Sunday, September 10, 2006

File Under “Irony”

According to a story in the official news organ of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the country’s embassy in South Africa has been attacked:

Iran’s ambassador to South Africa expressed deep sorrow over attack on the embassy building in Pretoria and stressed that the South African government was responsible for safety of foreign diplomats in that country.

Mohammad-Ali Qanezadeh speaking to IRNA on Saturday said according to Vienna Convention all governments have the duty of protection of all foreign diplomats in their territory.

You don’t say! Just realized that, have you?

The motive for the attack appears to have been robbery. The thieves made off with all the cash in the embassy safe and left an employee bound hand and foot.

[Ambassador Qanezadeh] added the Vienna Convention also stresses on compensation for the damage to the political representatives and foreign diplomats by the host country.

Good idea. Who knows? Iran might set a precedent.

Hat tip: Commenter enuff.


Da Bear said...

Snorting milk through my nose, ROTFLMAO.

Since "students" took over the the US embassy for 444 days back in the "Carter and his Kool-Aid Kids" , perhaps we can find some "students" (from the 82nd Aiborne) to take over the Iranian Embassy in Beirut. They could find the Hez leadership, a couple of Israeli soldiers, and some nasty military hardware.

Why do I think this Jay Leno will say something about this before the MSM?

Da Bear

Frank said...

SA has been going to hell in a handbasket since the Whites were drummed out of power. I know its not a race thing, but someone once pointed out that the degree of corruption and economic failure in post-colonial Africa is directly proportional to the time lapsed since "liberation". Ironically SA is one of the former colonial nations in which the whites were there before the current Black inhabitants.

I watch a blog called "Why South Africa is Crap", and the skyrocketing crime rate is astounding. Whites are simply not safe on the street. I don't know what the current Black ghetto is in New York, but one gets the sense that the entire country of South Africa is one big strife-torn mugging rich ghetto, and that the police have completely lost control and have in fact frequently joined the criminals.

Profitsbeard said...

To paraphrase Julius Caesar:

I came, I laughed, I-ran.

Only someone spraypainting the 'turban bomb Mohammad' cartoon image on the 4 sides of the Ka'aba would be as nice as comic gift as this fateful little twist.


What is "Occupation" said...

that's the ticket! let's start the "rob the rich iranian embassy" crusade!

think of how much international terrorists could get for a nicely duct-taped iranian "pseudo-diplomat"

dear iran,

karma is a kick in the gonads..

may you be blessed with many more...

Zerosumgame said...


I don't know what the current Black ghetto is in New York, but one gets the sense that the entire country of South Africa is one big strife-torn mugging rich ghetto, and that the police have completely lost control and have in fact frequently joined the criminals.

New York has gone down from 2,300 murders in 1990 to about 550 last year. It is the safest big city in America, and apart from murder, you are more likely to be the victim of robbery, theft, rape or mugging in most major European cities. While I would not stay in Harlem or Bedford-Stuyvesant at night, my work has had me in these areas during the day, and I feel rather safe.

Let's not knock New York.

Washington DC on the other hand.....

blert said...

A nice black bag operation.

It's the right kind of medicine

Profitsbeard said...


I only hope you're right.

Times every Iranian embassy on Earth.

One by one...

(Must be some quite interesting items in their "diplomatic" safes.)

Jeremy said...

LOL, wouldn't it be funny if instead of a debate Bush presents Ahmadinejad with a bill for the U.S. embassy in Tehran when Ahmadinejad visits the UN this week.

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