Monday, January 09, 2006

Free Speech in Denmark -- Part 1,234

So far so good: The Danes continue their stand against the arrayed forces of political correctness.

The Brussels Journal reports that the Muslims took it to court, as the Danish Prime Minister had suggested they do. And the courts said —- to paraphrase: too-bad-so-sad-free-speech-trumps-ignorance.

Essentially, the public prosecutor in Viborg, Denmark dismissed the charges brought by eleven Danish Muslim organizations against Jyllands-Posten for its temerity in publishing cartoon examples of Muhammad. According to Danish law, the publication was within its rights to publish the cartoons; the Muslims are within their rights to be offended. According to the Brussels Journal, though, the offended Muslims aren’t done yet:
     Legal experts say this was to be expected. However, the Muslim organizations are disappointed and are considering appealing to the State Prosecutor and even to the European Court of Human Rights.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister spoke about the issue and someone in the Danish government had the good sense to have the speech translated into Arabic. The basic courtesy of acts like this communicate far more than the law can.

And the Foreign Minister of Denmark, Per Stig Møller, initiated a call to Amr Moussa, the Secretary General of the Arab League, suggesting they needed to move along on this issue:
     Møller contacted Moussa after the league expressed their 'surprise and indignation' over the Danish government's reaction to the protest of both Danish Muslims as well as Muslim ambassadors in Denmark.
In addition to agreeing to end the controversy, Moussa also accepted the Danish position that while there needs to be mutual respect between religions, that politicians should not get involved in what the media chooses to publish.
This contretemps is going to die a slow, lingering death, but die it will. Not all the hot air from all the thin-skinned Muslim balloons can breathe enough life into this non-issue to keep it going.

Which is not to say they won’t try. And Jyllands-Posten proved its point: free speech in Denmark is alive and well and principled men are in charge of its government.

Denmark 3*, Offended Danish Muslims O.

*The three points are awarded for (1) having published the cartoons in aid of an author seeking some examples; (2) the government’s refusal to get embroiled despite the pressure from Arab diplomats -- and some of their own retired foreign service airheads; and (3) letting the courts decide the issue. The Muslims were awarded zero points in the hope they’ll realize eventually that they’re not in Mecca anymore.


Jason Pappas said...

Thanks for the update. I worry they won’t have the gumption to withstand the pressure. But they stood up to the Nazis by acting in solidarity with the Jews when arm bands were introduced. Perhaps it’s the Danes again, standing up to Islamo-fascists. Of course, let’s also remember the Queen of Denmark just this past spring.

al fin said...

Either the Danish muslims are too stupid to understand that they are not "in Kansas anymore", or they are trying to turn Denmark into another backwater muslim slum. The Danes are showing tremendous backbone, as I would expect. The rest of europe can learn from the Danes.

dirty dingus said...

It may amuse readers to know that my copy of the Jullands Posten's Mohammed cartoons have been viewed in Saudi Arabia.

Henrik said...

Our local elites have run a campaign against the "tone" of the immigrant debate in Denmark, demanding that people censor themselves so as not to "offend".

What they got was a bit of lip-service from our prime minister, near-universal condemnation from normal Danes, and an oppinion poll that shows 85% of Danes oppose any infringement on free speech, even if it offends religious minorities. Only 7% were for it.

More here:

Ateist said...

> gospalo said...
As an American with a doctorate degree

That's fine, Doctor, but I think you are rather missing the point.

The blasphemous drawings of Mohammed with pig's snout and pig's ears have never appeared in any Danish paper. They were collected, reproduced, distributed and immortalized by the imams from the Danish Islamic Community.

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