to areas which would be closed to other traffic. This has prompted Dr Homi Saeed to develop a new advanced design of ambulance which has a petrol tank with a capacity sufficient for a range of 350,000 miles, and carries no fewer than 50 cylinders of a variety of medical gases including chlorine and phosgene. We are hoping to test it out in the near future once our contacts in the Metropolitan Police have suggested a suitable destination.

Regretably I must go now as I am due to carry out a swabbing and inspection of the non-halal section of the hospital kitchens with my microbiologist colleague Dr Salman Ellah.

- Dr C. Riyal Kilah

Dr C. Riyal Kilah said...

Muslims in the NHS update:

Following recent adverse reactions in Glasgow, Muslim doctors should perhaps avoid Scotland and consider relocating to Wales.

Wales is a land of opportunity and reservoirs. It is the ideal place for a young Muslim doctor with an interest in microbial pathogens to gain his first practical experience.

However, as well as opportunities there are risks, such as the dangers of seduction by the lustful Welsh sheep, goats and cows. Muslim pedoetricians should also be warned about the sex-mad Welsh toddlers who will lead them astray and then complain to their Islamophobic parents that the doctor has been experimenting with unusual physiotherapeutic techniques.

But most importantly everyone, especially the trainee doctors, must be made aware of the filthy Kuffar slags known as nurses.

My Muslim colleagues - Dr Leeth al-Dohs, Dr Homi Saeed and Dr Aggun I. Singh-Deth - received an invitation from the dirty-dancing clitorally-intact nurse bints to attend a disco where these gyrating slags pulsate their uncovered meat to the lustful rhythms of their accursed infidel music.

(Please excuse me a moment while I massage my trouser-minaret. - Ahhhh... that's better!!!!)

I was unable to attend because I was involved in certain experiments regarding new uses for nitroglycerin, Dr Leeth al-Dohs was working on Kuffar infant mortality, Dr Homi Saeed was spending most of his time in the microbiology lab following the untimely deaths of his two technicians, and Dr Aggun I. Singh-Deth was busy in the hospital dispensary relabelling the harmaceutical products.

Luckily, Dr Homi Saeed's younger brother, Sewi, said he would go to the disco, and had a special jacket made for the occasion, full of king-sized Lebanese party-poppers. He said he expects have a good bang with the nurses before the night is over.

- Dr C. Riyal Kilah
Secretary, Muslim Medical Malpractitioners' Association

Harrison said...

Even in the face of irrefutable proof that the unthinkable had happened - educated products of Western tertiary institutions of higher learning had joined the jihadist cause - a significant fringe of the Left have refused to consider the possibility that infiltration of a very dangerous strain has manifested: the corruption of intellectual thought. Not only does this imply that potential jihadists and propagandists are already running rampant in universities and around intellectual circles - and therefore generating more apologists and sympathisers for what is perceived as a harmless ideology - but that it might not be far off in the future when dependence on these intellectuals to sustain the practice of medicine increasingly shifts towards a larger proportion of moderately wealthy Muslim middle-class.

And do not for a second think that this phenomenon is confined to the medical profession. Soon enough, any occupation could find itself relying more and more on this segment of the intellectual market: scientists, businessmen, teachers, professors, analysts, artists.

David M said...

Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 07/10/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the check back often.

jan said...

I am at the London School of Economics at the moment and I can tell you with certainty that Ramadan is not here. He is at some research institute at Oxford.

Captain USpace said...

Killer doctors, ya gotta love it. Will the Brits ever learn?

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
drive doctors from medicine

keep reducing their income
import Jihadi doctors...

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