Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Narcolepsy in Uttar Pradesh

There must something in the air in Varanasi that makes a man sleepy.

According to
    A general alert has been sounded in the entire Jammu and Kashmir today following the escape of a Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) militant from the police custody in Uttar Pradesh this morning, official sources said.
All border points have been sealed and security further upgraded at the Jammu railway station besides at Jammu and Srinagar airports following intelligence reports suggesting that the Let militant, identified as Abu Ali Ahmed, might sneak into the state, they added.
And how did Mr. Ahmed escape from police custody?
    Abu Ali Ahmed, a native of Lahore in Pakistan, escaped from the police custody between Shivpur and Veerapatti railway stations in Varanasi district while the police escort team from Jammu and Kashmir, comprising Inspector Mahendra Singh and three constables, taking him on the Sealdah-Jammu town express, was asleep at around 0300 hrs.
Four snoring policemen! Those must have been some sleepy guys…

It does make me wonder how much a police constable earns in Uttar Pradesh. Was there a higher bidder?

It’s also a reminder of what’s going on with Lashkar-e-Toiba. LeT (“Army of the Pure”) is a Pakistani terror group which operates mainly in Kashmir, but is also suspected of involvement in the December 13, 2001 attack on India’s Parliament in New Delhi.

There are three places on the globe that act as primary magnets for Islamist terrorists: Iraq, “Palestine”, and Jammu-e-Kashmir. From all over the world come young Muslim men, filled with righteous zeal, to wage jihad for the Ummah in one of these places.

Kashmir is the favorite destination for the would-be mujahideen. There are many convenient terrorist training camps to be found in the remote mountainous tribal areas, both in Waziristan (Pakistan) and across the border in Afghanistan. From there it’s a short journey through the rugged mountain passes to Indian-held Kashmir, where the infidel awaits.

Every day the terrorist attacks in the the Sunni Triangle draw worldwide coverage, gaining lavish photos and video on all the media outlets. And every day people die in terrorist attacks in Jammu-e-Kashmir, with virtually no coverage outside of the Indian media.

3,342 people were killed by Islamist terrorists in India between 9-11 and this past December, most of them in Kashmir. The Great Jihad there is relentless, and is picking up pace as General Musharraf and the ISI push their terrorist pawns around the border passes of the Himalayas.

Keep your eye on Kashmir.

Hat tip: The Counterterrorism Blog.

1 comment:

Baron Bodissey said...

Ah, ik! More links for me, I see. You are slowly making me an expert on the topic...

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