Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wish We Had the Same Thing for Tookie

It turns out that Roger Coleman was guilty of rape and murder in 1982 after all.

He adamantly maintained his innocence up until the moment of execution in 1992, and gathered a gaggle of the usual suspects to promote his “cause.” Since his death they’ve been tireless in promoting his innocence.

Governor Warner arranged to give them what they wanted: proof. Now it turns out they were wrong. Do you think think their faces will be red? Do you think they’ll be any less shrill with the next one?

As Michael Paranzino, president of Throw Away the Key, said
     Stop the presses: it turns out that rapists and killers are also liars. Roger Keith Coleman, like every killer on death row, professed his innocence until the very moment he took his last breath. The only problem was, prominent liberals fell for Coleman’s lies hook, line and sinker. New DNA tests released today show that the likelihood that the DNA found in the victim was not Coleman’s would be 1 in 19 million. In short, Coleman was a killer. Everyone who said otherwise was dead wrong.
Is there a sample of DNA left from Tookie Williams’ little spree back in the ’70s…?


shoprat said...

You don't honestly expect them to admit that they were wrong do you?

El Jefe Maximo said...

How can you be sayin this about Tookie, a veritable Gandhi of our times ? What are four people next to his message of peace, non-violence, tolerance and diversity ? Tookie, put to death by the ravening hordes of George Bush ! We'll treasure our martyrs always...

Did I mention Moonbat Friday is on again ?

Cobalt Blue said...

I read the response by the DA's office that prosecuted Tookie to his clemency petition. The evidence was devastating to old Tookie, who has now gone on to his great reward. No DNA was necessary--and as we saw in the case of OJ, you can still get away with murder if you are a celebrity even with DNA evidence.

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