Saturday, January 07, 2006

I Started Out as a Child

Trambo has very kindly tagged me with the latest germ being passed around the blogosphere, namely the Childhood Meme. So here goes…

My life as a child (under 15) in 50 words or less:

I was a smartass little nerd, but I liked to play baseball. My big brother kept beating me up, and I always deserved it.

My favorite thing in all the world to do was to hang around the creek and swamp behind my house and look for turtles.

Where were you a kid?

The DC suburbs, seven years in Virginia and then eight in Maryland.

Given the choice, were you barefoot or shoed?

Barefoot. I still prefer it. By the way, I believe you mean “shod.”

Were you a city kid or a country kid?

In between. A new suburb at the very edge of the Washington D.C. sprawl. Now part of the great Boswash Megalopolis.

Stupidest thing you did before the age of 15:

Smelted lead over an alcohol lamp in a bottle cap. No goggles. Splattered a drop off molten lead onto the cornea of my right eye.

For some reason, I can still see out of it.

Do you know how to play Kick the Can?

Depends on whose can.

What else did you play in groups?

Baseball, football (tackle), basketball.

Worst injury?

See the question above about the stupidest thing I did.

Do you agree with Bob Seger’s line in Against the Wind, “I wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then”?

Boy, do I. Every day

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Next in line to be tagged:

Greg, Bill, and Always on Watch.



Always On Watch said...

Okay, I'll play. Just give me a few days.

This is gonna be fun!

Always On Watch said...

Never mind my previous comment. I took down today's article and played tag instead.

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