Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sheikh Gilani’s Ongoing Recruitment Efforts

Sheikh GilaniThe Politics of CP is reporting that Sheikh Gilani, the notorious founder of the terrorist group Jamaat ul-Fuqra, is still recruiting mujahideen to fight against US and coalition troops in Afghanistan.

Citing the invaluable B Raman and the South Asia Analysis Group, and using conversations with Fuqra Hater, CP comes to the conclusion that
…Gilani, having an intimate relationship with elements of the ISI in Pakistan and others in Afghanistan, has access to covert networks of recruiters and operatives to mask such activities.

He quotes Fuqra Hater as saying that

Gilanis are well known in Afghani regions as well.

When I was working on the Bloody Borders Project, I discovered a town called Gilan, in Ghazni Province in Afghanistan. From then on I assumed that Sheikh Gilani’s forebears must have come from there, so it makes sense that he has connections with Afghanistan and supports jihad operations there.

Go over and read the rest of what CP has to say on the topic.

1 comment:

Dymphna said...


A suggestion: you might want to wake up before posting a comment again.

For one thing, your questions are totally OT.

For another thing, one can feel the rhetorical nature of your inquiries all the way here. You might want to go back to your Pabst Blue Ribbon, etc. "blog" and answer those questions yourself.

There, you've asked your polite questions and I've given you my polite answers.

We may be narrow-minded, sweet pea, but it doesn't make us stupid.

Have a nice day.

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